The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 382: Field first aid



The mercenaries who entered the central area of the booby trap lost Johnson's figure and stopped. The entire jungle returned to tranquility again, but this tranquility was a bit excessive and full of chilling atmosphere!

Johnson hid behind a tree with his gun, and locked the muzzle of the gun on the mercenaries in the distance. Because of the holographic infrared sight, the enemy's whereabouts had nowhere to hide.

He did not act rashly, but lowered his voice and said, "Brother Feng, when will we take action?"

"You and I only exist to catch the fish that were caught. Don't do anything, just wait for them to die on their own!" Although Zhao Qiang's injury made him full of anger, it did not make Zhang Feng lose his mind. The abnormal training he has undergone has already allowed him to maintain an absolutely clear mind in any situation.

The gigolo quickly found the first aid kit in the group leader's cave, opened it, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw an infusion tube inside.

He ran out with the first aid kit in his arms, threw himself next to Zhao Qiang, and said in a deep voice: "Zhao Qiang, you must stay awake, you know! You must stay awake! You must not pass out!"

He had already checked the first aid kit. There was an anesthetic in it, but the dosage was too small. It could only be used for local anesthesia, not at all for general anesthesia. The operation involves touching the aorta, and even with local anesthesia, it is not something ordinary people can bear!

Zhao Qiang's face was as pale as gold paper. He squeezed out a smile that was even uglier than crying, and said breathlessly: "Gigolo, I just heard... what you said. Even if I die... you will... To stay alive... Brother Feng needs help. "

The gigolo licked his lips, took out a syringe, extracted the anesthetic and injected it into Zhao Qiang's leg. While waiting for the anesthetic to take effect, he took out his butterfly knife and wiped the blood on it, then simply disinfected it with alcohol and used it as a scalpel.

When the anesthetic took effect, he said in a deep voice: "Zhao Qiang, you must hold back." After saying that, he took off the silencer installed on the muzzle of the gun, stuffed it into his mouth and let him bite it, to prevent him from biting due to pain. Tongue.

The roots of Zhao Qiang's thighs were slightly purple because they had been tied tightly with the cloth for too long. Although this method can stop bleeding urgently, the lack of blood in the tissue over time can easily lead to tissue necrosis, and may even never recover.

He stretched out his hand and slowly untied the binding cloth, and blood suddenly spurted out from the broken artery, splattering on the gigolo's face, and instantly dyed his face completely bright red.

Turning his head slightly to avoid the blood flow, the dancer held his breath and carefully controlled the butterfly knife in his hand to approach Zhao Qiang's wound.

Some of the confused mercenaries finally couldn't help themselves and carefully searched around.

He had just walked out about ten meters away when he felt something break under his feet. Surprised, he squatted down and prepared to check.

The grenade exploded immediately! His lowered head bore the brunt of the explosion and was blown to pieces by fragments. His upper body was almost blown into pieces. The lower half of his body was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion for a distance of six to seven meters. The messy internal organs were scattered on the ground. What is already dead cannot die again.

The mercenaries in the distance nervously raised their guns and looked around for enemies. In the darkness, they had no night vision or infrared equipment and could only see with the dim moonlight. Coupled with the dense leaves, the visibility was really low.

Many mercenaries swallowed hard. This feeling was so frustrating. They had no idea where the enemy was hiding, and they didn't know where a grenade would come from.

"There are many of us, please spread out!" Someone in the team shouted loudly.

Hearing his words, Zhang Feng's lips curled into a murderous sneer. There were so many people? is that useful? How can booby traps be destroyed by just a few people

Booby traps are about psychology, and are a great test of the psychology and intelligence of the minelayers, as well as the psychological endurance of the deminers.

The key point of booby traps lies in the word "trick". Does anyone know where Lei is located? How many are arranged? Is it one link within another, or will it form a chain reaction? Even if you try to eliminate the booby traps when you have a clear field of vision, you will end up with a narrow escape, let alone a night like this.

If there are people among the opponent's mercenaries who are proficient in booby traps, they should tell everyone to stay where they are and wait until dawn tomorrow to carefully clear the mines. By then, they may be able to get out at the cost of a group of people's lives. But unfortunately, the other party does not have such a person.

The mercenaries searching around were constantly triggering booby traps.

He was killed directly in the explosion.

Some people were triggered by the booby trap, and their bodies instantly fell to the ground. They waited for a long time, but nothing happened. Although he was not dead, half of his three souls and seven souls were frightened.

This feeling makes them more and more frightened, because you don't know when you will die, and the process of waiting for death is far more terrifying than death itself!

The mercenaries who had dispersed once again gathered in a safe middle area, but the number of mercenaries just now turned into more than 80, and more than a dozen people died in a matter of seconds.

Bodies were scattered around, but none of them were complete. They were missing arms and legs, but they were considered healthy.

The blood stained the grass red, and the internal organs exuded a stench that was nauseating.

The surviving mercenaries looked around nervously. In such an extremely depressing situation, their nerves were all tense.

His eyes slightly narrowed, with a murderous look in his eyes, Zhang Feng said in a deep voice: "Qiang Sen, they are already on the verge of collapse, call them every three minutes! I'm going to check on Zhao Qiang's situation! "

"Okay, I understand. Brother Feng!" Johnson replied.

There is no suspense here now. The mercenaries of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group are all trained refugees. They are just a mob in essence. Now that their spirits have collapsed, there is no suspense in the ending. It is just a matter of time. Although they still have eighty people, it is enough to leave Johnson here alone.

Zhang Feng's only concern now was Zhao Qiang's safety, and he quickly ran towards the station.

The gigolo finally completed the emergency surgery, and his face was covered with sweat and the blood splattered on Zhao Qiang.

At this moment, Zhao Qiang had lost too much blood and his breathing had become extremely weak. He was hanging on in one breath and could die at any time.

Throwing the butterfly knife that was completely stained red in his hand to the ground, the dancer quickly took out the infusion tube and connected the needle, quickly inserted it into the blood vessel on the back of his hand, and the other end was inserted into Zhao Qiang's blood vessel.

The situation is urgent, and now we can only use the most brutal method to transfuse Zhao Qiang's blood. Although there may be a rejection reaction, in order to hang on to Zhao Qiang's life until the doctor arrives, we have no choice!