The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 347: Diamond trading



After receiving Zhang Feng's order, Zhai Qiang contacted Edgar and asked him whether there were any prisoners in the prison who had passed the "quality" test recently.

On the other hand, Zhao Qiang left his house and went to the city to buy surveillance equipment.

There are only two places covered by surveillance equipment in the urban area of Rwandawan, one is the head of government, and the other is the government military garrison.

There are even fewer stores selling surveillance equipment, and prices have doubled several times.

Although it is expensive, it is very important, so just buy it in large quantities.

On the way back, Zhao Qiang discovered an important situation, that is, the government troops had started martial law for some unknown reason, and all vehicles coming and going were subject to strict inspections.

Fortunately, Zhao Qiang saw that the situation was not good and returned to the house early.

On the other side, Zhai Qiang, who had a good relationship with government officials, also received the news, and the two of them almost found Zhang Feng.

After hearing what the two of them said, Zhang Feng's brows knitted together tightly. Why are the government forces making such a big move at this time

Could it be that the rebels are coming to attack? Shaking his head slightly, he threw this possibility away. If the anti-government armed forces really want to attack, it is impossible that no news will leak out.

Think about how the only possibility is that the actions of the government troops are related to the two fires last night.

After a moment of silence, he said: "Zhai Qiang, you and Edgar continue to communicate. The rest of you should not go out and walk around casually during this period. Just stay in the house and wait until the storm passes."

Zhao Qiang nodded, suddenly thinking of the surveillance video he purchased, he scratched his head and asked, "Brother Feng, what should I do with the surveillance camera I purchased?"

"We can only put aside the surveillance camera issue for the time being. When the government troops stop, it will not be too late to install it. Otherwise, we will be blocked, and we will have eight mouths to explain!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, Brother Feng, I listen to you."

Edgar was also very efficient in doing things. After all, one prisoner had two gold bars, and there was no other seller for such a transaction.

That night, two pieces of information were sent to Zhai Qiang. Seeing the information of the two people, Zhai Qiang frowned slightly, unable to decide.

Pass it to Zhang Feng.

After Zhang Feng read the information, he placed it on the coffee table.

"Brother Feng, how are these two?" Zhai Qiang asked.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Feng said: "Both of these two people are not good. Did you notice why they were both sent to prison? One is Gong Suannu Gan, and the other is a murderer! Although this Both of them are in good physical condition, and they are both desperadoes, but what we want is not heartless bastards, but warriors!”

Zhai Qiang nodded and said, "Then I'll let Edgar know."

"Wait, tell him. If you send us such information next time, then the cooperation will be terminated! The attitude can be tougher, lest he think that our gold bars are so easy to make money." Zhang Feng said coldly.

Zhai Qiang was just about to leave, but then he remembered another thing and said, "Brother Feng, Zach seems to be unable to hold on anymore. It's almost time for us to take action!"


After hearing about the diamond, Zhang Feng cheered up and said, "Do we have enough funds on hand to pay for it now?"

Zhai Qiang smiled and said: "Originally we were barely able to pay, but now we wait for Ping Sang's safe and there is no problem paying them in full!"

"Okay! You and Zach should discuss the specific details of the transaction! Money is not an issue, these diamonds must be included in the bag no matter what!" Zhang Feng said!

Three days later, the blockade by government forces was also relaxed. During these three days, Zhao Qiang and Johnson huddled in the basement to practice design.

In particular, there are many weapons and accessories among the munitions and supplies that have been obtained by hackers, and you need to be familiar with their use.

It is worth mentioning that for the past three days, Mike has been looking for information about Mr. Donald from Ping Sang, but found nothing.

This made Zhang Feng frown. All exposed enemies had corresponding countermeasures. If they were really defeated, they could still retreat out of the opponent's control. But now the other party is completely hidden in the dark. It feels like being watched by a thief, and you don't know when the other party will strike.

Mike can only continue to investigate the information about Mr. Donald, while being cautious.

After the government troops withdrew back to their base, Zhang Feng also began to monitor the

The control camera is installed in a hidden position near the house, and its field of view can cover a distance of about one kilometer around. Once an enemy wants to attack the house, it can be detected in advance.

In three days, the transaction between Zhai Qiang and Zach also took shape. The two parties determined the amount, location and time of the transaction!

Six million dollars! Nearly 48 million Chinese coins! This is definitely not a small amount!

As for the location of the transaction, the location of the transaction was not outside the urban area of Rwanda, but in a house in the suburbs. The time was three days later, and both parties had received their money and goods!

"Brother Feng, what should we do now?" Zhao Qiang said.

"You can just stay put for the next two days. I will check out the surrounding area in advance and make specific arrangements when I come back!" Zhang Feng said.

The next day, Zhang Feng took advantage of the darkness and drove towards the determined trading location.

Driving slowly, even at night, you can see the shivering refugees huddled in the corner.

With a slight nod, Zach chose the location of the transaction where the largest number of refugees gathered, so the concealment was high enough.

It's just that the more places like this, the more mixed up the good and the good are, and the situation is difficult to control.

After hovering here for an hour, he drove back to the house.

Seeing Zhang Feng coming back, Zhai Qiang couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Feng, how are you?"

"There is not much of a problem here. This operation is very important to us, and there can be no mistakes! When the time comes, Johnson will follow Zhai Qiang to trade. Johnson, please remember to protect Zhai Qiang's safety!" Zhang Feng ordered.

"Yes, Brother Feng." Johnson hummed.

"What about me? Brother Feng!" Zhao Qiang interrupted and asked.


Zhang Feng raised a smile on his lips and scolded with a smile: "You kid will follow me this time."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiang suddenly became happy.

Zhang Feng turned his gaze to Johnson and continued: "Johnson, the location of this transaction is a place where black refugees gather. Our skin color is destined to be treated badly when we enter, so you must pay special attention to protecting Zhai Qiang! Diamond! Although it is important, if you find that something cannot be done, you two should evacuate immediately. It doesn’t matter if the diamond is gone, your lives are the most important!”