The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 387: The end of the underground palace



I continued walking along the winding underground cave for about ten minutes, but still didn't see the end of the underground palace.

At this moment, Zhang Feng understood why the leader of the fire ant mercenary group did not run for his life like crazy, but instead hid in the dark and ambush him to kill him.

The winding cave in this underground palace was very long, and he knew that even if he escaped, he would be caught up, so he wanted to make a sudden attack and kill the pursuers behind him.

There is another reason, that is, there are things hidden in this underground palace that he cannot give up. Only by killing the pursuers behind him can he safely take away the things he cares about.

A smile appeared on Zhang Feng's lips. The only thing that the mercenaries cared about was money.

This is just a conjecture in his mind. As long as he continues to go down, the truth will be revealed by then.

Although he kept moving forward, bursts of electric current kept coming from the headset.

Zhang Feng frowned slightly, turned his gaze to Mike, and asked, "What's going on with the headset?"

"Brother Feng, there should be a relatively strong natural magnetic field here, which will cause interference to the radio generated by the current. That's why we hear the 'beep' sound of current. And I'm afraid if we continue walking, the strength of the magnetic field will not If the number continues to increase, our communication equipment will be lost," Mike explained.

Zhang Feng nodded slightly and said, "Johnson. We may not be able to communicate through the headset for a short time. Once something happens, just pull the trigger. If you don't get a response, just detonate one." Grenade, we can definitely hear the explosion!"

"Okay." Hearing Johnson's movements, Zhang Feng simply turned off the useless headset.

I took out an old-fashioned compass from my pocket and saw that the pointer kept shaking back and forth. Then he said: "Mike, it seems that there is not only a natural magnetic field here, but also a disordered one." When I think that there is a natural disordered magnetic field here, the idea equipment will fail if it is placed here. When the time comes, it will be a place to store important things. No need to worry about being stolen by electronic devices.

The three of them continued to walk forward. After about half an hour, the beam of the flashlight shining in the distance was now sparkling.

Black mud and white stone light water mirror. This is what Lao Jiang said

The experience left by the Lakers is nothing more than black mud, white stone, and the color of the pond reflected in the moonlight.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but look happy. There really was an underground river, and his theory came true.

It’s just that the underground river has appeared and the underground palace has reached the bottom. Why haven’t I seen what the leader of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group wanted to protect? Could it be that I guessed wrong on this point

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Feng still believed that the Fire Ant Mercenary Group must have valuable wealth hidden somewhere, but he had not found it yet.

There are several reasons for making this judgment.

First, create a mercenary group to participate in the war and live a life of licking blood with your head in your belt, for nothing more than wealth!

Second, unlike other large mercenary groups, the Fire Ant Mercenary Group recruits soldiers who are veterans of various countries' armies and are trained by the system before they are put into the battlefield. Instead, they imprisoned the refugees and distributed the lowest quality weapons they could find. Such a rabble does not cost much at all.

Third, with huge profits and extremely low costs, the Fire Ant Mercenary Group took several years to create.

Combining these three points, Zhang Feng can judge that the leader of the Fire Ant Mercenary Group must have plundered huge wealth, but it has not been discovered yet.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng frowned slightly.

Zhai Qiang and Mike quickly ran towards the underground river with the help of the light of their flashlights. For them, the wonders of nature have only been seen on TV or in historical materials in museums, and this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes.

Zhang Feng also walked over casually. Looking at the slowly flowing water, Zhang Feng's originally frowning brows relaxed.

The existence of living water can solve the attitude problem, and drinking water alone is of great significance.

Zhang Feng thought of another question, where is the source of this underground river? Where does it end up being transferred

The light of the flashlight shone into the river, and one by one the fish were frightened by the light and quickly dived to the bottom of the river.

He squatted down and put his hand into the river water, which felt slightly cool.

"It's almost time! Let's go back." Zhang Feng said. But my heart is beating

Make up your mind, this underground palace has a naturally disordered magnetic field and an underground river of living water. If you can't make good use of it, it will be a waste of resources. If you can explore the source and end of the underground river and develop a hidden passage, it will be even more wonderful. . It’s just that these projects are too big and require long-term planning.

"Brother Feng, we thought that the fire ant mercenary group's wealth was hidden in this underground palace. We didn't find the wealth, but we did see a rare sight..." Mike said.

Zhang Feng nodded, shook his head, and said: "The scene is quite difficult. The wealth must still be in this underground palace, but we haven't found it yet."

"Huh? Brother Feng, why do you say that?" Zhai Qiang asked with some confusion.

"We walked to the underground river in the deepest part of the underground palace, and after searching around, there was no other exit except jumping into the underground river where we didn't know the way out. In other words, from what we have discovered now, it seems that this underground palace is a dead end. "Then why did the leader of the Fire Ant Mercenary Corps escape here and kill me on the way? If you were in his shoes, would you make such a choice?" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhai Qiang's brows wrinkled slightly. After thinking for a while, he raised a possibility: "Could it be that he was helpless at that time and fled into this place in a panic?"

Zhang Feng nodded slightly, it was possible, but he was standing on the side of the bed holding a gun. Apart from rushing out to fight to the death with him, the leader of the fire ant mercenary group seemed to have no choice but to escape through the hole dug under the bed. .

But thinking about it on the other hand, since he hid the entrance of the cave under his bed, he must not have known that the end of the underground palace was the underground river, which was a dead end.

If you fight to the death, you may still have a chance to fight back. Jumping into the hole is a dead end. Anyone with a little bit of brains will know how to choose.

Zhang Feng said what he was thinking, and both Zhai Qiang and Mike remained silent, thinking carefully about his reasoning.

After being silent for a long time, Mike said: "I think what Brother Feng said makes sense. There is still a chance of survival if the fish is dead or the net is broken. Since he didn't choose life, he must have an agenda. He might not even have expected that Brother Feng would pursue him so quickly. In the past, I wanted to sneak attack Brother Feng in a hurry."

Hearing this, an idea suddenly flashed in Zhang Feng's head!