The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 376: The situation is wrong



The temperature in the cave is at least five degrees Celsius lower than outside, and it feels like the whole body is chilly.

Not only is the temperature lower, it's not as hot as outside, but very humid.

"Gigolo, what's going on?" Zhang Feng lowered his voice and whispered: "Although the cave has not seen the light for a long time, the temperature and humidity are not so different from the outside."

The gigolo also discovered this problem, shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid only geologists can explain this problem. The only thing that can be determined now is that this hole is naturally formed, and there are no traces of artificial digging."

Zhang Feng nodded, it was indeed true, his hand had touched the stone wall just now and it was extremely smooth.

Entering the cave, the further forward you go, the narrower it was at the beginning, the more empty it becomes.

There were a lot of gravels scattered on the ground. Zhang Feng was walking at the front. He not only had to be careful about the gravels under his feet, but he also had to warn Zhao Qiang and the gigolos behind him.

In such an empty place, no matter how small the sound is, the echo will become louder. An inadvertent sound may attract the attention of the people on the other side of the cave, which will lose the meaning of this operation. It may even be prepared by the other party in advance and make dumplings for the three of them.

Five or six meters forward, Zhang Feng's keen hearing heard the faint sound of "swishing".

He stopped immediately, and Zhao Qiang and the gigolo behind him also stopped immediately.

Zhang Feng tilted his head slightly and listened carefully. Zhao Qiang, who was behind him, saw Zhang Feng's appearance and was about to speak, but Zhang Feng stopped him: "Don't talk, listen carefully. Have you heard a 'swishing' sound, similar to the sound of water flowing?"

The sound of water flowing? Zhao Qiang and the gigolo both shook their heads. The cave was eerily quiet, and there was no sound of water flowing.

Zhang Feng once again confirmed that he heard it correctly, it was the sound of 'squeaking'. As he concentrated his attention, the sound became clearer and clearer.

"You two wait here and don't move."

After commanding, Zhang Feng slowly approached the stone wall and put his ear against the stone wall. The sound became even clearer and he was sure that the 'swishing' sound he heard was the movement of water.

Return to Zhao Qiang and the Gigolo

Next to him, he said: "You two put your ears against the stone wall and you can hear the sound of water flowing. I suspect that this cave may be near an underground river."


The gigolo and Zhao Qiang both put their ears to the stone wall in disbelief, and sure enough they heard a "swishing" sound. Although their hearing is not as sharp as Zhang Feng, they can still hear slightly.

When the two of them came back, Zhang Feng spoke again: "There is indeed the sound of water flowing, right? The first time we came to this cave, we discovered an underground river. The Fire Ant Mercenary Group built a station here. There is no reason why we couldn't find it. ”

The gigolo interjected: "They will definitely make use of the underground river when they find it. Even this underground cave has more than just the exit we are passing through now."

His words coincided with Zhang Feng's thoughts.

If this is really the case, then this action will only increase the variables. However, so much preparation has been made, and the arrow is ready to be fired.

"Gigolo, Zhao Qiang. After we enter, kill the enemy as soon as we see it. If you can't, just shoot! Then Zhao Qiang will stay at the entrance of the cave and hold on no matter what. Your original mission is between me and the gigolo. Come and finish, any questions?”

Zhao Qiang shook his head and said: "Brother Feng, I don't have a problem. It's just that the mission of the two of you is inherently dangerous, and now you still have to share the mission that originally belonged to me. This..."

"There are definitely risks. However, the benefits are proportional to the risks. If we can successfully capture the fire ant mercenary group's station, then this underground river will be the biggest gain!" The gigolo interjected.

Zhang Feng said solemnly: "From now on, all actions must obey my command! Let's go."

Following the order, the three of them quickly and slowly advanced forward. It took more than ten minutes to walk through the underground cave with a depth of no more than 20 meters, which shows how cautious Zhang Feng and others were.

Touching a solid rock wall in front of him, Zhang Feng stopped and said in an inaudible voice: "Look for the entrance to the passage."

The three of them all adjusted the brightness of their tactical flashlights to the highest level, and within a moment they discovered that the entrance to the passage was right above their heads.

The entrance to the passage is a full five meters above the ground, and the rock wall is so wet and slippery that even tactical military boots cannot step on it.


Zhang Feng's brows frowned slightly, which was somewhat beyond his expectation. Look around and you will find places where you can take advantage.

"That's it. You, the gigolo, are the smallest among the three of us. Er Qiangzi and I will send you up. There is a gap on the edge of the board covering the tunnel entrance. All you need to do is clasp your hands there."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the gigolo nodded. This is the only way now.

Zhao Qiang and Zhang Feng stood directly under the tunnel entrance with their hands folded. The dancer took off his backpack and weapons, holding two butterfly knives in his mouth, and took a few steps back.

Rush forward quickly. Seeing this, Zhao Qiang and Zhang Feng both squatted down slightly.

The dancer's feet stepped on their overlapping palms, and he suddenly used force to lift upward. At the same time, Zhang Feng and Zhao Qiang both used their hands to move upward.

The body suddenly lifted up, and the dancer's fingers were inserted into the gap.

But the rock wall was really smooth. Seeing it slipping down, the dancer suddenly let go of his hand and pulled out the butterfly knife that was biting across his mouth.

He stabbed hard at the wooden lid covering the tunnel entrance.

With a soft sound of "Puff", the butterfly knife pierced the wooden board. With the help of this force, the gigolo finally stabilized his body.

The hand holding on to the rock wall stretched out, and finally got a firm grip. He put his head on the wooden cover and pushed it up slightly. Fortunately, it was not locked.

He opened his eyes and looked around. He saw a bed three or four meters away, with a big man sleeping on it. A painting and weapons hang above the bed.

Climbing up from the tunnel entrance bit by bit as silently as possible, the dancers slowly piled on the ground, their chests rising and falling slightly.

He walked slowly towards the man sleeping on the bed, covered his mouth, and slashed his neck with the butterfly knife.

Blood spurted out, the man's body twitched twice, and he was dead.

This operation is to kill the fire ant mercenary group, and there is no need to leave any survivors!

They found a rope ladder in the corner of the room and quickly threw it down the tunnel. Soon, Zhang Feng and Zhao Qiang climbed up.

The gigolo quickly put his backpack on his back and said in a low voice: "The situation is wrong. The room connected by the tunnel is not the room of the leader of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group."