The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 341: He had explosives strapped to his body



At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Zhai Qiang drove Zhang Feng and Qiangsen out of Rudawang City.

The night has completely enveloped the entire land, and there is darkness everywhere, and there are also howling nights and wind and sand.

After the car slowly stopped, Zhai Qiang said: "Brother Feng, Johnson, you two must be careful."

Zhang Feng nodded and said: "I will leave the affairs at home to you during my absence. Er Qiangzi has an impulsive personality, and Mike is still too young although he has many ideas. Zhai Qiang is the only one who is calm enough and leaves it to you." You and I can rest assured.”

After saying that, they greeted Johnson, and the two people quickly got out of the car, took out two huge luggage bags from the trunk of the car, and quickly got into the night.

Zhai Qiang, who was sitting in the car, was a little lost in thought for me. Finally, with a smile on his face, he started the car and drove back towards the house.

Zhang Feng and Qiang Sen, who got into the night, quickly rushed towards the location of Heping Sang's transaction.

Although the transaction has to be done at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, Ping Sang will definitely have plans in advance. After all, things like gangsters and gangsters have to be guarded against.

Therefore, Zhang Feng had to prepare in advance before them.

Arriving at the designated location, Zhang Feng observed the surrounding terrain. It was very open and there was no good hiding place. But weeds half a meter high are the best cover.

He took out the oil paint from his backpack and spat it on his face. Johnson on the side also followed the instructions and painted his face with oil paint.

Both of them took out the weapons from their backpacks and checked them again. After confirming that they were correct, they carried them on their backs. Each person also inserted two pistols on their back waists.

Zhang Feng chose the USP. He was confident enough in his shooting accuracy that he abandoned the more powerful Desert Eagle and chose the USP with a higher rate of fire.

Johnson chose a Desert Eagle that matched his huge size and terrifying lethality.

Inside the huge bags of the two people, there was a box of liquid each.

The body huddled in the dry grass and waited quietly. To become an excellent hunter, extraordinary endurance is indispensable.

Needless to say, Zhang Feng's endurance is natural. Johnson was trapped in prison, and his endurance when forced out was equally amazing


The night wind made a whistling sound, making the dry weeds rustle, which made the body feel even more uncomfortable.

The most difficult thing to endure is the mosquito that is unique to Africa!

Mosquitoes as big as fingernails are rare to see in China, but they are common in Africa. If they are nailed to the skin, they will be like a huge red envelope.

The viruses they carry make it easier for people to be infected with various infectious diseases.

Both of them wore long-sleeved clothes to wrap their skin, and their faces were covered in oil paint, which gave these mosquitoes no place to bite.

The sky brightened slightly, the sun gradually rose, and the originally cool air suddenly became scorching, especially since there was nothing to block the light above.

The light shines straight on the skin, as if the whole person is in a cage.

The camouflage uniform on the body is even cheaper and has no cooling effect at all.

Zhang Feng's body was covered with sweat, soaking his clothes, and the sweat on his face was dripping down.

In this regard, Johnson is okay. After all, as a black man, he has long been accustomed to the hot climate.

When the night fell again and the sky became cooler again, Zhang Feng's spirit became highly alert.

Looking down at his watch, it was already around seven o'clock in the evening, and there were still about five hours until the transaction time.

Johnson on the side was even more excited, constantly holding the gun in his hand.

Just after ten o'clock, Zhang Feng's keen hearing heard the sound of a car engine in the distance.

He whispered to Johnson beside him: "The other party's people are here."

A few minutes later, two jeeps parked a hundred meters away from where Zhang Feng and Johnson were hiding.

Seven or eight men stepped out of the car with assault rifles in their arms.

He knew in his heart that these men were Ping Sang's men, who had come to check on the spot in advance, and continued to hide his body quietly.

Seven or eight men spread out and vaguely surrounded the central position. The closest distance to Zhang Feng and Johnson was only twenty meters away.

They also hide their bodies in dry grass.

Secretly, a sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Feng's lips. Ping Sang was really cautious and sent someone to hide at the spot two hours in advance.


Just before eleven-thirty when they arrived, a small truck drove over. The truck was covered with a thick tarpaulin. It must be the arms that Zhang Feng wanted to purchase from him!

Ping Sang hasn't shown up yet. If he sees his people, Zhang Feng can even kill Ping Sang and his men immediately, and then eat up his arms!

At 12 o'clock, Zhao Qiang drove to the designated location, carrying two huge suitcases in his hands.

"Where's Ping Sang? Let him come out and speak." Zhao Qiang put the suitcase on the ground and shouted.

"Our boss said, the goods you want are here, just leave the money and drive away." One of the black men said coldly.

Zhang Feng secretly frowned slightly, Ping Sang didn't come? Impossible, there is no way he would not be present for such a big deal. The only possibility is that he is hiding somewhere in the dark.

After careful reflection, he determined that Ping Sang was not seen hiding nearby. The only possibility was that Ping Sang was hiding in a car that his men drove over.

When Zhao Qiang heard this, his eyebrows immediately stood up and he cursed: "Are you guys playing with me, right? I tell you, if you don't want to see Ping Sang, then today's deal will be canceled!"

With that said, he picked up the suitcase on the ground and left.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh." There was a sound of pulling the bolt of a gun, and seven or eight black men pointed their guns at Zhao Qiang.

The black man who just spoke said coldly: "You must keep the money!"

The corners of Zhao Qiang's mouth twitched twice, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

He slowly put the suitcase in his hand back on the ground, and slowly pulled away his clothes, revealing the explosives tied to his body inside.

The corner of his mouth twitched and he said: "Shoot! If I die, you will be buried with me! You can't even get a cent of this money! I tell you that I can't see Ping Sang, so don't even think about getting the money!"

The man who pointed the gun at Zhao Qiang was also shocked and quickly removed his finger from the trigger. If a fire breaks out, everyone may die here.

The scene was stagnant here for a while, with only the howling night wind blowing.

After a three-minute stalemate, the door of the pickup truck opened. Ping Sang got out of the car with a smile on his face, walked towards Zhao Qiang, and said, "Zhao, what's going on? Am I not here?"