The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 339: What does it mean to want to be black and eat black people?



The next half month passed by in a hurry.

Zhai Qiang has already picked up the car he purchased. When it came to spending money, he was not soft at all. He bought a black Audi for 100,000 US dollars, which is considered a pretty good high-end car in Luvain.

The rest of the time, everyone trained under Zhang Feng's supervision and guidance.

Zhai Qiang and Mike did physical exercises in the morning. Within half a month, the outlines of muscles could be vaguely seen in their originally thin bodies.

In the afternoon, the two of them worked on their own matters at hand, and in the evening they conducted live-fire training with Zhao Qiang and Johnson.

It's just that both of them lack interest in killing and fighting. Although they have wasted a lot of bullets in half a month of training, their shooting skills have not improved much, and they have reached a level where they can protect themselves.

On the other hand, Zhao Qiang and Johnson seemed to have taken stimulants. When they had nothing to do, they got into the renovated basement.

When it was time to start, Zhang Feng felt that the two of them were just getting hot on the forehead, and they were no longer so active after the excitement.

Contrary to expectations, the two people not only did not lose their energy, but instead went into the basement more frequently.

Although it was only half a month, both of them had a thick layer of calluses on their palms.

Although the two people's shooting skills have increased, the relationship between the two has quickly become harmonious, and they usually go hand in hand.

But Johnson is also a little troubled. The AK-47, which is considered to be powerful and has great recoil, looks like a child's toy in his hands.

After hearing what he said, Zhang Feng also had a headache. There is a weapon suitable for Johnson, that is, a light and heavy machine gun, but the big guy doesn't have it on hand now. Even if it does, it is impossible to shoot in the basement, unless the house doesn't want it.

Zhai Qiang was not too busy. Within half a month, Zach's appetite was whetted. As the price of diamonds dropped again and again, Zach wanted to complete the transaction quickly.

The more this happens, the more firmly Zhai Qiang will sit on Diaoyutai. Moreover, during this period, he obtained information from the Rwandan government officials through Mike.

Through deliberately created chance encounters or special friendships, I have already established relationships with many officials in the Rwandan government. I am just waiting for the right time to infiltrate them so that these relationships can be used for future development. .

Except for training in the morning and evening, Mike spent the rest of the time in his room.

The results are also extremely significant, and the information on government officials originally possessed has become increasingly abundant. The relationships between officials, the special habits of individual officials, etc. are all well understood.

This incident provided Zhai Qiang with great convenience, allowing him to make friends with government officials with ease.

On the other hand, during his intelligence collection, he mapped all the terrain around Luwang, with a level of detail that even exceeded that of military maps.

The possible existence ranges of the surrounding forces are marked one by one, especially the possible existence locations of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group.

After getting Mike's information, Zhang Feng nodded, very satisfied.

"Mike, you have been too tired during this period. You must know that too much is never enough. The body is the capital of revolution."

Mike nodded and said: "Brother Feng, don't worry. It's just a good time for me to rest during this period. By the way, Brother Feng, I have one more thing to do..."

At this point, he looked hesitant, but did not say any more.

Zhang Feng raised his eyebrows, sneered twice, and said with a smile: "Mike, I know what you want to say. After this period of time passes and the situation stabilizes, I will let you return to the United States to see your mother. Later on When the time is right, I will bring your mother to my side so that you can take care of her more conveniently.”

Mike was overjoyed, this was what he was thinking about.

Just as he was about to speak, Zhang Feng waved his hand and interrupted, smiling: "There's no need to say thank you. We don't need this between us."

With that said, he stood up and walked out of Mike's room. When he came to the living room, he called Zhai Qiang's Zhao Qiang to his side and said: "Tomorrow will be the time agreed by Ping Sang. Er Qiangzi, please wait for Ping Sang's call. When you learn about the deal Let me know the specific time and address as soon as possible! ”

Zhai Qiang then said: "I know what I have to do today, I will put the remaining eight

One hundred thousand dollars is ready to come out. "

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth, and he asked playfully: "Why do you need to prepare 800,000 US dollars?"

Zhao Qiang and Zhai Qiang were both stunned when they heard his question. Zhai Qiang asked in confusion: "We are trading with Pingsang. Don't we still need 800,000 US dollars? Without money, he won't give us arms supplies?"

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Feng sneered twice and said gloomily: "I never planned to give him so much money from the beginning to the end! Not only will I not give him the 800,000, but I will also get back the 200,000 as a deposit."

Zhai Qiang was even more confused, but Zhao Qiang, who was usually slow to think and react, realized what was going on, looked at Zhang Feng in surprise, and said with some disbelief: "Brother Feng, are you trying to take advantage of others? "

"What does thinking mean?"

Zhang Feng said coldly: "It's just about taking advantage of others! One million US dollars is really important to us now. Weapons are equally important to us. I want both of them, what should I do? It seems that besides Is there any other way to eat black people? "

Zhai Qiang was shocked. He took two deep breaths to calm down and said: "Brother Feng, although I don't know the place and time Ping Sang chose to trade, he will definitely bring a lot of people with him. I'm afraid it's not that easy to take advantage of others. Simple?"

"It's really not easy, so I have to arrange something for you." After speaking, Zhang Feng asked Zhai Qiang a few words, and Zhai Qiang nodded repeatedly. After listening, he turned around and walked out of the room quickly, and started He quickly left in the car and went out to do the things assigned by Zhang Feng.

Turning to Zhao Qiang, he said: "Er Qiangzi, call Johnson out of the basement and let him have a good rest!"

"Okay, Brother Feng." Just as he was about to leave, Zhao Qiang suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and asked, "By the way, Brother Feng, there is one more thing. Even if we can take advantage of Ping Sang's goods, then 20 How can I get my $10,000 deposit back?”

"Do you think an arms dealer would trust a bank? Ask Mike about the rest. He knows very well." Zhang Feng said casually.

Zhao Qiang was still confused. He scratched his head and walked towards the basement. After preparing to tell Zhang Feng what he said, he went to ask Mike what was going on