The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 442: Bloody Night (4)



The cigarette butt was spinning in mid-air, and finally landed on the card table accurately.

"Poof!" The scarlet cigarette butt ignited the high-concentration spirit vodka poured on the card table, and the fierce flames instantly bloomed into blue flames, burning the card table and the sofa.

Thick smoke billowed and rose, and screams suddenly erupted in the noisy bar, causing chaos.

The crowd seemed to be going crazy and rushed towards the door of the bar. The guards and staff shouted and cursed, pushed through the crowd and rushed towards the burning booth, preparing to put out the fire.

They had no idea that someone had deliberately set the fire, they just thought it was an accident.

The pampered and leisurely days have passed for a long time, and I have no enough vigilance. In the panic, the hunting dog has a sneer on his rigid face, puts his hand into the large suit, grasps the dagger, and walks quickly towards the second floor. Go.

Those panicked guards were not his target. He wanted to behead and kill the leader of the gang.

A snake can't do without a head. As long as the leader is killed, this ragtag group of people is simply a chicken and a dog, and there is no need to worry at all.

In the spacious office, a man who looked about sixty years old said coldly: "What's going on down there?"

"Boss, there might be a fire!"

"Made, hurry up and put out the fire. All my guests have run away, and the losses tonight will be huge!"

"Yes! Boss, I'll do it right away." The man who spoke quickly walked to the door and opened it, but the man who just walked out walked backwards into the office.

It's just that a bloody dagger stabbed out of his back, and blood was dripping down the tip of the knife.

The hound carried the man's body and walked into the office, with a sneer on his lips and whispered: "You have no value in existing!"

He raised his legs and kicked the man's abdomen suddenly. The man suddenly hit the boss sitting behind the desk like a kite with a broken string.

Bang! The man fell on the desk, his body still twitching, and blood was pouring out from the wound on his chest.

And his mouth was constantly spurting out blood foam!

The boss behind the desk looked obviously frightened. He immediately realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away.

In the drawer in front of him was a pistol with the safety on.

If you move your hand again, I promise to kill you before you take out the gun. Do you want to try it? "The sound of sneers reached his ears, and he raised his head slightly to see the hunting dog walking towards him.

He has an Asian face, about 1.7 meters tall, and an extremely ordinary appearance. He holds a dagger in his hand, with a sneer and deep disdain in his eyes.

"Go to hell!" he roared, and was about to pull the hand that was already holding the butt of the gun out of the drawer.

"Hmph! Then go die!" His body moved slightly, and the disdain in the hound's eyes instantly turned into murderous intent.

His legs suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and he rushed towards the desk very quickly.

The boss had just raised his gun, but before he had time to pull the trigger, the dagger in the hunting dog's hand was still thrust into his throat.

His pupils were wide open in disbelief. He could not believe it until his death. His shooting speed was actually not as slow as the opponent's shooting speed, and it was more than a little slower!

Turn the dagger to smash his throat, and then slowly pull out the dagger.

After killing the target, the murderous intent in the hound's eyes also dissipated. Hearing the messy footsteps in the corridor outside, he did not look back.

Use a dagger to break the glass, jump out of the broken window, and land gently on the ground without making any movement. After a few ups and downs, he disappeared into the night. When the guards who rushed into the office saw the two Then he looked at the broken window and ran over to see if there was any ghost shadow there!


The soldier of the Bai Wuchang Special Forces with a dagger in his mouth is codenamed 11!

The ten people of the Black Wuchang Special Team range from 01 to 10, while the ten people of the Bai Wuchang Special Team range from 11-20!

11 is the most powerful warrior of the Bai Wuchang Special Forces. His figure does not look like that of an aboriginal tribesman at all. He does not have a tall figure or a strong body.

With a height of less than 1.7 meters, he can be described as a dwarf among primitive tribes whose average height is close to 1.9 meters. There was no flesh on his body, and he looked like a refugee, skinny and skinny!

But among the Tooth Skull tribe, the people of the tribe would rather fight with the most powerful

I don’t want to fight Tooth Skull, but I don’t want to fight him!

Because his thin body gives him unusual speed and agility. Zhang Feng's body was genetically modified by falcons and bats, and his body's speed and agility were not much higher than his. There were even some specific movements that even Zhang Feng couldn't do, but his body could do it.

At this moment, he was holding the dagger between his teeth, holding his hands and feet on the gap in the wall and climbing up quickly.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is completely impossible, but for him it is too simple.

In less than ten minutes, his body had climbed to the height of the fourth floor, hanging on the window sill with one hand.

Use your other hand to push open the window, make sure no one is around, and climb in through the window.

His feet scraped against the floor without making any sound, and he ran straight to the bedroom.

As he walked quietly to the door of the bedroom, he heard the low roars of men and the high-pitched screams of women coming from the room, mixed with the rhythmic pounding of flesh.

Among primitive tribes, no woman would choose a dwarf to be her spouse. Although he is very powerful, women of primitive tribes prefer tall and strong men!

His ugly face was twisted, he raised his leg and kicked open the door, and people burst into the room.

The huge noise startled the man who was "fighting" heartily, and the "second brother" who was not very energetic at first was even more frightened!

Surprised, he turned to look at the door. Before he could even make any noise, the dagger in 11's hand quickly passed through his neck, leaving a long and deep wound!

The blood spurted out and splashed on the naked woman's body, and the woman was so frightened that she screamed loudly.

The man who was galloping all over her body a moment ago has now turned into a dead body lying on her body. Not every woman can bear this kind of stimulation.

11 Seeing the woman's body, his eyes suddenly became extremely hot, and he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Throwing away the dagger in his hand, he threw the man's body to the ground, and then he flew towards it!


The bloodshed continues and is destined to not stop throughout the night!