The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 392: Whining wind and swaying bonfire



As he continued to get closer, Johnson could also hear gunshots one after another, with uncontrollable anger on his face.

Zhang Feng's keen hearing allows him to hear sounds that Johnson cannot yet hear, such as the roar of car engines and the crazy laughter of mercenaries shooting.

The closer he got, the more obvious the sound became, and Zhang Feng's expression became more and more gloomy.

Now it seems that the possibility of poachers is gone, and the people in front must be mercenaries. It is impossible for a poacher to shoot so recklessly and laugh so wildly.

Zhang Feng could understand if the other party shot and killed him to avoid being preyed on by a hungry lion, but in the current situation, it was definitely not the case.

The gunshots stopped and the engine business gradually faded away. Zhang Feng's face became increasingly ugly.

Ten minutes later, the two men arrived at the place where the gunshots had just been heard. The mercenaries had long since disappeared without a trace, leaving behind corpses of lions. Some of the lions were still alive, with blood dripping from gunshot wounds on their bodies.

"Brother Feng, I want to kill them. It is these people who hunt wild beasts casually that make the living environment of primitive tribes more and more difficult!" Johnson stared at the body of the lion lying on the ground and said viciously.

Zhang Feng nodded. Even if Johnson didn't say anything, he had no intention of letting go of these mercenaries, not only because they shot these lions, but also because of the cars they drove and to find out who they were. Which mercenary group he belongs to.

Johnson knelt down in front of the lion, clasped his hands and muttered something. Zhang Feng didn't know what he was mumbling, but he could see the piety on his face.

Without disturbing his prayers, Zhang Feng saw a lioness who was not dead yet. There was a shocking gunshot wound on his body, and the blood that flowed out dyed his yellow fur red.

Stepping over, Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment because he actually saw prayer in the lioness's eyes.

How can this be? Walking into the side of the lioness, the lioness let out a whimpering and low roar, and there were tears in her big and bright eyes.

How can this be? Zhang Feng couldn’t believe that a lion dominating the African wilderness lived in

Would you beg a human being

A thought occurred to her. She was a lioness. Could it be that a young teacher was kidnapped by mercenaries and she was pleading with herself to save her child

Zhang Feng couldn't understand why such strange thoughts came into his head. Maybe it was because the rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Seeing Johnson standing up, he said: "Johnson, give them a ride, so as not to cause them more pain."

Johnson nodded, took out the hunting knife hanging diagonally on his back, and sent the sharp blade into the throat of the lion who had not yet completely expired.

Seeing that Johnson was still a little nostalgic, Zhang Feng said: "We have to chase him quickly, otherwise the flying sand will soon cover up the ruts on the ground, and it will not be so easy to find these mercenaries." ”

"Okay, Brother Feng." Johnson inserted the blood-stained hunting knife into the knife pouch behind his back.

Both of them turned on the safety of the automatic rifles in their hands, and the appearance of the mercenaries made them nervous again. If there are mercenary activities here, it must be the territory of a certain mercenary. You must be careful every step, otherwise you may unconsciously penetrate deep into the opponent's hinterland. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to retreat. , and the two of them still have to look for Johnson's tribe members, so they can't delay too much for a moment.

Following the ruts left by the car, Zhang Feng and Johnson quickly chased forward.

Until nightfall, the two men still failed to catch up with the mercenaries in front. The only thing Zhang Feng thought about was that the other party should rest so that the vehicle would stop. Otherwise, it would be impossible for human legs to catch up with a car with four wheels.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Feng and Johnson's physical strength was also exhausted from several hours of frantic pursuit.

But he had no intention of stopping. He took out the untouched compressed biscuits and highly concentrated dark chocolate from his backpack and put them into his stomach with water, and his physical strength recovered a little. Continuing to track forward, half an hour later, the ruts on the ground completely disappeared. However, Zhang Feng and Qiang Sen locked onto each other's tracks because there was fire in the distance.

It seems that these mercenaries are really unscrupulous and dare to make a bonfire and spend the night in the wilderness.

With firelight guiding the direction, Zhang Feng and Qiangsen felt relieved and the other party set up camp.

It seems that Zhazhai will not leave until dawn.

Johnson wanted to rush over now and kill all these mercenaries, but Zhang Feng stopped him and said: "Don't worry. Rest for an hour first, wait until your physical strength recovers, and then kill them!"

Hearing this, Johnson also forcibly suppressed the murderous intention in his hands.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng asked Johnson to stay where he was and waited, while he lowered his body and got into the night, quickly approaching the position of the fire.

He approached cautiously. He didn't know how many people were sleeping in the marching tent, but seeing two jeeps, he should be able to deduce that there were no more than ten people on the other side.

He continued to search, and finally found the opponent's hidden whistle in a sand pit in the distance.

It would be really strange if there were no hidden whistles.

The body slowly retreated, came to Johnson's side, and lowered his voice and said: "There is a secret sentry from the other side 30 meters away from the six o'clock direction of the marching tent. I will kill him when I take action. You approach the marching tent , wait for me to return, and we will act together, is there any problem?”

Johnson shook his head and said there was no problem.

The two people carried backpacks, lowered their bodies and quickly approached the fire. The howling wind whimpered, completely covering up the faint sound of their two feet hitting the ground, but the bonfire was constantly swaying!

Zhang Feng pulled out the short knife and bit it across his mouth, then crawled forward.

When he touched the top of the bunker, Zhang Feng was already holding his breath, because there was a whistle right under his eyes, and the other party didn't even realize that someone was right above his head.

Pulling out the dagger that was biting across his mouth, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed his chin and lifted it up, causing his upper and lower jaws to bite tightly and unable to separate, making him unable to speak. In an instant, the dagger drew a blade.

Sliding across his upright neck, the incision was extremely deep and directly cut off the main arteries of his trachea, and blood under pressure in the chest spurted out from the wound.

An Shao struggled and twisted his legs, and his hands randomly grabbed the gun beside him.

How could Zhang Feng give this opportunity? The short knife in his hand quickly passed through his hand, and half of his palm was cut off directly.

After a few breaths, Anshao closed his eyes completely, unable to die any longer.