The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 344: On the head or at the feet



Ping Sang was furious and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He pointed at Zhang Feng and shouted like crazy: "Mr. Donald will not let you go! Hahaha, I will die, and it won't take long for you to accompany me! No one can owe Mr. Donald money.”

The sneer at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth became more intense, and he said coldly: "I don't know when I will die. How can it be decided by that bitch Mr. Donald you call me? I only know that you are going to die now!"


There was a blood hole in the middle of Ping Sang's eyebrows. His body fell backwards to the ground, and blood flowed out. He was already dead and could no longer die, but his eyes were wide open, filled with hatred!

Everything here will disappear in the sea of fire, leaving no trace.

"Johnson, let's retreat!"

The two people quickly disappeared into the night, but the blazing fire showed no intention of fading.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Zhao Qiang's number.

After the call was connected, Zhao Qiang quickly asked: "Brother Feng, how are you doing?"

"Eradicate everyone! Contact Mike at home immediately and ask him to send you the location of the locator. Get the $200,000 deposit back as soon as possible. Johnson and I will rush there as soon as possible."

"Okay. I understand, Brother Feng."

Zhai Qiang and Mike, who were waiting at home, were like ants on a hot pot, restless and wandering around the room.

At this moment, Zhai Qiang regretted not practicing shooting as much as he could, otherwise he might have participated in the battle in person, instead of just waiting anxiously now.

The cell phone placed on the coffee table suddenly rang loudly. I ran over immediately and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was Zhang Feng calling.

He quickly answered the phone and said, "Is everything going well?"

Zhang Feng on the other end of the phone said: "All goes well, you can drive immediately to the place where we were dropped off and wait to pick me up and Johnson."

Zhai Qiang said without any hesitation: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhai Qiang picked up his clothes, put them on, and quickly walked out of the room.

On the other side, Zhao Qiang's call also came to Mike's mobile phone.

Mike understood what he was going to do. After answering the phone, he immediately said: "Brother Erqiang, don't hang up on me now, and then follow my instructions and you can find him!"

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang is simple-minded. He will do whatever Zhang Feng asks him to do. Since Zhang Feng asked him to listen to Mike, he will have no objection to whatever Mike asks him to do.

Mike quickly returned to his room and called up the positioning system. The two red dots marked on it were constantly flashing.

One of the ones that maintains its position is the position of the micro locator hidden in the banknote, and the other moving red dot is the locator in Zhao Qiang's pocket!

"Brother Erqiang, rush to Ping Sang's stronghold now! The money is still inside the stronghold." Mike said.

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang drove quickly towards Ping Sang's stronghold.

The wild fires were burning fiercely, threatening to start a prairie fire, and the city was also bustling with excitement.

The government troops moved quickly and menacingly towards the direction of the fire.

At this moment, Zhang Feng became more and more aware that without timely and effective communication equipment, it was really impossible to communicate effectively.

Just through the mobile phone, one is too troublesome, and the other is easily eavesdropped.

When he and Johnson arrived at the designated location, they saw Zhai Qiang's car waiting in the darkness.

Without saying anything, the man got into the car.

"Contact Mike at home immediately and confirm the location of the two hadrons with him. We will rush over to pick him up immediately!" Zhang Feng said very fast.

Zhai Qiang didn't hesitate and dialed Mike's number directly. The first phone showed that he was on a call. After Zhai Qiang hung up, he dialed another phone, and the microphone on the other end immediately connected.

"Where is Brother Erqiang now?"

Mike said concisely on the other end: "We have now arrived at Ping Sang's stronghold."

Zhai Qiang didn't hang up the phone or ask any more questions. He started the car and drove quickly towards Ping Sang's stronghold.

Zhao Qiang parked the car at the entrance of Ping Sang's stronghold, holding an M4A1 rifle in his hand, and a silencer taken out from the car behind was put on the muzzle.

Jump in from the low wall and lower your voice to the blue man next to your ear.

Yarmai said: "Mike, I have now entered Pingsang's stronghold."

"Okay, Brother Erqiang, the locator seems to be at your twelve o'clock position, about fifteen meters away from you!" Mike said, staring at the computer screen.

Zhao Qiang didn't speak. He held his gun and searched forward quickly.

This was not the first time that he knew the layout of Ping Sang's stronghold. The twelve o'clock position, fifteen meters away, is the location of Ping Sang's office where he usually receives guests.

However, he did not immediately walk towards the office, but walked towards the house on the left.

The people living in this house are Ping Sang's men, and these people must be dealt with first.

Slowly approaching, he put his ear against the door and heard bursts of snoring.

He pursed his lips tightly and slowly pushed the door open with the muzzle of his gun. He saw only two people lying on the Datong bunk, both of whom were sleeping soundly.

Leftover food and empty wine bottles were scattered on the ground.

As for their weapons, they were thrown randomly on the Chase Shop.

Smoothly raise the automatic rifle in your hand, quickly pull the trigger, burst fire, and pull the trigger twice.

With a silencer, the gunshot makes a "puff" sound, like farting.

The two people who slept so soundly were shot to death without even making a scream, and fell asleep forever.

After killing two people, Zhao Qiang quickly walked out of the room and searched carefully in the stronghold but found no one else.

Thinking about it, Ping Sang should have taken most of his men to trade, leaving only these two alcoholic guys to look after the house.

Immediately, there was no longer any hesitation and he quickly walked towards Ping Sang's office!

Entering the office, Zhao Qiang searched carefully inside and out, but did not find the deposit of 200,000 US dollars.

Facing the Bluetooth headset, he said: "Mike, is there something wrong with your locator? I've searched all over and can't find it."

Mike stared at the screen, even more strange. He was sure that there would be no problem with his locator, and the red dots of the two locators on the screen had overlapped. How could he not find it

A flash of inspiration and a sudden reaction. Since there is nothing in the plane, there are only two directions, head or foot!