The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 322: A huge profit



"Then what kind of business do you think we should do?" Zhang Feng asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Zhai Qiang looked at Zhang Feng, rubbed his sore head, and said: "Zhang Feng, you are not an impulsive person. You must have thought about what you want to do before you decided to come here. Since I have decided to follow you, that is I do what you do.”

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Of course you have to work in the industry with the highest profit margin. What business do you think has the highest profit margin?"

Zhai Qiang reacted immediately and said: "Business without foundation!"

Zhang Feng did not speak immediately, but shouted at the top of his voice: "Mike, get out of here."

Mike had just fallen asleep. When he heard Zhang Feng's cry, he reluctantly got up from the bed and muttered: "What's going on?"

"Mike, we came to Luwang to set up a mercenary group. What do you think we should do?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhai Qiang was stunned, mercenaries were indeed a huge profit, it could even be said to be a business without capital. When the cannon goes off, ten thousand taels of gold is a lie.

What made him even more curious was why Zhang Feng wanted to be a teenager who was obviously underage

"Want to set up a mercenary group? First of all, you have to have a place that is big enough and safe enough, at least on the surface, justifiable! Then there is the problem of the source of soldiers. Of course, if you have money, such a problem is not a problem! The next step is weapons, not only You need to have money and channels. The last thing is development. I don’t know how to grow. I don’t know how to get business.”

Speaking clearly and clearly, Zhai Qiang was immediately shocked! This little boy with an unspectacular appearance actually has such a quick and clear mind.

Zhang Feng was not surprised by his answer. After all, his plan almost led to his death in Mao Xiaorui's hands.

He took out his bank card from his backpack, handed it to Zhai Qiang, and said, "There are 20 million in it, but all my belongings are left to you. You won't take it away, right?"

Zhai Qiang took the bank card and put it into his pocket without politeness. He rolled his eyelids and said, "If I really take your money away, you will have to hunt me down all over the world!"

Zhang Feng chuckled twice and said: "I'll leave the money to you. As for how to spend it, it's up to you. Okay.

Think about it and give me an answer tomorrow. "

Zhai Qiang nodded.

The conversation did not continue. The three of them were tired after flying for more than ten hours and each looked for a place to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning.

Zhao Qiang has already bought daily necessities and piled them in the living room.

Both Zhai Qiang and Mike looked a little sluggish. Their bodies were not strong, and they had not yet completely reversed the jet lag.

When Mike saw the computer, his originally drowsy eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't even need to be greeted, and he got into the room with the computer in his arms. He seemed to be deaf to what was going on outside the window and only wanted to play on the computer.

Zhang Feng called Er Qiangzi and Zhai Qiang together and said, "Er Qiangzi, if there is any safe place around, it should be larger."

"Safe? It is relatively safe here in the city. There have been conflicts between other local government troops and anti-government armed forces. The other place is in the mountains a little further away, but it is quite far from the city." Zhao Qiang said after thinking for a while.

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "It's fine if it's further away, but it's better in the mountains."

Turning to look at Zhai Qiang, he asked, "How do you think about what I asked you to think about last night?"

Zhai Qiang said: "I think first of all we need to have a good relationship with the local government. Although we have to pay a relatively large price in the early stage, we will definitely be rewarded several times in the future. And it will also provide convenience for our development!"

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Since we have decided to do this, we can't care about money. In this way, Erqiangzi, you will be responsible for Zhai Qiang's safety and government relations during this period. Zhai Qiang, you should spend the money Just spend money on the place. By the way, Erqiangzi, provide me with a map of the surrounding area, and I will go out for a walk in the afternoon to see if there is any suitable place.”

After eating something casually to fill his stomach at noon, Zhang Feng drove out of the yard in a dilapidated van owned by the Erqiangzi.

Before leaving, Erqiangzi put the assault rifle into Zhang Feng's hand and said, "It's not so peaceful after leaving the city. It's easier to defend yourself with a gun."

Zhang Feng did not refuse. He threw the assault rifle on the seat and drove quickly out of the city.

While looking at the map in my hand, I considered the route.

line, while thinking about what kind of place is suitable to serve as a base for the mercenary group he prepared.

It is best for this place to be not too far or too close to the city, so that you can maintain a safe distance and be able to get there quickly when something happens in the city.

It also needs sufficient security and a retreat. Only in such a place can a strong enough guard force be established. At the same time, when facing an irresistible attack, it can retreat quickly to ensure its strength!

Looking for it on the map, some terrain can only be determined after seeing it with one's own eyes.

Driving slowly out of the city and towards the suburbs, you could still see a few scattered houses at first.

The further we drove, the emptier our vision became.

The soil in Africa is dry, and dust is flying over it as the wheels roll over it.

In the tropical jungles further away, we can still see the existence of primitive tribes of indigenous people. These people have not had any contact with social civilization and still live a primitive life of slash-and-burn farming.

The smoke and dust were all over the place, visibility was very low, and the road environment was even more bumpy. Zhang Feng could only slow down the car and drive slowly along the place he selected on the map.

An hour later, we finally arrived.

Zhang Feng stopped the car and got out of the car. The wind and sand filled the air, making it difficult to open his eyes.

It is extremely uncomfortable when it blows into the mouth and nasal cavity.

He took off a piece of cloth from his clothes, wrapped it around his mouth and nose, and tied it behind his head so that the wind and sand could not get into his mouth and nose.

Holding an assault rifle in his hand, he slowly walked forward.

There is a three-meter-wide trail sandwiched between two low hills. The surrounding weeds are waist-deep and there are no traces of anyone stopping there.

Use your rifle to stir up the weeds in case there are venomous snakes lurking among them.

Walk through the small intestine path and walk into the mountain nest.

I originally thought that the mountain nest wouldn't be too big, but when I walked in, Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. It was a hundred meters long and wide.

As long as the waist-deep weeds are cleared and the land is slightly compacted, it can be used as a simple training ground!

The only thing that is not perfect is that there is a low hill on the back of this mountain nest, which is completely sandwiched by three mountain dumplings. It is easy for the other party to make dumplings.