The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 279: Men's friendship



"Do you think I really don't know? Isn't your master the doctoral supervisor?"

Zhang Feng's words fell into Kun Sha's ears like thunder. Panic flashed across his eyes unconsciously, but it was fleeting but was caught by Zhang Feng.

He stood up slowly without asking any more questions. He already had the answer.

PhD Tutor! With sufficient social status and high moral standing, it is really a cover identity that no one can notice at all.

He waved the dancer out of the room where Kunsha was being held.

Kunsha realized that Zhang Feng was deceiving him. He got up from the ground crazily and tried to pounce on him, but the dancer kicked him in the face.

When the door was closed tightly, you could hear roars coming from inside.

On the way to the office, the dancer asked curiously: "What did you ask him?"

Zhang Feng grinned and asked, "Do you really want to know? Then I will really tell you."

Seeing his appearance, the dancer shook her head and said, "Forget it, you'd better stop talking. It would be bad if it violates discipline."

Zhang Feng smiled and stopped worrying about this topic. He changed his words and said: "Dancer, can you change your name? I know you are a man, a man among men, but I always feel uncomfortable calling you dancer. "

The dancer's eyelids twitched twice, and you screamed so loudly that I felt uncomfortable hearing it.

He said casually: "Didn't you tell me to change my name to a gigolo?"

"Okay, I'll call you a gigolo. Hey, Comrade Gigolo, I need your help with a few things." Zhang Feng said, licking his face.

The gigolo raised his eyebrows, but did not agree immediately, saying: "There is no problem with business matters. If you have private matters, you have to speak up and see if I can help."

"There are both official and private matters. The official matter is that I need to stay in Japan to investigate some things. My current identity must not be used anymore. I need you to help me get a new identity, preferably a student of Tokyo Medical University. The private matter, I You need a mobile phone that is secure enough to make overseas calls to ensure that the call content will not be monitored. Of course, this is something I beg you personally." With that said, Zhang Feng walked into the office and sat on the sofa.

The gigolo rolled his eyes for a while, laughed and cursed: "You

These two things are really not simple. It’s no problem to get a new identity, but you still want to be a student of Tokyo Medical University. Also, you think that ensuring that phone calls are not monitored is something you can have if you want. "

Seeing his expression, Zhang Feng felt confident. He sneered and said, "Gigolo, aren't we buddies? Besides, can such a trivial matter still trouble you?"

"Hey!" the gigolo said, taking advantage of the opportunity: "Don't make trouble, we are not buddies on the first day we met, so don't get too close! Give me three days as Tokyo Medical University and I will get it done for you."

"What about the mobile phone?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Made." The gigolo cursed in a low voice, stood up, walked to the desk, took out a mobile phone from the drawer, threw it to Zhang Feng with a painful look on his face, and said, "Do you know how expensive a mobile phone like this is? It’s all money.”

Zhang Feng took the phone over with a smile on his face and boasted: "Gigolo, I'm not happy when you say this. You don't look like someone who is short of money. Hehe, I owe you a favor." "

"I'm just short of money. I've written down the favor you owe me, so don't deny it when the time comes," the gigolo said.

With a smile, he stuffed his phone into his pocket, raised his chin, and said, "You won't have any friends if you chat like this. Do you think I'm the kind of person who refuses to admit his fault?"

"Like!" the gigolo said with certainty.

Sometimes male friendships come in weird ways. Two people who grew up together day and night may turn against each other. They seem to be two weird people, but they have an inexplicable affinity with each other and feel like old friends at first sight.

The warehouse was fully equipped, and the dancer arranged a room for Zhang Feng to rest.

After Zhang Feng entered the room, he got into the bathroom.

The blood stained on the clothes had dried and caked with a strong smell of blood, and the body was covered with dried sweat, making it sticky and uncomfortable.

Fill the bathtub with hot water, turn on the shower head in the bathroom, and turn on the faucet for washing.

Only after the sound of rushing water sounded did Zhang Feng get into the bathtub.

There are large bruises on the body, some caused by Kunsha's blows and some caused by collisions.

It is extremely comfortable to soak in hot water at this moment.

He took out the mobile phone given by the gigolo and prepared to dial

Call up. That's why all the taps are turned on. The sound of water flowing will cover up the sound. It's not that I don't trust the gigolos, it's just that I do it out of habit, so be careful and you won't make a big mistake.

Dial Zhuo Zhaoyun's phone number.

Zhuo Zhaoyun on the other end was curled up on the sofa watching a bubble drama. When she heard her cell phone ringing, she saw that what was displayed was not an orderly phone number, but a messy garbled code.

Thinking it was some kind of harassing call, he didn't answer it but hung up.

Zhang Feng was startled when he heard the blind tone on the phone, wondering why Zhuo Zhaoyun didn't answer the phone and actually hung up.

Hit again, hang up again! Fight again! Hang up again!

Zhang Feng's temper is also rising. Didn't you hang up on me? I'll call you until you answer.

The ringtone rang again, and Zhuo Zhaoyun was furious. She really had endurance for this harassing call. She hung up so many times and still called her.

After answering the phone, he yelled at the top of his lungs: "Is there something wrong with you? Are you crazy for making harassing calls when you have nothing to do?"

Seeing that the call was connected, Zhang Feng's face lit up with joy, and then a sudden roaring sound made his ears buzz, so he quickly took the phone away.

When the roaring sound disappeared, I put the phone to my ear again, and what I heard was a blind tone.

She hung up!

She actually hung up the phone again!

After swallowing, Zhang Feng took the trouble to dial the phone again.

The bell actually rang again, and Zhuo Zhaoyun already had the urge to curse!

When I got on the phone and was about to curse, I heard the other person's voice coming over: "I'm Zhang Feng!"

Zhuo Zhaoyun swallowed the words that came to her lips, her expression frozen on her face, and she didn't respond for a long time.

"I said I'm Zhang Feng, don't hang up the phone." Hearing that the other party didn't respond, Zhang Feng said again with certainty: "Isn't it possible that I dialed the wrong number? Is that you Zhaoyun?"

"It's me!" Zhuo Zhaoyun choked up over the phone's voice.

Zhang Feng suddenly didn't know what to say, "Are you okay? I don't have anything to do, I just want to assure you that you are safe."

"Well, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. Come back early, I'll wait for you at home." Zhuo Zhaoyun raised her head to prevent the tears in her eyes from flowing down.