The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 375: The action begins



If you don't have any idea about the club the gigolo mentioned, it must be a lie.

However, Zhang Feng is obviously in a situation where even if he wants to come up with one million US dollars now, let alone 100 million US dollars, he is still short of money.

The diamond transaction that had just been completed cost six million US dollars, which almost wiped out all the money in the family.

Although he still has a bank card given to him by Zhuo Zhaoyun, which contains 200 million Chinese coins, it is only 30 million U.S. dollars, and there is still a huge gap between it and 100 million U.S. dollars.

"I need to think carefully about the club matter." Zhang Feng said.

The gigolo nodded. He was just expressing his thoughts. After all, the real leader of this team was still Zhang Feng. No matter how young he was, he had to make the final decision, let alone a major event worth 100 million US dollars.

"Zhai Qiang, during this time you have to not only find ways to break into the Chinese circle, but also do a good job of research to see if the club can play such a big role as the gigolo said." Zhang Feng said again.

"Okay, I'll do this." Zhai Qiang nodded in agreement.

Zhang Feng turned to look at Mike and asked, "Mike, how have you been paying attention to Zach's family during this time? Has there been any result?"

Mike said: "Originally, I wanted to tell you, Brother Feng. I discovered that Zach's wife was secretly transferring property, and Zach's only son also went abroad half a month ago."

"Mader, there is indeed something fishy about this Zach. Mike, keep watching and figure it out for me no matter what. It's okay if Zach is dead. If it's a fake death, you must hide him for me. Dig out the place. Damn it, we almost died at the hands of the fire ant mercenary group after taking away my six million dollars. This matter cannot be done so easily. "

Zhang Feng muttered and cursed: "Three days later, the gigolo, Johnson and Erqiangzi and I will set off to find the brow of the Fire Ant mercenary group."

For three days, Zhai Qiang went out early and came back late, and the results were remarkable.

After being introduced to the Chinese community by Uncle Liu, it will take some time before I can truly establish a relationship with the members. This is a delicate job that cannot be rushed.

Mike is still paying attention to the movements of Zach's family.

Three days later. Zhang Feng and the four of them separated into two cars. The trunks of each car carried weapons, ammunition, and military supplies.

After the two cars drove out of the house, they left the city separately.

Zhang Feng and Johnson, two people familiar with the route, drove separately, and everyone was speechless along the way.

After the car drove slowly into the primitive jungle, the car was hidden among the thick trees to camouflage it.

The four of them all put on camouflage uniforms for jungle warfare. Four high-explosive grenades, one smoke grenade and one flash grenade were hung on the camouflage uniforms. Each person has an automatic rifle and four magazines. Two pistols, four magazines, fighting saber.

After getting ready, Zhang Feng opened the way in front, with Qiang Sen at the rear, Gigolo and Zhao Qiang taking charge of the two wings respectively, and quickly approached the station of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group.

"Gigolo, have you seen the map of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group's location? What do you think?" Zhang Feng asked while resting on the spot.

The gigolo shook his head and said: "In terms of intelligence, you are no match for me. But when it comes to marching and fighting, I am a layman. You give the order and I will carry it out."

Zhang Feng did not give in and said, "Although there are only four of us, we still have to surround the Fire Ant Mercenary Group this time."

Everyone was confused. Four people wanted to surround a mercenary group of about 400 people, not to mention that the opponent's station also had heavy weapons! How is this surrounded

Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces, Zhang Feng revealed the plan he had already thought of. Everyone nodded, knowing in their hearts that it turned out to be such a siege method.

In the next two days, Zhang Feng and others were busy outside the station, especially the main entrance of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group station.

During the day, what the opponent could achieve through the watchtower was too broad. Zhang Feng and others were dormant in the jungle and did not move rashly.

Four people act at the same time, three people rest and sleep, and one person keeps watch, so everyone can ensure that they get adequate rest.

When night fell, Zhang Feng and the gigolo began to get busy. Zhao Qiang and Qiang Sen were unable to intervene and could only watch and learn from the sidelines while standing guard.

It took two full nights of work to complete the decoration!

On the third night, Johnson stayed dormant in the jungle near the main entrance of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group. And Zhang

Feng, Zhao Qiang and the gigolo moved towards the cave discovered by Johnson, fully armed.

"There is a hidden sentry three hundred meters away at six o'clock and one hundred and fifty meters away at eight o'clock. Kill them!" Zhang Feng said in a low voice through the headset.

The three of them did not move in sync, but spread out.

Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Zhao Qiang and the gigolo in the darkness quickly lurked towards the location he mentioned.

"Solve it." The gigolo slowly lowered the body in his arms to the ground, put away the butterfly knife, picked up the automatic rifle in his hand again, and said in a low voice.

"I'll take care of it here too!" Zhao Qiang's voice also reached Zhang Feng's ears.

Zhang Feng slowly climbed up from the lurking bushes, holding a gun, "Keep going, we will reach the predetermined location in about fifteen minutes. Do not shoot unless it is a last resort."

The three people quickly approached the predetermined location, and Johnson was hiding in the weeds. Although he was huge, the camouflage uniform and camouflage on his body made him completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

"Johnson, how is the situation over there?"

"There's nothing going on."

"Do you still remember the mission I gave you?" Zhang Feng said in a low voice.


An hour later, Zhang Feng and the others met at the predetermined location.

Taking out the drawn map from his pocket, Zhang Feng whispered: "The depth of this underground cave should be about fifteen meters, and the specific conditions inside are unknown. Be careful in all actions. To ensure the concealment of the action, do not do it as a last resort. You must not shoot. Once the gun goes off, don’t hold back. Do you understand?”

"Understood!" The gigolo and others all replied in unison.

Use the muzzle of the gun to gently push aside the weeds piled at the entrance of the hole, and the gap that can only allow one person to pass sideways is exposed in front of everyone.

Zhang Feng turned on the tactical flashlight, adjusted the brightness to the darkest level, and then slowly got into the gap sideways.

Zhao Qiang was in the middle, the second to enter, and also turned on the tactical flashlight.

After the dancers broke off, the last one entered, not forgetting to cover the gap again with the scattered weeds.

There is no light in the cave, only the light of a tactical flashlight for illumination.