The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 364: Investigate



In the darkness, Zhang Feng quickly approached the station of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group.

During this period, he also saw several secret sentries hiding in the dark, but Zhang Feng had no intention of alarming them again. After all, everything that needs to be known is already known, and those who don’t know may not know anything more from these secret whistles.

Avoiding these secret sentries, Zhang Feng quickly approached the wall of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group's station.

Tree trunks as thick as an adult's waist are inserted into the ground. The surface is coated with rosin as the secret whistle said, and the thorns are slippery. It is impossible to climb up with bare hands.

All trees above a certain height within a distance of six to seven meters outside the fence have been cut down, and it is impossible to climb up the trees to see what is going on inside.

Another advantage of this is that without trees, the invading enemy will have no place to hide.

There is a tall observation tower inside the wall, and the view is very broad during the day.

Zhang Feng frowned slightly. It seemed that the leader of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group was not a complete parallel import.

Throwing the rifle onto his back, he pulled out his dagger and started digging against the bottom. In the end, it was discovered that the trunk of the tree was half a meter deep into the ground. It was not impossible to dig a passage to get in, but it was just too time-consuming and labor-intensive and obviously not advisable.

After a little hesitation, Zhang Feng decided to take the risk and climb to the top of the wall to check the situation inside the wall.

After drying, the hardness of rosin is no less than that of hard stone. It took a long time to finally use a dagger to pry open the gap that can be used for feet.

Put your feet on the gap, slowly climb up, and slightly expose your head to the top of the wall.

With the help of the moonlight, Zhang Feng had a clear view of the situation inside the wall, lowered his voice and said: "Mike, now I say, listen!"

"Okay, Brother Feng."

"I am now on the fence on the left. The fence is about four and a half meters high, and its surface is coated with smooth and hard rosin. The entire station is square as far as I can see, and the length? It is about three hundred meters! It's right! To the front and left of my sight is the main entrance of the station. Parked at the entrance is a truck with four in front and eight in the back, and two watchtowers with a height of about nine meters in the center, one on the left and one on the right. There are two small and medium-caliber rapid-fire mortars each. Directly in front of my sight is a row of wooden houses.

, should be a barracks. To the right of my sight, the terrain is slightly higher and is a natural cave, which should be where the leader of the fire ant mercenary group lives. "Zhang Feng quickly described all the scenes that could be seen during the realization.

"Brother Feng, I wrote everything down, and I will soon be able to draw a three-dimensional map of water."

Hearing Mike's voice, Zhang Feng said: "Okay. I will go around to the front and the other side of the station tomorrow and tell you what I see. Johnson, Johnson."

"Yes, Brother Feng." Johnson replied.

"You will tell Mike what you see from the back of the station. Now you are acting alone. Be careful. If you are exposed, do not get entangled with the other party. Immediately retreat to the assembly point. Do you understand?"

"Okay. Brother Feng. I remember."

Zhang Feng slowly stepped back from the wall. After looking around, he quickly got into the night-shrouded jungle.

It was going to be dawn soon. Zhang Feng did not continue to act. Instead, he retreated a kilometer away. After entering a safe area, he ran to a tree with thick leaves and rested.

The view that the fire ant mercenary group can obtain through the watchtower during the day is too wide. It is too risky to approach hastily. It is far safer to lurk and wait for night to fall again before taking action.

Zhang Feng ordered Johnson to also go to a safe place to rest.

According to Mike's report, the government's blockade of the urban area continues, and with large-scale searches, many organizations lurking in the urban area have been uprooted.

The relationship that Zhai Qiang had established with government officials through various means played a crucial role at this time. The house was only briefly inspected before the soldiers retreated.

Although a lot of gold bars were sent out afterwards, compared with the security and the weapons hidden in the basement, these are insignificant to today.

He was thinking that as the search came to an end, the government forces would soon lift the blockade, and then they could rush back to the city. Then they should find a way to deal with this fire ant mercenary group.

Another thing made Zhang Feng feel strange in his heart. From the official news announced by Ludawang, Zach was killed in battle!

Zach was involved in the diamond trade and had even met Zhai Qiang. It would be better if he really died

, if something goes wrong and the news of Zhai Qiang’s purchase of diamonds leaks out, it’s not known how much coveting of power will arouse. For these diamonds worth over 100 million, crazy mercenaries will do anything. Also, the original owner of the diamond probably wouldn't just let the diamond fall into Zhai Qiang's hands.

The original plan was to find a way to kill Zach and others after completing the diamond transaction. Now, before he takes action, Zach is killed in battle.

Zhang Feng always felt that there was something fishy about this matter.

All he can do is let Mike continue to collect information and make inferences.

Now Zhang Feng is in urgent need of manpower. The combatants now have an idea. As long as the primitive tribe where Johnson is located is found, these natural hunters will become warriors with explosive fighting power with a little training. This can be seen from Johnson's body. One or two.

Except for combat personnel, all types of personnel are lacking, especially intelligence personnel!

Intelligence personnel are the eyes and ears of combatants. The comprehensiveness, accuracy and timeliness of intelligence can even influence the situation of a battle.

The only intelligence officer that can be used now is Mike. Mike is indeed talented in this area, but after all, he is just one person and cannot complete the mission of an organization.

If we want to train intelligence personnel from now on, not only do we not have the time, but we also do not have the right personnel. You must know that cultivating a qualified intelligence officer requires even more manpower, material resources, and energy than combatants.

As he couldn't think of a solution for the time being, Zhang Feng could only put this matter aside.

As the sky gradually became brighter, Zhang Feng gently closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The same is true for Johnson on the other side.

I don’t know how long I slept, but the microphone’s voice came from the headset: “Brother Feng, the government forces have lifted the blockade!”

"The blockade has been lifted?"

Zhang Feng woke up and murmured to himself, faster than he expected. After a moment of silence, he said: "Mike, two things. First, tell Zhai Qiang to move for me. His movements are too much now." Slow down. Even if you spend money, you have to find a way for me in the government. We must know in advance if there is any news. Secondly, Er Qiangzi will drive to pick me up immediately. and Johnson.”