The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 39: White skin


"Start investigating the social background of this woman nicknamed Sanniang, whose real name is Xu Ping. Every detail must be presented in the report. Investigators are also sent to monitor Xu Ping 24 hours a day. Since Mr. Huo appears in a Guoxian Seafood City must be inextricably related to this woman! "

"In addition, the hotel where the location is locked will also be monitored to investigate the information of the owner behind the hotel."

"In addition, a large amount of drugs have been discovered in Southwest City in the past two years, and the source is from Yangcheng. Contact the Southwest Anti-Narcotics Police to see if we can share resources and coordinate the investigation!"

Yuan Lang issued orders one by one, and the Yangcheng Drug Enforcement Agency started operating at high speed.

Lao Zhuang also gradually woke up.

Zhang Feng lay on the quilt and said: "Lao Zhuang, you also reminded me not to act rashly. There are other people. Now there are only two of us in this ghost cabin."

"Don't worry, we will have more people to change boats when we get to the high seas!" Lao Zhuang said with a yawn.

After saying that, he felt sleepy and shrank into the dirty quilt, and for a while, he could breathe evenly.

Zhang Feng stared in the darkness, wondering how far the Huangquan Road selection process had gone, and whether his current situation could be considered as being eliminated.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhang Feng also knew that he had a crush on the army.

The King of Hell, whose expression is always half-smiling, the judge with a dark face, and those warriors who are like wooden stakes.

What’s more, I miss those comrades who endured hardships, hunger and torture together.

"Alas." Zhang Feng sighed in his heart, feeling a little bitter.

Zhang Feng is aware of his current situation. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at him in the darkness, and his identity may be exposed if he is not careful!

Once his identity is exposed, the crazy drug dealer will kill him without hesitation!

This is an extremely depressing, lonely environment.

I don't even sleep well, for fear of leaking something I said in my sleep.

At this time, a beautiful image appeared in my mind.

Standing on the street with a painting folder on his back, a smile on his face that is shallow but enough to warm the heart.

Hu Xinting.

Ever since he left Southwest University with Li Jian, Zhang Feng knew that he and she would probably not have the chance to meet again.

Entering the military is

, even more so now that he is deeply trapped in a drug den.

After three days of wandering on the sea, it was impossible to tell the difference between day and night in the cabin. We could only judge that three days had passed based on the secret compartment opening and the frequency of men delivering meals.

"Come out!" The man opened the secret compartment and said with a wrinkled voice.

Lao Zhuang stretched himself and crawled out of the secret compartment.

Zhang Feng followed behind. After being in the dark for a long time, it took me a while to get used to the sunlight.

Standing on the plywood, you can smell the sea breeze with a light salty smell, and there is an endless sea as far as your eyes can see.

Zhang Feng said with emotion: "The sea... is so big!"

Lao Zhuang sneered and said, "Have you never seen the sea before? Hahaha, it's so big. The description is so accurate!"

As night fell, the fishing boat did not move forward but hovered.

Until midnight, a cruise ship with its lights on and a crowd of people on it slowly approached.

"Here we come!" Lao Zhuang muttered as he looked at the cruise ship.

The fishing boats also started and headed straight for the cruise ship. The cruise ship also lowered the hanging ladder at the right time.

Lao Zhuang took the lead, and Zhang Feng followed and climbed up the hanging ladder.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Zhuang? Why is Master Huo willing to send you over this time?"

As soon as the two climbed up the hanging ladder, they heard a strange voice.

Looking for the voice, I saw a man wearing a white suit, a tie, and a ponytail, holding a wine glass in his hand.

"Who am I asking? It turns out to be Bai Pi. Huh, I'm very angry inside. Please stay away from me." Lao Zhuang responded unceremoniously.

Zhang Feng frowned and thought to himself that it seemed that there was no peace in this poisonous circle, and there were many grievances and grievances.

Most of the people on the cruise ship looked like they were watching the excitement and were not afraid of trouble, with smiles on their faces.

After a seemingly random glance around, I found that every ten meters or so on the edge of the plywood, there was a man standing guard with a rifle in his hand.

These men are all short in stature, with dark skin and cold eyes.

"Zhuang, if you dare to call me Baipi again, believe it or not, I will throw you down to feed the fishes right now!"

Baipi slammed the red wine glass in his hand onto the deck, shattering it into pieces.

"I really don't believe what you can do to me. I'll call you Baipi. What can you do to me, Baipi, Baipi, Baipi! Hahaha!" Lao Zhuang laughed unscrupulously.

Bai Pi reached behind his waist and took out a pistol with the safety turned on. He put it on Lao Zhuang's forehead. His face was twisted and he said word by word: "Scream, try, try again." !”

At this moment, Zhang Feng also moved, holding the blade between his two fingers and pressing it directly against Baipi's neck.

A thin cut was made on his fair and tender skin, and bright red blood flowed out, dyeing his white suit red, which looked very dazzling under the light!

The person following Bai Pi also took out a gun and pointed it at Zhang Feng.

The scene was frozen to the freezing point and was on the verge of breaking out!

"Put down the gun, or I'll cut your neck!" Zhang Feng said viciously.

Lao Zhuang also looked at Baipi with a provocative expression!

"What are you doing? Give me some respect and put down your guns quickly. Aren't we all colleagues making others laugh? Hahaha."

A middle-aged fat man with a big belly and a fat face walked over. He pressed Zhang Feng's wrist with one hand and pushed away the gun in Bai Pi's hand with a smile.

"Huh, Uncle Sang, I'll just give you some face!" Baipi said, borrowing the donkey from down the slope. However, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Feng's face, and he reached out to touch the blood on his neck, put it into his mouth and sucked it, and then made a beheading motion towards Zhang Feng.

"Uncle Sang." Lao Zhuang also said respectfully.

"Well, Xiaozhuang, I'm relieved that Mr. Huo sent you here this time. It's easy to do things with acquaintances. Hahaha, you must be tired just after getting on the boat. Go and rest for a while. There will be an event tomorrow! Go!" Uncle Sang! There is always a smile on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Huo!" Lao Zhuang nodded and walked towards the cabin.

When passing by Uncle Sang, Uncle Sang patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder and said, "Young man, don't be so angry. Hahaha!"

Zhang Feng was flattered and said, "Yes, thank you Uncle Sang for your guidance."

The accommodation conditions on a cruise ship are not comparable to those on small fishing boats used for stowaways.

After walking into the clean and tidy room, Zhang Feng fell on the bed and said with a sigh: "Old Zhuang, this is really not a good deal. The gun to my head just now almost made me pee."