The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 439: Bloody Night (1)



Yun Qian's shy and tangled voice came from behind: "Zhang Feng... I... want to go to the bathroom."

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned red and she seemed to be dripping with water.

Zhang Feng was also stunned, then realized what he was doing, turned around and walked towards Yun Qian.

Yun Qian nodded sheepishly, his whole ears turning red.

Zhang Feng didn't ask any more questions, otherwise it would only make Yun Qian more embarrassed. He walked up to her, picked her up with his hands, and strode out of the room.

Yun Qian was like an injured kitten, her body huddled tightly in his arms, her fingers gently pinching the clothes on Zhang Feng's chest, and she could even feel the strong heartbeat close at hand.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Zhang Feng placed Yun Qian on the toilet, turned around and walked out.

After closing the door, the sound of water flowing slowly came from inside, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Yun Qian was even more embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"I'm ready."

Hearing this, Zhang Feng opened the door and walked in. Still without saying a word, he picked her up and walked back to her room.

He put Yun Qian on the bed and said, "Let's have something to eat." After that, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Night fell and enveloped Lutawang. There was no moon or stars in the sky, making it dark and depressing.

The two special operations teams of Black and White, led by Goshawk and Hound respectively, walked quickly towards the selected destination in the dark night.

Behind Goshawk were ten big men, each of them holding a sharp dagger in their hands, which reflected the cold light that penetrated people even in the dark night. There are pistols stuck in their backs, which are used at critical moments.

"Wear red ribbons! Anyone without a red ribbon is not one of our own - kill!" Goshawk said coldly.

The ten soldiers of the Hei Wuchang special operations team all took out the prepared red cloth strips from their pockets and tied them on their right arms. Everyone looked grim.

In front of it is a casino, which can be said to be the largest underground casino in the city. People who come here to play are either rich or noble. According to the information, there are at least thirty guards in this casino.

This casino is the toughest target among goshawks.

bones, so Goshawk first chose to start here.

In the dark alley, just past the intersection is the back door of the casino. The goshawk poked its head out slightly. There were three smoking men chatting at the back door. They seemed very relaxed. From time to time, hearty laughter could be heard.

There was a trace of cruelty on Goshawk's rigid face. He pulled back his head and lowered his voice and said: "Three people! 01/02 You two deal with them without making any noise."

For the convenience of command, he named the ten members of the Hei Wuchang team from 01 to 10 according to their strength!

And 01 and 02 are the two most powerful individuals in the entire team except him.

01 is a man about thirty years old, with a rough face, a wide mouth and an upturned nose. He always has a cold face, as if everyone owes him money. He is only about 1.8 meters tall, which is considered short among primitive tribes, but His arms are extremely long.

02 is about twenty years old, with a faint smile on his lips. He is about 1.85 meters tall. Because he is still young, his body muscles have not yet expanded, and his body is a bit thin. Because 02 is still young, his strength is slightly less than 01, but his killing skills and speed are even stronger.

01 and 02 walked out of the alley side by side and walked towards the back door of the casino.

The visibility in the dark alley was very low. When the two of them were about ten meters away from the casino, the three guards standing chatting at the door noticed them.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, 01 remained silent, but couldn't help but speed up his pace by three points.

02 actually said: "A friend introduced me here to play!" This was what Goshawk told him. He didn't need to make the other party believe it completely, as long as he could get close enough.

"Come here to play? Damn, don't you know how to go to the front entrance? Mad, get out of here." The guard didn't have any good tone. This back door is used to deal with emergencies, and no one is usually allowed in.

Just as he was speaking, 01 and 02 were already less than five meters away from him.

02 continued: "Friend, don't be so rude. This is our first time here, so be accommodating."

With the help of talking, the distance from five meters was shortened to three meters. The three guards standing at the door

It was also clear that the two people walking over were wearing rags and had red cloth strips tied on their arms. How could such poor people be able to come to a place like a casino and afford it. But in the next second, the expressions of the three people changed drastically, because both 01 and 02 had pulled out the daggers hidden in their sleeves.

The moment he pulled out the dagger, the bodies of 01 and 02 shot out at the same time. The distance of three meters was only two big steps.

02 was half a minute faster and rushed to the guard who had just spoken. The sharp dagger swiped directly across his neck. A line of blood suddenly appeared, and then gradually expanded, and blood gushed out crazily. The guard also stared with eyes wide. The boss covered his neck with his hands and knelt on the ground.

Killing a guard in a flash of lightning, 02's burst speed went straight to the second guard without stopping at all.

The guard's reaction was also very fast. He had already drawn the pistol from his back, his finger was even on the trigger, and he saw a cold light flash by.

He was surprised to find that his fingers could not use any strength at all, and all the wrists holding the pistol were cut off and fell to the ground.

With his big mouth, he had no chance to scream, because 02's dagger had already penetrated into his neck. With the rotation of the dagger, it directly shattered the trachea, and blood spurted out from the expanded mouth and blood-letting tank. .

The eldest man's mouth could only make a "whoosh" sound. After a moment, his eyes turned gray and he could no longer die.

Just when 02 took out two guards, 01 also took out the last guard.

His methods were even more brutal. His roaring fist hit the guard's throat with unmatched force, directly smashing his throat and even breaking his neck!

At the same time, the dagger in his left hand was thrust into the hollow of his heart. He did not twist, but took out the blood-stained dagger and inserted it again, repeating this move again and again!

A bloody hole was almost dug out of the guard's chest, and the crazily gushing blood directly dyed 01's face and body red.

His originally rigid face now wore a bloodthirsty smile. Some people are born to kill, and that's the case with 01!

After seeing the two men successfully killing the three guards, Goshawk in the darkness waved to the others behind him!