The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 395: Chinese garden dog



As he continued to find the marks left by the tribe, the excitement and excitement on Johnson's face turned into anxiety.

Because along with the marks that kept appearing on the tree trunks, there were also messy blood stains.

Moreover, blood stains appeared more and more frequently, and Johnson's face changed from anxious to ugly.

"Brother Feng, these blood stains appear together with the marks of our tribe. Someone in our tribe must be injured."

Zhang Feng nodded, Johnson's judgment should be correct. Because he found many traces of fighting around the blood stains.

"Johnson, you don't have to be too anxious. It's okay for someone to be injured, but your tribe has left a mark, which means it's nothing serious. Let's not rest for the time being. We should catch up quickly. Maybe we can give your tribe I don’t know if I can help you!”

Hearing this, Johnson naturally wanted it. He was like an ant on a hot pot now and didn't know what to do.

The two people moved quickly along the signs that kept appearing. When their physical energy was exhausted, they stopped for a while to rest and eat before continuing on their way.

There was no problem for either of them and their bodies could bear it, but Feng, as an African lion, couldn't bear it and could not stop whimpering.

Zhang Feng stuffed him directly into his backpack and continued moving forward.

Feng put his head in and out of the gap in the backpack with a leisurely attitude, his little head shaking from side to side.

"Stop!" Zhang Feng suddenly lowered his voice and squatted down quickly.

Johnson, who was following him, didn't hesitate at all. He immediately stopped squatting down and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Brother Feng!"

Zhang Feng suddenly stopped moving forward because he heard the sound of thin ropes in front of him.

"You wait here, I'll go find out what's going on ahead!" Zhang Feng whispered, then lowered his body and quickly got into the jungle.

The sunlight passed through the dense leaves and cast spots of light on the messy grass. Zhang Feng moved forward slowly under the cover of weeds and vines, his ears tilted to catch more sounds.

He always had a feeling of thorns in his back, as if he was secretly

Someone was peeping at him.

But he couldn't find where the other party was at all. His sensitive ears could not hear any unnecessary noise, only the wind rustling through the leaves.

"Could it be that my feeling is wrong?" he thought to himself, but Zhang Feng still shook his head. This feeling of thorns on his back had saved his life more than once. He would rather believe it than believe it!

Just as Zhang Feng moved forward carefully and searched carefully, Feng, who had been taking a nap in the backpack, woke up and twisted his head out of the gap.

Feeling Feng's movement inside the backpack, Zhang Feng secretly thought something bad and had no time to react. Feng bared his teeth and growled.

And there was a sound that broke through the air from the darkness: swish, swish, swish.

A series of homemade sharp spears flew out from the darkness. Although they were all made of sharpened wood, they were enough to penetrate the thick skin of the bison.

If he got hit, the consequences would be disastrous. Zhang Feng turned around quickly and quickly pulled the trigger with his finger.

The bullets shot out with a roar, knocking down many missiles in mid-air. At the same time, Zhang Feng's body quickly jumped to the side.

The whistling spears did not fall on Zhang Feng's body, but penetrated into the soil, about half a meter deep, which shows the strength of the person throwing the spears and the sharpness of the spears.

Zhang Feng squatted half-crouched, holding the assault rifle horizontally, pointing the muzzle in the opposite direction of where he had just thrown the gun, staring intently at him, and immediately pulled the trigger as soon as there was any throbbing.

Black men walked out of the jungle, their bodies and faces covered with unknown geometric patterns. These men were almost naked except for a piece of animal skin around their waists. The same goes for the old and young women standing behind them, but compared to the men, they just have an extra piece of animal skin on their chests.

Everyone looked at Zhang Feng with uncontrollable anger, but because of the gun in Zhang Feng's hand, they did not dare to move forward rashly.

The men in the front row were all holding guns with one hand and were quite alert.

Zhang Feng frowned slightly. When he saw the spear thrower, he originally guessed that it might be a primitive tribe. Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Because they were found according to the marks, it is very likely that this primitive tribe is where Johnson came from.

In the tribe. It is precisely because of this that Zhang Feng did not shoot and kill them when they first appeared!

"%... &&)%... *" The man in the middle has a very strong body, and the exposed muscles are as rough as stones, which shows his explosive power. He opened his mouth and roared a few words again.

Zhang Feng couldn't understand what they were saying at all, so he could only slowly put the gun on the ground, signaling to the natives opposite that he had no ill intentions, and at the same time shouted: "Johnson, come here right away and see if he belongs to your tribe." people."

When Johnson heard the gunfire, he had already stood up and ran over. Now when he heard Zhang Feng's voice, he immediately replied: "Brother Feng, I'll be there soon." After saying that, he thought of something again and shouted: "#¥% …&*(”

Zhang Feng also didn't understand what Johnson meant in the second half of his sentence, but the natives in front of him understood it. After they saw Zhang Feng put the gun on the ground, they slowly approached Zhang Feng. Now that they heard the roar, they all looked at each other in shock, but did not move forward.

Half a minute later, Johnson rushed over and saw Zhang Feng and the natives confronting each other. He looked at Zhang Feng, then looked at the natives.

Tears suddenly burst out of Johnson's eyes, he threw the gun on the ground and walked towards the natives.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile but did not stop him. It seemed that these natives were undoubtedly members of the tribe where Johnson was sitting.

Johnson walked up to the newly Chinese man, slowly knelt down on the ground, and was giggling without knowing what he said. And a woman came out from behind the man, with tears streaming down her face, and kept touching Johnson's head.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Feng thought that the man was Johnson's father and the woman might be Johnson's mother.

Seeing the reunion of parents and children, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I sat on the root of a tree, took out the African lion peak from my backpack, and pointed at its forehead with my finger: "Next time, don't roar casually again. Do you know? I almost lost my life just because of your scream."

Feng, who was poked in the head, twisted his tongue deep inside his body and licked Zhang Feng's palm.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and scolded with a smile: "You are also the king of the African grasslands, why do you act like a Chinese pastoral dog?"