The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 337: Arms dealer Ping Sang



The joy on Ping Sang's face became even stronger. The more he sold, the more he would earn. I'm just vaguely worried. I'm worried that if the quantity of goods in my hand is not large enough, then this lucrative business will go to other people's hands.

After chatting for a while, Ping Sang walked in with a sample of arms in his hand.

Ping Sang quickly stood up, took it from his hand, put it on the coffee table in front of Zhao Qiang, and said: "They are all first-class goods, Zhao, what do you think about it?"

Four weapons, two pistols and two automatic rifles.

As soon as Zhang Feng glanced at it, the information about the four weapons was clear.

The pistols are German-style USP pistols and Israel's most famous Desert Eagle pistol.

The former's lethality and recoil are relatively small, and the size and weight of the gun body are smaller than that of the latter, but its concealment is higher, and its shooting stability and accuracy are better than the latter.

There is no need to talk about the power and deterrence of the Desert Eagle pistol, but its rate of fire is slow.

The rifles are the familiar AK-47 and the American M4A1.

These two automatic rifles are the most popular and sought after on the black market. The former is low in price and is perfectly adapted to the environment where the flying sand in Africa is large enough.

The latter's excellent shooting experience is most loved by special forces and police forces around the world. This can be seen from the fact that the M4A1 is still in service with conventional troops in the United States from 1995 to the present.

Zhao Qiang's understanding of firearms was not as simple as being able to shoot. He cast his peripheral vision at Zhang Feng covertly. When the latter nodded slightly, he said, "How about you check these guns for me?"

Zhang Feng stepped forward and inspected the four firearms respectively. The sound of the bolt being pulled was very clear, indicating that they were all new guns, not refurbished ones.

He placed the inspected firearm on the coffee table again, nodded affirmatively to Zhao Qiang, and then stood behind him.

"How's it going? Zhao, don't worry, the guys here are guaranteed to be good." Ping Sang said at the right time: "Zhao, can you tell me how much you need now?"

Zhao Qiang nodded and said, "I'll come over this time

The main thing is to see if you have any good stuff in your hands! So I don’t want much. I want 4 of each of these four guns. Ten thousand rounds of bullets each. When I go back and confirm with the sponsor that there is no problem, I want 100 of each of these four guns and 100,000 rounds of bullets. Ping Sang, can you bring out so much goods? If you can't get it, brother, don't blame me for not taking care of your business, I can only find other people. "

When he first heard what he said, Ping Sang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Although the number of four guns of each model was not small, it was still far from what he had expected. The disappointment is as great as the hope.

But when he heard Zhao Qiang's words behind him, he was completely shocked. 100 firearms for each model, this is a large order that has never been seen before. It is even more than his sales volume in the past three years combined.

These remarks were all told by Zhang Feng to Zhao Qiang, and it seems to have worked now.

Ping Sang said urgently: "Zhao, I will take on this business no matter what. I can even lower the price for you, but the total price..."

Zhao Qiang interrupted him impatiently, cocked his neck and said: "What the hell, Ping Sang, you look down on me, don't you? Am I the one who is short of money? When the time comes, we will follow the old rules, I will pay you 20% We'll pay the deposit and deliver the rest. If you accept the deal, we'll do it. If you don't, we'll break up. You know, you're not the only one selling arms in Luwang."

With that said, Zhao Qiang stood up and prepared to walk outside.

Ping Sang suddenly became anxious and quickly stood up and said: "Zhao, I will take this business. But you have to give me half a month to prepare."

Zhao Qiang sat back on the sofa again, nodded and said: "Okay, Ping Sang, let's discuss the deal at hand first. The price, when and where the delivery will be made, and how much deposit to pay!"

"AK-47, 150 US dollars each. M4A1, 500 US dollars each! USP, 30 US dollars. Desert Eagle, 50 US dollars! As for bullets? You can give me 1,000 US dollars for 40,000 rounds of ammunition! I will give it to you. Yours." Ping Sang continued: "The old rule is 20% deposit. We will discuss the location and time of delivery after the deposit is paid."

Zhang Feng estimated the amount of this transaction, a total of 3


He bent down and whispered a few words in Zhao Qiang's ear. Zhao Qiang nodded and said straightforwardly: "The total is 3,900 US dollars, right? We don't need a 20% deposit. I will pay you in one lump sum directly. Tomorrow At this time, I will send you the money directly, and I will also make a list of other things I need. Mad, otherwise my brain is not good and I can’t remember it. "

Zhao Qiang's wealthy attitude immediately made Ping Sang feel more at ease, and he repeatedly guaranteed that he could provide the best quality weapons.

After the matter was discussed, Ping Sang sent Zhao Qiang and Zhang Feng out of the yard with great respect.

After driving back to the house, Zhang Feng said to Zhai Qiang: "Zhai Qiang, you and Er Qiangzi go out together and prepare 4,000 US dollars in cash. Send it to Ping Sang early tomorrow morning. In addition, I will write an order later and you can also give it to him. ”

Zhai Qiang did not have any objections. Firearms were completely necessary supplies in Luwang, especially when mercenary groups were formed in the later period, they were even more indispensable.

Zhang Feng wrote down each accessory and everything he could think of on the list.

"Combat uniforms! Tactical gloves. Air duct communication equipment. Tintinny rails, holographic sights, high-light tactical flashlights, grenade launchers, silencers. Rock climbing and rappelling equipment! High-explosive grenades, flash bombs, smoke grenades!… etc."

Zhai Qiang looked at the items on the list and couldn't help but be speechless. With so many weapons and equipment, he could probably arm a combat team of dozens of people to the teeth.

And the funds needed are calculated in millions of dollars! The diamond transaction was still on his mind, and the amount required was even greater.

After a slight hesitation, he still did not express the questions in his heart.

Zhang Feng said: "Give this document to Ping Sang. Since he can get American weapons, he must be able to fully configure these things. The price is not an issue, I leave this to you Zhai Qiang. After the price is negotiated, first It’s time to hand over the deposit to him and finalize the details of the transaction.”

"Okay, I understand!" Zhai Qiang nodded and agreed.

After explaining everything, as soon as Zhang Feng sat on the sofa, Mike ran out of the room, stood on the stairs and shouted: "Brother Feng, I found something here."