The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 394: Found mark



With the car, the two of them finally no longer have to walk. Not only does it speed up, but it also saves energy.

People don't rest in the car. Zhang Feng and Johnson took turns driving, while the other person rested in the car.

While Johnson was driving, Zhang Feng got into the back seat and lay down with his legs curled up, ready to squint for a while.

Just as he closed his eyes, he heard a childish roar from the lion cub in the cage, which disturbed Zhang Feng and couldn't help but open his eyes.

I saw its claws scratching the iron cage from time to time, and from time to time it used its ungrown fangs to bite. It didn't have the majestic appearance that a real lion should have at all, but more like a naive puppy.

Zhang Feng was just about to open the cage when he heard Johnson say: "Brother Feng, you can't let it out. Lions are different from dogs. Their wild nature is innate and cannot be tamed."

Can't be tamed? Even the cold-blooded wolf in the wolf totem can be tamed, let alone a young lion. Besides, Zhang Feng had never thought about training the future king of beasts into a pet that wagged its tail and begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, Johnson. I haven't thought about taming it. I'll release it back into the jungle when it's a little older and can fend for itself. Besides, with just such a little trick, I can stab him to death with one finger and even hurt him." Come to me?" He sneered twice, opened the cage, and reached out to take out the lion cub.

The lion cub was probably a little scared of Zhang Feng, who was so huge compared to it, and its body was trembling.

He put the cub under the seat and scolded with a smile: "We can't keep you in a cage forever, Marde, don't be like the farmer and the snake inside the snake. I save you with good intentions, but you take advantage of me while I'm asleep." Then he bit me back."

Regardless of whether it can move his will, after finishing speaking, Zhang Feng hugged his shoulders and huddled in the back seat and slowly closed his eyes.

Because Johnson was there, Zhang Feng slept more soundly. He didn't know how long he slept, but he felt his nose was itchy, so he slowly opened his eyes, only to see the little lion cub crawled into his body without knowing when. On his body, he curled up and fell asleep on his chest. The thing that tickled his nose just now was its tail wagging back and forth.

"What the hell, you actually put me on the mattress. Hahaha, this little guy." He scolded with a smile.

With a loud voice, he picked him up gently, sat up, put him on the seat, and said to Johnson: "Johnson, please rest for a while. I will drive. Just tell me the approximate direction."

Hearing this, Johnson asked if he could force himself. It was too tiring to drive continuously in the bumpy and boundless wasteland, so he said: "Okay. Brother Feng, just keep moving forward in the current direction. I deliberately won't take long, and we will If you can see the jungle, my tribe should be in the jungle.”

The two people changed positions, Zhang Feng drove and Johnson slept.

The lion cub crawled on Johnson's body in a daze, twitched his nose twice, and felt that the smell was not right. He immediately opened his eyes, stood on Johnson's body and let out a low roar of "Huhu".

Johnson's eyes suddenly opened and widened. The lion cub was so frightened that he jumped off his body and quickly got under Zhang Feng's legs, revealing his little head from time to time to spy on Johnson.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but burst into laughter. It seemed that Johnson was really scary, actually scaring it into this state.

While driving the car, the four claws of the lion cub kept scratching his trouser legs. Zhang Feng lowered his head and said, "You don't want to climb on me again, do you?"

As he spoke, he picked up the lion cub with one hand and placed it on his lap. The lion cub immediately became obedient and curled up into a ball, like a kitten.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but laugh. It was really interesting to have this little guy on this boring journey.

"Would you like to give you a name? Rhubarb? Grass, isn't this still the name of a Chinese pastoral dog? Otherwise, let's call you Feng? My name is Zhang Feng, and your name is Feng. The two of us can be considered brothers, haha ”

… … …

After twenty hours of continuous driving, the oil in the car had burned out. Johnson and Zhang Feng could only abandon the car and continue walking. Fortunately, they could already see the shadow of the jungle in the distance.

"Johnson, how old is Feng now?"

"Looking at his size, he should be around July or August. He should be a newly weaned lion cub." Johnson said.

Zhang Feng nodded, fortunately it was already weaned, otherwise I wouldn't know where to find a wet nurse for it in this wilderness.

Walking forward quickly, Feng seemed to be particularly dependent on Zhang Feng, always circling his pants happily. On the other hand, as soon as Johnson got close, he immediately bit his tongue.

The teeth are so big that they will bite you if you get close to me, which made Johnson marvel.

Zhang Feng knew that a lion would not be able to hunt alone until it was about two years old. Thinking that it would be able to protect itself by then, he released it back into the jungle to become the king of the grassland.

After Johnson catches live prey, Zhang Feng will cut a small opening on the front legs of the prey and then release it, with Feng chasing it to practice his hunting skills.

At the beginning, Feng was still confused, but the ferocity of the beast made him slowly approach the prey, and by instinct, he caught up with the lame gift and tore its throat.

After half a day, the lush jungle was finally in front of him. Feng was obviously a little confused. It was an African lion and it lived on the grassland. Suddenly, he looked a little scared when he saw the lush jungle, and he did not leave Zhang Feng's two steps. Inside.

Johnson said: "Brother Feng, this jungle is much larger than the one we are in. Our tribe has lived here for generations, and there are other tribes. We must be careful when we get here."

Hearing his reminder, Zhang Feng nodded. These tribes do not welcome strangers. Not only do they not know how to "eat a pot of pulp to welcome the king's master", but they know how to serve them with hunting rifles and blowing arrows.

These cold weapons are coated with toxins collected from the venom sacs of wild beasts. Even if they are blood-sealing, they are enough to kill people. It is better to be careful.

"Don't worry. Johnson, hurry up and look for the marks left by your tribe. When we find your tribe, we will quickly withdraw from the jungle and no other tribes will conflict." Zhang Feng nodded and said.

Johnson nodded and said: "Our tribe migrates seasonally. It should be in the jungle here now. I should be able to find it soon."

It was faster than Zhang Feng expected. He originally thought it would take three or four days to search, but he didn't expect to find the mark left by his tribe in the early morning of the next day. It was a mark engraved on a book, and the shape was somewhat like the oracle bone inscriptions of ancient China. Zhang Feng didn't know what it meant, but Johnson said with certainty: "Brother Feng, my tribe is migrating to the southeast. Look at the mark The marks should have been left three days ago.”

The two men searched nearby and found signs that someone had been there. Johnson thought that he would soon see his long-awaited tribe, with unconcealable excitement on his face.