The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 295: Zhai Qiang invited me



Zhuo Zhaoyun sat on the bed with a gloomy expression, her eyes lost in thought as she didn't know what she was thinking.

She had some guesses about Zhang Feng's career. Now that she heard it from Zhang Feng's mouth, she was still shocked.

She understood that it was safe to go abroad now as Zhang Feng said, but in her heart she wanted to face everything with Zhang Feng.

Even if it is a violent storm, she still wants to face it with Zhang Feng.

Chen Wanru walked into the guest room, sat on the edge of the bed, and said calmly: "Zhaoyun, just rest here tonight. I will give you a new identity tomorrow morning, and then send you to travel abroad. Just treat it as... Take some time to relax.”

Zhuo Zhaoyun raised her head slightly and said in a gloomy voice: "Sister Wanru, do you also think I should leave? But I want to stay with Zhang Feng."

Chen Wanru raised her hand to rub Zhuo Zhaoyun's hair and said with a smile: "Silly girl. Zhang Feng asked you to leave because he loves you and doesn't want you to be frightened. You should be happy in time. Why are you so sad?"

Zhuo Zhaoyun nodded and suddenly asked: "Sister Wanru, do you have the same job as Zhang Feng? After all, you are senior siblings!"

Chen Wanru smiled bitterly and said: "Same but different. That's all I can say about Zhaoyun. Well, it's getting late, so go to bed early. I'll call you again tomorrow morning."

Zhang Feng, who walked out of the Red Star Club, did not go anywhere else, but returned to 1202. Since he didn't know where Mao Xiaorui and his companions were hiding now, he would wait here for them to come to him.

Now that Zhuo Zhaoyun does not exist, he no longer has any worries. He just takes advantage of this opportunity to eliminate the root cause and save himself from trouble in the future.

Return to the room and slowly fall asleep.

The next day.

Even though Zhuo Zhaoyun was reluctant, she was put on the plane by Chen Wanru.

After receiving the message from Chen Wanru, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Zhuo Zhaoyun was sent away, he no longer had to worry.

Before Mao Xiaorui arrived, the phone in the room rang.

Zhang Feng frowned. Who would call the 1202 landline at this time

He sat over and picked up the phone, but he didn't say anything and waited quietly.

"Zhuo Zhaoyun? I'm Zhai Qiang!"

Hearing the voice, Zhang Feng's expression suddenly turned cold. Is this Zhai Qiang calling

"I'm not Zhuo Zhaoyun, I'm Zhang Feng. Zhai Qiang, why are you calling here? I haven't asked you to settle the matter of Zhaoyun Company properly, but you have come together."

Zhai Qiang, who was on the other end of the phone, was obviously silent for a while before he said: "I called Zhuo Zhaoyun just because I wanted to find you. Zhang Feng, can we talk?"


The corner of Zhang Feng's mouth curled up into a sneer unconsciously. He couldn't think of anything to talk about between himself and Zhai Qiang.

"Yes, just talk. Zhang Feng, I have something to say to you. Haha, I am not a threat to you anyway. Don't you still dare to meet me, a defeated general?" Zhai Qiang said affirmatively.

Zhang Feng felt funny and said: "Zhai Qiang, your method of provoking generals is really clumsy. However, you are right in saying that you do not pose any threat to me. Let's meet and talk, okay! You arrange a place, Let me know when the time comes!”

After saying that, Zhang Feng hung up the phone with a smile. It happened that he had nothing to do now, so he might as well meet Zhai Qiang who came to his door.

Ten minutes later, Zhai Qiang called again and confirmed the place and time to meet with Zhang Feng.

After getting dressed, he took out the pistol from the hidden compartment of the closet, turned on the safety, inserted it into his clothes, and walked outside.

Carrying a gun is not to guard against Zhai Qiang, because there is no need.

The main purpose of carrying a gun is to protect Mao Xiaorui who doesn't know where he is hiding or when he will appear.

He got in the car and quickly headed towards the private club Zhai Qiang mentioned on the phone.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng parked the car at the door.

After getting off the bus, a waiter came over and asked respectfully: "Are you Mr. Zhang Feng?"

Seeing Zhang Feng nod, the waiter continued: "Mr. Zhai is waiting for you inside."

A playful smile appeared on Zhang Feng's lips, Mr. Zhai? Shouldn't it be Mr. Zhai, one of the four great princes in Kyoto

As the waiter walked into the box.

Zhai Qiang was the only one sitting on the sofa in the spacious box, waiting quietly.

Seeing Zhang Feng walking in, Zhai Qiang stood up and looked a little embarrassed.

He waved to the waiter and said: "You are not needed here, go out."

After the waiter exited the room, Zhai Qiang looked a little embarrassed and said: "Zhang Feng, please take a seat."

"Ouch?" Zhang Feng sat on the sofa, raised his eyebrows, and said in a sinister tone: "What? Is Mr. Zhai so attentive? I, Zhang Feng, am a nobody, I can't afford it."

Zhai Qiang gritted his teeth slightly and said: "Winner or loser, I lose. You can humiliate me no matter what. However, I invite you here today because I have something to do."

Zhang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhai Qiang, who was sitting opposite him.

After not seeing him for almost a month, Zhai Qiang seemed to be a different person. Although he pretended to be a handsome young man before, there was disgusting hypocrisy in his bones. But now Zhai Qiang seems to have become more calm, and he can still sit still in the face of his own cynicism.

Seeing Zhai Qiang like this, Zhang Feng became interested in knowing what Zhai Qiang wanted to say to him, and said: "Zhai Qiang, let's not get along with each other. I don't like that either. Tell me, you What do you want to say when you come to me today?”

After Zhai Qiang was silent for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "I want to bet today on my future."

"Huh?" Zhang Feng snorted in surprise, and asked strangely: "Are you betting that your future has anything to do with me?"

"It does matter! My grandfather told me since I was a child that character determines the future path, and the path determined by my character is clinging!" Zhai Qiang said with certainty.


"Yes! Since I want to cling to you, I have to choose the person to cling to. This is a gamble. Winning or losing the gamble is my future, and I... want to place my bet on you."

Zhang Feng thought Zhai Qiang's words were a joke.

He said with a smile: "Zhai Qiang, are you confused? You must have found part of my information. He is just a rotten soldier. What is there for you to cling to?"

"I can see that your future is definitely more than what you have in front of you! If I am wrong, then I will lose the bet!" Zhai Qiang said.

Zhang Feng also raised his eyebrows, leaned forward slightly, squinted his eyes and said: "Okay. Then tell me, why should I let you cling to me? Or why should I accept you? There must always be something A reason?"