The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 354: Plan to catch the gunman



"Brother Feng, I am rushing in your direction now."

Johnson's voice fell on Zhang Feng's ears. Zhang Feng's heart suddenly lit up. It would not be easy for him to find the mysterious gunman hiding in the dark by himself.

He immediately said: "Johnson, don't come close to us now! Even if you come over, we will both be hunted by each other!"

"Mike always locks the position between me and Johnson, reports at all times, and makes sure that the direction of Johnson's movement is parallel to mine!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Mike said repeatedly: "Okay, Brother Feng. Johnson, please adjust your direction now and move toward the southeast. After one kilometer, change the direction to due east. At that time, you and Brother Feng will remain in the same direction." direction."

Johnson didn't hesitate and immediately changed direction.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth, didn't he like to spy on himself secretly? Now I want to see what kind of person this mysterious gunman is.

The gunman who secretly followed Zhang Feng, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, quickly shuttled through the grass. The speed was very fast, and the sound of his feet hitting the ground was minimal.

It is precisely because of this that he can be so hidden that even Zhang Feng, who has extremely keen hearing, did not notice his location.

But despite being able to achieve such a concealment effect, he never found the opportunity to shoot him.

For him, Zhang Feng's prey is too cunning and extremely fast. Every time he thinks he can lock the target, as soon as he raises his gun, the opponent immediately adjusts his movement trajectory, making him feel that he has all the strength but no place to use it!

As Zhang Feng ran, he turned around and fired without losing speed.

There is no accuracy in shooting, it is completely covering and strafing. The purpose is to delay the distance between the pursuers behind you and yourself.

He could think that the purpose of the mysterious gunman was to drag him until he was entangled by the pursuers, and then shoot him in the dark.

"Bang bang" a sudden gunshot sounded, and the bullet almost grazed Zhang Feng's body.

The corners of the mysterious gunman's mouth twitched twice. What he originally thought was an excellent shooting opportunity, the bullet still missed.

Through the scope, he could even see Zhang Feng turning around to shoot with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

Keep moving forward, ear

Mai Zhong finally remembered Mike's voice: "Brother Feng, Johnson is moving parallel to you now. The distance between you two is about 800 meters!"

"Johnson, I am slowing down and approaching you now. After you accelerate for a certain distance, hide on the spot! Don't worry about the large group of pursuers behind me, just pay attention to a mysterious gunman. He should act alone. If possible If not, just kill him!" Zhang Feng gave the order in a low voice.

"I understand, Brother Feng!" Johnson agreed and began to increase his speed. His huge body did not slow down his speed at all, but instead he ran extremely fast.

"The opponent is a master, so he must be well hidden from Johnson."

"Mike. After Johnson confirms that he is well hidden, report his location to me at any time, and at the same time, continuously report the distance and location between the two of us!" Zhang Feng ordered.


As Zhang Feng began to slow down and move forward, the pursuers behind him seemed to see hope and attacked more and more fiercely, with bullets pouring in like free money.

Although the speed of advancement slowed down, Zhang Feng's body changes did not reduce the frequency. Sometimes he jumped up, sometimes squatted down, and his body shape changed from left to right!

After Johnson confirmed that he had entered the lurking location, Mike began to continuously inform Zhang Feng of the location between the two people.

"Brother Feng, the distance between you and Johnson is still 300 meters horizontally and 600 meters vertically!"

"There are still two hundred meters horizontally and 450 meters vertically!"

"There are still 100 meters horizontally and 300 meters vertically!"

When he heard that there was still a hundred meters distance between the two horizontal directions, Zhang Feng stopped approaching Johnson horizontally.

After adjusting the direction, continue to move parallel to Johnson and start to speed up at the same time.

The pursuers behind them jumped up again. Just as the target in front was about to enter the effective shooting range, the distance began to widen again.

While shooting wildly, he chased Zhang Feng in front of him with increasing ferocity.

The distance of three hundred meters was almost fleeting when running at full speed.

"Brother Feng, you have surpassed Johnson's position!" Mike's voice reached Zhang Feng's ears again.

"Johnson, I repeat, don't worry about the group of pursuers behind me, be sure to give me the mysterious gunman lurking in the dark.

Find it out. It's best if it's alive. If there's no chance, just kill it. You're welcome! "Zhang Feng quickly repeated his order to Johnson again.

"I understand, Brother Feng!" Johnson replied in a buzzing voice.

Lurking in the darkness, Johnson was like a hunting beast. His body remained motionless, but his eyes were fixed on Zhang Feng's back, looking for the mysterious gunman.

Although he does not have Zhang Feng's abnormally keen hearing, he is born with a keen sense of smell for hunting.

This comes from nature, which can also be said to be instinct.

He held the automatic rifle firmly in his hand. If he had the chance, he would capture the gunman alive. If not, he would naturally kill him on the spot!

Hungry and ferocious beasts have enough patience after hunting. When the prey appears, they will rush out with thunderous force. Johnson is in such a state at the moment.


He saw the grass trembling slightly about fifteen meters away from him.

And the direction of the grass shaking is still against the direction of the wind!

His eyes shrank into needles, and Johnson realized that he had discovered the so-called mysterious gunman.

No longer dormant in the dark, the violent power completely exploded at this moment, bringing a tyrannical straight-line impact speed!

The distance of fifteen meters disappeared in the blink of an eye!

The mysterious gunman was locking Zhang Feng's position in front of him through the scope. Suddenly, he suddenly got a warning in his heart and turned around to shoot.

But what greeted him was a big fist!

His finger was already on the trigger, but there was no chance to shoot!

Johnson's palm firmly grasped the hand holding the trigger, and his big fist landed on his lower abdomen with a roar!


The gunman, whose face was painted with paint and bloodstains, felt as if he had been hit head-on by a truck.

The bombarded abdomen felt a sharp pain like tearing, and the body flew out like a torn sack, but he was forcefully pulled back!

With a fierce look on his face, Johnson grasped the palm of his hand that was on the trigger, exerted force suddenly, and twisted it in the opposite direction.

"Crack!" The wrist bone made a crisp sound and was broken by him.

"Ah!" A shrill scream suddenly sounded.

Blood gushes out, and the pale bone stubble pierces the twisted and deformed wrist!