The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 356: It's the fire ant mercenary group again



Johnson also rushed to Zhang Feng's side and threw the gunman with his hands tied to the ground.

"Brother Feng, this guy is hiding behind you."

A cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He walked over and pulled out the rag stuffed in his mouth. Zhang Feng said coldly: "Name and organization! I will only ask once."

"Stop your wishful thinking, you can't get anything from my mouth." The gunman said coldly.

The corner of Zhang Feng's mouth curled up with a cold look, his eyes stayed on his completely twisted and deformed wrist, and he shook his head slightly.

I originally thought about recruiting this gunman if possible, after all, there is really a shortage of manpower now. But seeing his broken wrist, this was no longer possible.

"You know what? I like tough guys the best. Only when I get what I want to know from the mouths of these people with mouths as tough as dead ducks can I feel a sense of accomplishment."

The cold voice fell into the gunman's ears, making him feel terrified.

In his frightened eyes, Zhang Feng drew out his dagger, slowly walked to his side and squatted down.

The sharp tip of the dagger stuck to his skin and moved slowly, causing goosebumps everywhere it passed.

"Blood also contains sugar, and the most indispensable thing in the African wilderness is ants the size of fingernails. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk tsk, what do you think it feels like when they crawl around on your wounds?"

Hearing this, the tied gunman couldn't help but swallow hard in fear, but he gritted his teeth and refused to say anything.

The sneer at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth became more intense. Turning to look at Johnson, he said, "Johnson, find a bigger ant nest."

"Yes, Brother Feng!" With that said, Johnson turned around to look for the ant nest.

Turning back, he looked at the gunman with playful eyes and said, "I haven't finished what I just said. The ants are eating your flesh and blood, but you won't die for a while. The smell of blood that gradually spreads will attract hungry beasts. , their bloody mouths will tear at your body crazily. When you lose the weather, scavengers will come, and these animals will eat up the pieces of flesh on your body that have not had time to rot. But you don't have to worry, because you died in the beast's

Under the mouth. In the end, you will become a withered skeleton, enjoying the sun..."

"Shut up! Stop talking..." The gunman's voice began to tremble, "Kill me, kill me!"

"Kill you? Wouldn't that give you an advantage? I am not the unmerciful and compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva." Zhang Feng sneered.

At this time, Johnson's voice also reached Zhang Feng's ears through the headset: "Brother Feng, we found the ant nest."

A cold smile completely bloomed on Zhang Feng's face, he grabbed the gunman's hair and dragged his body along the ground.

The scalp was torn apart in excruciating pain, and a shrill scream came from the gunman's mouth.

He struggled and twisted his body, trying to break free from Zhang Feng's restraints. But the only outcome was that Zhang Feng had a handful of hair left in his palm, casually throwing it on the ground, grabbing another handful, and continuing to drag him towards Johnson's position.

By the time he was dragged to Johnson, there was very little hair on his head, one patch of white and one patch of black, like a Dalmatian.

Throwing his body next to the ant nest, Zhang Feng squatted down, inserted the dagger into the ant nest, and pulled it out. An ant as big as a fingernail stayed on the knife.

He placed the ant on the gunman's body and asked with a sneer: "What? Have you thought about whether to speak?"

"I won't say anything. If I'm a man, kill me!" the gunman roared heartbreakingly.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and suddenly said: "I didn't expect that the bullshit Fire Ant Mercenary Group would have such a man. I really didn't expect it."

"We are on fire..." the gunman blurted out, but suddenly realized something was wrong and quickly stopped.

But the word 'fire' has completely exposed his identity.

Based on the same model of weapons, it is a bit far-fetched to judge that the two attacks were carried out by the fire ant mercenary group. But now the word "fire" on this gunman's name is enough to confirm it!

A smile broke out at the corner of his mouth and he said, "You are also a man. I really want to kill you with one knife and give you a happy ending."

Suddenly his voice turned cold: "However, you caused my brother to be injured and even almost killed! I will slowly settle accounts with the mercenary group behind you, and you, even if I take it back temporarily

Interest! "

As he spoke, the dagger held two blades in his hand, and a cold light suddenly appeared and flew past.

The blade directly cut open the gunman's clothes from the middle, exposing his chest, knife after knife...

The knife saw blood, but only scratched the skin and dermis.

It's not fatal but keeps the blood flowing.

"Let's go!" He said coldly, stood up and walked away. Johnson glanced coldly at the gunman who fell on the ground, and then followed Zhang Feng towards the distance.

"Kill me! Please kill me!... Kill me!" the gunman roared heartbreakingly.

Huge ants crawled out of the ant nest one after another, densely packed, and the sweetness in the blood was the most delicious temptation for them.

Countless ants climbed onto the gunman's body, almost completely covering him.

The small mouths kept gnawing at the flesh around his wounds, and ants even got into his mouth and nose, making it impossible for him to even scream.

Zhang Feng lied and would not attract hunting beasts and scavengers.

Because these huge numbers of ants had eaten him clean, leaving not even a trace of skin and flesh, only withered bones.

Zhang Feng didn't care about his life or death at all. He found a sheltered ground and squatted down, speaking into the headset: "Mike, how is the situation at home now? Have Er Qiangzi and Zhai Qiang gone back?"

"Brother Feng, Brother Zhai Qiang and Brother Erqiang have just returned. Brother Erqiang was unscathed. A piece of flesh was scraped off Zhai Qiang's arm by shrapnel, but no bones were injured, so the skin injury is not serious. It's just that the government troops have completely destroyed the entire arm. The city is cordoned off, and we are conducting a house-to-house search. I’m afraid you and Johnson won’t be able to enter the city for a while.”

Hearing Mike's words, Zhang Feng nodded slightly and said: "The search by the government troops should be fine. Our house has gone through the formal procedures. Zhai Qiang can handle this matter enough. Johnson and I just have something to do. There is no need to go back for the time being. Mike, collect the information on this matter, whether it is official information or hearsay, especially about Zach, and report it to me."

"I understand, Brother Feng."