The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 277: Dancer



The security guards in the villa area didn't dare to stop the car roaring out, but there was a crossbar.

The security guard would not be kind enough to see Zhang Feng driving over and raising the crossbar on purpose.

Seeing the crossbar, Zhang Feng did not slow down at all, but accelerated and rushed towards it.

Carrying rapid speed, the windshield hit the crossbar hard.

There was a loud 'bang'.

The crossbar twisted and deformed to a degree that could be seen with the naked eye, making a tooth-aching sound of metal tearing.

The windshield was not much better, covered with fine spider veins, completely blocking the view.

The car body shook violently, and Zhang Feng, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was the first to bear the brunt. His body almost rushed out and hit the windshield.

With his sight blocked, it was impossible to drive. Zhang Feng pulled out his pistol and kept pulling the trigger at the four corners of the windshield.

After shooting, he raised his foot and kicked hard on the windshield three times in a row. With a loud bang, the entire windshield could no longer withstand the terrifying force and flew out completely.

Without the windshield, his vision was restored, but Zhang Feng's eyes widened because there was actually a large truck driving directly in front of him.

At the current speed, I might have to get under the large truck from the side.

He didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but died under the wheels of a large truck. I'm afraid he would be laughed out of his mouth.

His teeth were chattering, he stepped on the brake, pulled the handbrake, and turned the steering wheel hard.

The car body made a squeaking sound, and the locked tires wiped out dark arc-shaped marks on the ground.

The car body hit the large truck from the side unstoppably.

The strong impact caused the windshield on the side to burst into pieces of glass.

The crazy friction was accompanied by a creaking sound, accompanied by strings of sparks.

Holding a kitchen knife to cut the wires, sparks and lightning along the way, it is really suitable to describe the scene at this moment.

The violent impact also made Zhang Feng's head go into chaos. If he hadn't been holding the steering wheel tightly, he might have been thrown out.

Kunsha, who was thrown unconscious in the back row, hit his head hard on the car, causing bruises.

Although the pain was severe, he woke up slightly from his coma and shook his head vigorously.

Zhang Feng didn't even notice Kun Sha in the back row at this moment, all his attention was on the front.

Due to the impact, the car was obviously out of control, and it was necessary to regain control of the vehicle as soon as possible.

At this moment, Kun Sha regained his consciousness, stared at Zhang Feng fiercely, and pounced directly, his uninjured arm strangled Zhang Feng's neck from behind.

For a moment, Zhang Feng couldn't breathe at all, and his eyes were so wide that they seemed to pop out of his eye sockets.


"Die, let's die together!" Kunsha roared crazily.

Zhang Feng's hands must be pressed on the steering wheel, otherwise the car will crash and everyone will be killed. And his neck was tightly strangled by Kunsha, making him unable to breathe, and his entire face turned purple from the suffocation.

He let go of one hand, picked up the pistol, and hit the back randomly.

But Kunsha had long been determined to die, and he refused to let go despite the severe pain from the gun butt hitting his body.

Zhang Feng suddenly came to his senses, let go of the pistol, reached for the seat control button with his finger and pressed it fiercely.

The seat under him quickly fell backwards, Kun Sha was caught off guard, and Zhang Feng was able to get out from under his arm.

Ignoring the feeling that his head was congested and about to explode, he raised his fist and hit Kunsha hard on the head.

The miserable Kunsha fell into coma again.

After adjusting the seat back, Zhang Feng clutched the steering wheel with both hands and coughed desperately, as if he wanted to cough out the internal organs from his mouth.

Just as he calmed down, his ears heard rapid sirens in the distance.

"Not good!" He thought to himself, Zhang Feng stepped on the accelerator again, it would be difficult to handle if the Japanese police got involved.

There was no movement from the mobile phone in his pocket, which made Zhang Feng increasingly anxious.

"Made. Are these intelligence officers just doing nothing? There has been no movement for such a long time."

Just after he finished cursing, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang, and he couldn't wait to take it out and answer it.

The hoarse voice through the voice changer sounded extremely friendly at the moment: "Drive forward three blocks, turn right at the fourth traffic light intersection and go into the back street, there will be someone to meet you.

you! "

The sound stopped abruptly here, but it was enough for Zhang Feng.

Putting the phone back into his pocket, he accelerated again, and the damaged car roared on the road.

After driving to the designated place, he suddenly swerved around the corner and rushed into the alley behind the street.

There was a large truck parked not far away. The door of the truck was open and there was a ramp underneath.

A young man wearing a mask stood next to him and waved when he saw the car Zhang Feng was driving.

There was no doubt that it must be the person from 01. He drove quickly onto the pad, and the vehicle got directly into the compartment of the large truck. After a while, the carriage door was closed from the outside.

The sound of the big truck starting up sounded, and Zhang Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was silence in the carriage, and my ears were filled with the sound of moving vehicles.

Zhang Feng slumped down on his seat, his muscles feeling severe pain. In a highly excited state, you can't even notice it, but once you relax, the pain will hit you immediately.

In the darkness, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, found a lighter and lit it.

The curls of smoke spread out, and the low-quality cigarettes had a strong and pungent smell of nicotine.

With the help of the weak flame of the lighter, I could see that Kunsha was still unconscious behind him.

There was no sense of time in the darkness. I don't know how much time passed before the large truck braked and slowly stopped.

Zhang Feng, who was originally relaxed, immediately became alert, and the pistol held in his hand remained ready to fire at any time.

After waiting quietly, the door of the cargo box was opened from the outside, and dazzling light suddenly came in, making Zhang Feng, who was accustomed to darkness, quite uncomfortable, and his eyes narrowed into slits.

Seeing that the person who opened the door was the man wearing a mask who waved to him, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and slowly put away the pistol.

After the pads were arranged, Zhang Feng started the car and slowly emptied the cargo box.

Jumped out of the car and looked at the surrounding environment.

The huge warehouse has all the containers neatly arranged.

"The dancer is waiting for you in the office, come with me." Pure Chinese came out from the mouth of the masked man.

Zhang Feng followed him towards the so-called dancer's office.