The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 399: Larry



If the tall and thin man was still standing, Zhang Feng could only hit him on the shoulder even with his high whip kick, but it was completely different now.

Zhang Feng's legs were raised high, but instead of being struck with a whip, the force of the steel whip split Huashan and hit him hard on the shoulder.

The ferocious force was too much for the tall and thin man to bear, and the other leg that was originally supporting him fell to his knees.

At this moment, he fell to his knees as if surrendering.

The tall and thin man could not bear to bear such humiliation. His expression was ferocious, and he let out a heart-rending roar. He actually wanted to struggle to stand up with Zhang Feng's violent strength.

The sneer on Zhang Feng's lips disappeared and he suddenly removed the strength from his legs. The man didn't realize it at all. He couldn't hold back his strength again and his body rushed up.

Zhang Feng's one leg was still hanging on his shoulder, and the other calf that was on the ground suddenly exerted force, his body jumped up, and his knees pushed up again.


The hard knee hit the tall and thin man's chest hard, and he took three steps back, barely holding on to his feet.

His throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

This was because Zhang Feng was showing mercy and didn't want to take his life. Otherwise, he would have been a corpse at this moment if his knee had just moved down and hit his fragile ribs, or if it had been raised a little higher and hit his chin.

Wherever there was any arrogance in the tall and thin man's eyes, everything turned into fear and admiration.

The law of the jungle of primitive tribes is that the weak eat the strong, and whoever has the biggest fist will obey. At this moment, Zhang Feng completely conquered him with his skills.

The tall and thin man stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and suddenly fell to the ground on one knee. The warriors of his tribe also knelt down in sincerity, and all of them put one hand on their chest.

“#¥%… &”

Johnson quickly translated Gao Shou's words: "Brother Feng, he said that you are now the leader of their tribe. His name is Tooth Skull."

Zhang Feng did not speak immediately, but looked at Johnson's father.

Johnson's father also understood and quickly knelt down on one knee. His words were still translated by Johnson: "Brother Feng, my father also said that you are now the leader of our tribe. My father's name is La

inside. "As he said that, Johnson also knelt on the ground with one knee and put one hand on his chest.

Zhang Feng was extremely excited! Originally, they thought that everything would be fine if they could find Johnson's tribe, but at this moment, Tooth Skull's tribe was completely unexpected.

There are more than 150 young adults from the two tribes in total. As long as these people are trained, they can become the best warriors and become a bargaining chip for creating mercenaries!

But now it seems that there is obvious hatred between the two tribes, which is not a good thing. The most important thing for a unit is unity, otherwise it will not be able to cooperate and support each other on the battlefield.

After a slight hesitation, Zhang Feng walked towards Tooth Skull, helped him up, and said: "I accept the loyalty of you and the tribe, but if I don't become your clan leader, you Yaskull will still be the leader of the tribe! If you are willing, I will take you out of the primitive jungle and provide you with sufficient food and shelter, but you need to fight for me. If you don't want to, you can leave with your tribe."

Zhang Feng didn't hide anything, he spoke frankly and told the bottom line.

Tooth Skull did not hesitate at all. He completely surrendered to Zhang Feng and said directly: "My tribe and I are willing!"

Nodding, Zhang Feng turned and walked towards Johnson's father, helped him up and said: "Larry. I will not be the leader of your tribe. However, now that you are old, I think Johnson It’s more suitable to be a clan member, what do you think?”

Johnson, the translator, also had a look of astonishment on his face, but he still translated Zhang Feng's words to his father.

After a little hesitation, Larry agreed. Johnson is his son, and there is no problem taking over as the leader of his clan.

Tooth Skull looks to be about twenty-five years old, about the same age as Johnson. This way, the two of them serve as members of their respective tribes, making it easier to reconcile the conflicts between the two tribes.

After asking Tooth Skull to release the imprisoned indigenous people, Zhang Feng ordered both parties to rest where they were and treat the wounded. These are all outstanding and unstoppable warriors in the future. If one of them is lost, Zhang Feng will feel physical pain.

While the two sides were busy, Zhang Feng called Johnson aside and said: "Johnson, the hatred between you and the Tooth Skull Tribe is...

Not anymore, you know what I mean? "

Johnson looked stunned and said, "Hate? Brother Feng, what do you mean? There is no hatred between us."

His words made Zhang Feng confused, and he asked strangely: "Don't you hate each other for killing each other like this?"

With a naive smile, Johnson rubbed his head and said: "Brother Feng, you don't understand our primitive tribe. The battle between the two sides is nothing more than survival. They want nothing more than to devour each other's food and abduct each other's women, no matter what. It’s over when the game is won or lost.”

hiss. Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help but gasp. They snatched food and abducted women. It was really like two wild beasts fighting for territory and snatching mates. The winner was king, while the loser ran away with his tail between his legs, and then secretly licked her. Wound.

He shook his head with a wry smile, it seemed that he was worrying too much.

"It's good if there is no hatred. You take your tribe back to rest. When it gets light tomorrow morning, I will join you with the tribe of Tooth Skull. Then we will return to the station. I don't know how the gigolos are doing now. ”

… …

With enough money to open a road, Zhai Qiang's activities in Rwanda became smoother and smoother, and he even purchased a piece of land from the government, diagonally opposite the government building less than a kilometer away.

This land is used to build the planned clubhouse. The construction team is also in place, and is being found from the Chinese community. The first batch of funds has been delivered, and the groundbreaking is just waiting for the construction materials to be in place.

Mike also found information about Mr. Donald. Zhang Feng always remembered Ping Sang's threats before his death.

What shocked Mike was Donald's identity. He was just waiting for Zhang Feng to come back and make a decision on how this matter should be handled.

The original Fire Ant Mercenary Group was in a difficult situation. The news that the Fire Ant Mercenary Group was destroyed leaked out. This was inevitable. After all, the original Fire Ant Mercenary Group's forces were intricately intertwined and involved a wide range of areas. For a long time, The lack of movement will inevitably make people suspicious.

However, the large forces were silent and waiting to see what would happen, but some small forces had made up their minds.

The fact that they were able to eliminate the fire ant mercenary group also made them dare to make a move, but they did not dare to launch an attack rashly.