The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 299: kidnapping



The gigolo was like a starving ghost, wolfing down the food on the table and putting it into his mouth.

Zhang Feng's appetite was also very large, and the two of them ate up four meals and one soup.

After eating, the gigolo continued to return to the living room and sat in front of the computer to work. The sooner this thing is set up, the sooner it will be effective.

After Zhang Feng finished cleaning the kitchen, he sat on the sofa, holding a cigarette between his fingers without putting it in his mouth or lighting it.

"Gigolo, how long will it take for you to get it done?"

The gigolo didn't look back, his eyes were still staring at the screen, his fingers were tapping on the keyboard quickly, and he said: "It will definitely be done before dawn. Then we just have to wait and see."

He nodded secretly in his heart, before dawn, then everything he planned would be available in time.

Sitting on the sofa and slowly closing his eyes, it didn't take long for the sound of even breathing to be heard.

The whole room became quiet except for the sound of the gigolo typing on the keyboard.

"Ding, ding, ding." The rapid ringing of the landline in the room woke Zhang Feng up.

Looking up at the clock, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night. Who would call me at this time

The gigolo was still busy in front of the computer, obviously not looking up.

Zhang Feng stood up and walked to the phone and picked it up. Before he could speak, he heard an anxious voice from the other end of the phone: "Zhang Feng, is it you? It's not good."

"Hu Laosan?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Feng's brows tightened, and he had an extremely bad feeling in his heart. He immediately said, "Don't worry, what happened?"

"My sister called me just now but didn't speak. I just heard yelling and cursing on the phone. I can't call your cell phone. What should I do now?" Hu Sanshao told the matter anxiously.

There was a thump in his heart, and Zhang Feng's face instantly darkened, and he said, "Hu Laosan, don't worry yet. Do you know where your sister is? Tell me immediately. Is there anyone else you haven't notified the police about?"

"Made, my grandfather is angry. Not to mention the police, the Kyoto Guard Group has been dispatched now! I will send you my sister's location right away." Hu Sanshao said.

"Okay, take your sister right away

The location is sent to my mobile phone. "After that, Zhang Feng hung up the phone and walked to the sofa again to sit down.

He pulled out the pistol, pulled the bolt and made a clicking sound, turned on the safety and held it in his hand.

Although I didn't want to think about it, I had an estimate in my mind that most of the people who attacked Hu Xinting were Mao Xiaorui's group.

In the territory of Kyoto, except for mercenaries like them who wanted money rather than their lives, no one else dared to attack Hu Xinting.

Sitting on the sofa, gloomily waiting for Hu Laosan's text message.

The gigolo also heard the sound of the gun being pulled, turned around, saw Zhang Feng's gloomy face and the uncontrollable murderous look in his eyes, and asked, "What happened?"

"I'm afraid a friend of mine is also involved in this matter, and the other party has already taken action." Zhang Feng said coldly.

"Do you want me to help?" the gigolo asked.

Zhang Feng shook his head slightly and said: "No! The most important thing for you now is to get the things in hand done, huh. These people have offended my bottom line. If this happens, everyone will die."

The gigolo nodded and didn't speak. He turned to the computer and tapped the keyboard faster and faster.

The mobile phone in his pocket received a text message from Hu Laosan. The address was actually a private club. Hu Xinting was attending a charity auction at that time.

After receiving this news, Zhang Feng frowned even more. For a charity auction, the person who went there must be a prominent figure in Kyoto City.

The more people involved, the more difficult it will be.

He put the pistol with the safety on his back and said to the gigolo, "Give me your car."

Without any hesitation, the gigolo took out the car keys from his pocket and threw them directly to Zhang Feng, without even looking back from the beginning to the end.

Gratefully forgetting to glance at the gigolo, Zhang Feng quickly walked out of the room holding the car keys.

After getting into the car, Zhang Feng directly increased the accelerator, increased the speed to the fastest speed, and walked towards the private club.

He has always felt guilty for Hu Xinting. After all, the two of them had a past and had a three-year agreement, but he met Zhuo Zhaoyun.

Although he felt guilty, Zhang Feng never regretted it.

Forty minutes later, the car

He stopped at the door of the private club with a creak, pulled out the pistol from his waist, opened the door, and ran quickly inside.

Walking into the private club, there was no one in the lobby, and there was no sound at all. It was extremely quiet.

He frowned and walked inside with all his concentration.

Just as he walked to the door of the banquet hall, Zhang Feng's keen hearing heard a "woo-woo" sound.

This sound can be distinguished as being made by a person shouting when his mouth is blocked.

Holding the pistol flat, he walked cautiously towards the direction of the sound.

In front of him was a half-person-high service desk. As he walked closer, he saw a uniformed woman tied up and stuffed under the desk, with a ball of stockings stuffed in her mouth.

Seeing Zhang Feng, the woman also looked panicked. After all, he had a gun in his hand.

He walked over quickly, pulled out the balled stockings from the woman's mouth, and said in a low voice: "I am a policeman, how is the situation here?"

The reason why I say that I am a police officer is just because these two words are the only thing that makes the victims feel safe in this situation.

Sure enough, most of the panic in the woman's eyes disappeared. After calming down a little, she said: "An hour ago, a group of masked men with guns rushed in, and then took away some of the guests attending the dinner. ”

Zhang Feng raised his brows slightly and said in a deep voice: "You mean you only took away some people, right? Then where are the rest?"

"Still...still in the banquet hall."

He patted the woman's shoulder and comforted: "You have nothing to do now. Don't you want to go anywhere? Wait for my colleagues to come over in a while. You can give them a truthful response to the situation. Now think about it carefully. Is there anything wrong? What’s missing.”

After saying that, Zhang Feng walked over quickly with a gun in hand and pushed open the door of the banquet hall.

Entering the banquet hall, Zhang Feng's face became even more embarrassed.

On the floor in the center, two bodies lay in a pool of blood. In addition, in the corner next to the wall are a bunch of men and women wearing suits or evening gowns.

This is just a celebrity family that is extremely glamorous on the outside and wants status, status, and status. At this moment, people are tied up like rice dumplings.