The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 359: Johnson's abnormal ability to find prey



Under the guidance of Mike through the headset, the two people continued to approach the possible presence of the fire ant mercenary group.

After marching in the scorching sun for a whole morning, Zhang Feng's body was already wet with sweat. Johnson didn't feel anything at all. The black man's ability to withstand the heat was revealed at this time.

The 'chicken neck' I had eaten in the morning was almost digested by now, and my stomach began to drum again.

"Johnson, let's get some food. If you keep walking like this, you'll be fine. I'm afraid I'm going to get heat stroke." Zhang Feng said, licking his dry lips.

Johnson nodded and said in a low voice: "Brother Feng, leave it to me to find food."

"here you are?"

Zhang Feng asked in surprise: "Are you sure? Is the injury on your back okay?"

With his chest thumping, Johnson said firmly: "Brother Feng, don't worry, finding food is really easy."

His eyelids twitched twice, and he secretly said to himself, kid, just brag.

Johnson squatted down, reached out and grabbed a handful of dry sand, smelled it, then determined a direction and strode forward.

Zhang Feng frowned in surprise. Could it be that this guy's nose is sharper than a dog's? Can you still smell prey? Thinking about it, he quickly followed Johnson's footsteps and walked forward.

After walking for about half an hour, Johnson squatted down several times and repeatedly sniffed the dry soil on the ground, then slightly changed direction and continued to move forward.

"Brother Feng, we will find something to eat soon." Johnson said with great certainty, still with his unique fierce yet naive smile on his face.

"Really? Don't lie to me because I don't have enough education. We walked all this way and didn't even see a living thing. How can we get shit to eat?" Zhang Feng said in disbelief.

Johnson smiled naively, did not argue, took out the dagger, held it upside down in his hand, and strode forward.

Continuing forward three to four hundred meters, Zhang Feng's ears twitched slightly, and his keen hearing suddenly heard a strange movement in the grass.

Could it be that there really is prey

Thinking about it, he took out the dagger.

Johnson's movements were even faster, and he threw the dagger in his hand directly!

Seeing his movements, Zhang Feng's eyes slightly

Squint. The dagger was thrown, that's right, it was thrown!

This action is like throwing a javelin! Although I have never asked about Johnson's past, it is impossible not to be curious. It's just that I didn't ask out of respect and trust for Johnson.

But his current throwing action has completely aroused Zhang Feng's curiosity.

The dagger that flew straight out penetrated into the grass and made a "puff" sound, which was obviously the sound of penetrating the flesh, followed by the scream of the prey.

Johnson strode over and pulled out the skinny hare from the grass. He pulled out the dagger and cut its throat to kill it, then returned to Zhang Feng and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, didn't you find something to eat?"

Zhang Feng nodded and joked: "Okay, you can do it. You can actually find prey just by smelling it. Come on, let's open fire."

Johnson shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Feng, pack up this rabbit first. We should still gain a lot." After saying that, he continued to walk forward with the dagger in hand.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng's backpack already contained three hares.

After eating enough meat, Johnson still refused to give up. After searching on the ground for a long time, he squatted on the ground with a happy face and dug with a dagger.

After digging down ten centimeters from the dry soil layer, there were actually roots of vegetation exposed, which were still very fresh.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but take a breath of air. According to Johnson's skills, not to mention surviving in the wild for ten days and a half, even surviving forever is not a problem at all.

The deeper you dig, the bigger and fatter the rhizomes become. After it was all pulled out, it was much larger than a kettle.

Zhang Feng understands that such plants are not only rich in water, but also full of trace elements that are beneficial to the human body.

Make a fire on the spot, skin the hare, put it on with a dagger and grill it over the fire.

Although there is a lack of salt and seasoning, the delicious flavor of the hare meat slowly spreads through the grill. The grease falls into the flames and makes a crackling sound.

The roundworms in his stomach had already been pulled out. Zhang Feng licked his lips. After the rabbit meat was cooked, he started biting it regardless of how hot it was.

Hot mouthed rabbit

The meat fell into his mouth, Zhang Feng kept sucking in the cold air, chewing and swallowing it into his stomach.

Johnson was also unambiguous. He was taller and had a bigger mouth than other people. In just a few mouthfuls, he took a whole rabbit meat into his stomach and gnawed the bones cleanly, even bits of meat residue. There is nothing left.

After the two people finished eating the rabbit meat, they cut open the roots of the plant, and the juice inside immediately flowed out.

Each person ate half of it quickly. The refreshing sweetness is slightly bitter, and after eating it, I feel refreshed.

Roast and cut the remaining rabbit meat in the backpack and keep it in the backpack. Otherwise, the raw meat will easily rot in the hot temperature. The roasted rabbit meat can be left for a longer period of time.

After extinguishing the flames, Zhang Feng once again determined the direction through the microphone, and continued to rush towards the suspected location of the fire ant mercenary group.

Since Johnson took action, the two no longer have to worry about food and water.

Zhang Feng has also received training in wilderness survival, but now compared with Johnson, he is simply weak. The latter can always find the area where the prey is, and can even dig out plant roots that Zhang Feng cannot name in the ground.

The more this happened, the more curious Zhang Feng became.

Walking until midnight, the two men stopped moving forward and stayed where they were to rest. Zhang Feng finally said: "Johnson, from the time you followed me, I have never asked you about your past. Where are you from, what is your background, I have never asked. It's not that I'm not curious, it's just that I regard you as a brother, so I trust you and don’t ask. But your performance today makes me even more curious, and I really can’t wait to know these things.”

Zhang Feng asked bluntly without any mincing words. Seeing Johnson's hesitant look, he shook his head with a wry smile, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Come on, I won't force you, Johnson, don't force it. When you want to tell me, Nature will tell me.”

"Brother Feng, actually... I have wanted to tell you for a long time, but..." Last time in the house, when Zhang Feng was in trouble due to lack of manpower, Johnson wanted to speak, but he thought of the worry in his heart and did not say it out. .

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Well, Johnson, tell me the rest first. I'll listen to what your worries are, and then I'll decide whether to listen to your story or not."