The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 338: Live fire training



After hearing Mike's words, Zhang Feng quickly walked up to the second floor and came to his room.

Mike pointed at the computer screen and said: "Brother Feng, look here. Last time we were attacked by unknown forces. There were no identifying marks on the other party, but I still found clues!"

"The name of this mercenary group is the Fire Ant Mercenary Group. Their military uniforms are exactly the same as those worn on the corpses left at that time, and their station is in the mountains fifty kilometers east of Luwang. The specific location is unknown! After the sneak attack failed "The direction of their retreat is also towards the east, which just confirms my point of view."

Zhang Feng's eyes stayed on the uniforms of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group. On the armband is a huge red ant. However, when performing the task, the other party obviously took off the armband.

He nodded slightly, agreeing with Mike's judgment.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He had just arrived in Luwang and had not yet established himself. This fire ant mercenary group was going to kill him. It was time to settle this account properly.

"Mike, have you figured out the size of this mercenary group? And the background behind it?"

"Brother Feng, the size of this mercenary group is not small, at least around 300 people. However, the people they accept are all refugees from nearby Luwang, and their combat effectiveness is not strong!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng nodded and rushed back to the city to fight back against the mercenaries. He found that these mercenaries had average combat effectiveness and their response to sudden attacks was even weaker. Now it seems that this fire ant mercenary group is really a group. mob.

"Okay, Mike. You continue to search for the fire ant mercenary group. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

Zhang Feng returned to the living room, thinking about how to defeat the fire ant mercenary group at the minimum cost.

Although the opponent is composed of a mob, the opponent's number is as many as three hundred, and the number of combatants on his side who can take action is only three, including himself. Two of them were not particularly adapted to fighting.

If you are not careful, it is very likely that the old saying that ants will kill an elephant will come true.

The next day, Zhai Qiang and Zhao Qiang sent Ping Sang 4,000 US dollars.

There is also a list of items that need to be purchased.

When he saw the list, Ping Sang was shocked and at the same time couldn't help but feel ecstatic!

The most profitable thing in the arms trade is not the firearms and bullets, but these accessories!

Zhai Qiang acted like a businessman and kept the price of everything extremely low. In the end, the total price of all arms and supplies still exceeded one million US dollars.

The price was similar to what Zhai Qiang had expected, so he asked Zhao Qiang to open the suitcase he was carrying. Inside were neatly arranged colorful brand new US dollar bills.

Seeing the money, Ping Sang's eyes suddenly glowed red. He stretched out his hand to take it, but was blocked by Zhai Qiang, who smiled and said: "Mr. Ping Sang, it seems that we haven't completed the last transaction yet, and we need to get the money now." Isn’t it a little too anxious?”

Ping Sang laughed twice awkwardly, retracted his hand angrily, and said quickly: "Don't worry! I can trust Zhao and your reputation. There is no need to find another time and place to trade. I will have people prepare to come out now, you guys You can take it with you when you leave!”

Zhai Qiang secretly sneered in his heart, the shopping mall has no credibility at all, and businessmen's pursuit of profit is the essence. And this is even more true for this illegal arms trade. How can there be any credibility? It can't be that he just values the cash in his hand.

Although he thought so in his heart, Zhai Qiang showed a satisfied smile, slowly pushed the suitcase in front of Ping Sang, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ping Sang, you can count the money now."

The U.S. dollars in the suitcase were in bundles, each bundle was worth 10,000 U.S. dollars, and there were exactly twenty neat bundles.

Ping Sang was so excited that his palms were trembling slightly, and his nose was sniffing the smell that came out today.

"No problem, no problem. Let's trade in fifteen days! I will call Zhao one day in advance to inform Zhao of the specific time and location of the transaction. Then we will pay and deliver the goods!" Ping Sang said.

Neither Zhai Qiang nor Zhao Qiang had any objections. After bidding farewell and walking out of the room, Ping Sang's men loaded the first batch of goods onto the jeep that Zhao Qiang drove over.

Following Zhang Feng's order, the two people drove around the city in a large circle and made sure that no one was following them before returning to the house.

Zhang Feng checked twenty guns and found that there were no problems with the bullets before he spoke.

Said: "Starting today, all of you will practice shooting for an hour every night."

Zhang Feng didn't care about bullets. Sharpshooters are not born, the feeling and accuracy of shooting are all fed by bullets.

Zhao Qiang and Johnson both looked excited. Zhai Qiang and Mike, on the other hand, don't have much interest.

The former is focused on power and money, while the latter is all interested in computers and the Internet.

Zhang Feng would not care about their many ideas. No matter who they were, they must undergo shooting training.

At night, everyone got into the renovated basement under Zhang Feng's order.

"There are three shooting positions, lying down, kneeling, and standing! At the same time, any gun has recoil, and different guns have different recoils. The recoil of the AK-47 in my hand is huge. Once I can't control it, not only will the bullets be fired Shooting into the sky will even cause trauma to the shooter's wrist. Similarly, the recoil of the USP is smaller than that of the Desert Eagle. Therefore, Zhai Qiang, you and Mike both used M4A1 and USP for training. Sen uses an AK-47. Everyone starts practicing with burst fire, and then shoots continuously!”

Zhang Feng didn't say much more. Although bullets can be fed to give shooting feeling and accuracy, a real master must have a high enough talent!

Chaotic gunshots kept ringing out in the basement. Because the basement space is narrow, especially after sound insulation materials are installed, the sound cannot escape and can easily damage the eardrums. Everyone's ears were stuffed with thick balls of cotton.

Mike's body is the weakest, and even the USP, which has the smallest recoil among the four firearms, is difficult for him to control.

Zhang Feng frowned slightly, walked to his side, and said: "Don't think about using the power of your body to fight the recoil. Even if Johnson's strength can forcefully resist the recoil of the AK-47, he can do it. , but the wrist will definitely be damaged in the long run.”

"Try to adapt to the recoil, and then relieve the recoil through the shaking of the body's bones and muscles. Only in this way can you maintain the shooting state for a long time without causing soreness and pain in the muscles of both arms."