The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 451: The situation of gigolos (Part 1)



Zhang Feng scratched his head and wondered what the gigolo's current situation was in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group

On the other side, the gigolo squatted in a simple confinement room with bruises all over his body.

There was only a pair of shorts covering the whole body, and the skin was covered with bloody gashes and flesh.

Some of the wounds had stopped bleeding and scabbed over, while others were still bleeding. It was obvious that they were not caused at the same time.

His originally long black hair was now shaved into a buzz cut, and his face looked even more tired.

He no longer knew how long he had not slept. Was it two days, three days, or four days

It is obviously not that easy to integrate into the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, and the other party will not casually trust someone who just comes to seek refuge.

Moreover, there is an unwritten condition in the mercenary world, that is, Asians who participate must be screened, especially Chinese people, who are not trusted by mercenary groups.

Because China is known as a forbidden land for mercenaries, retired special forces from China are rarely called mercenaries.

Nowadays, mercenary groups are engaged in dishonest business. Naturally, these things cannot be exposed, otherwise it will have a huge impact on the mercenary group.

One of them is the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, which not only mines privately and uses captured indigenous people as slaves, but is also involved in human trafficking.

If these dirty things are exposed, due to the pressure of international public opinion, it will be impossible for the Rwandan government forces not to take action against them, and the forces from surrounding countries will definitely intervene.

The Blood Wolf Mercenary Group is not weak, but it is still unable to compete with the state machinery.

The gigolo did not use his real name and identity, but forged the identity of Bangziguo. Even so, he was also interrogated by the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group.

The so-called interrogation is not just questioning, but also torture to extract confessions. When they select people, they assume that the other party is an undercover lurking in. If the other party cannot bear the intense interrogation and torture, there is only a dead end, and those who can persevere are likely to become the most popular members of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group. A warrior at the bottom.

And the gigolo is at this stage right now! Twenty-four hours a day, more than 18 hours of irregular interrogation.

every review

The people are different and ask different questions, but they are all related to each other. Once the questions answered are wrong, then my life may be left here!

The remaining six hours were spent in this simple confinement room, with four heavily armed mercenaries guarding the door.

These mercenaries have been wandering on the edge of the knife for a long time, and they never know when they will be attacked, so even in the station, the safety of the firearm is always open and ready to fire at any time!

The gigolo didn't dare sleep, or even close his eyes, during the six free hours.

It's not cowardice, it's just that you don't dare!

Once you close your eyes, you may fall into a deep sleep due to deep fatigue, and once you fall asleep, the originally tense nerves will relax unconsciously.

When people relax, their alertness will weaken, and it is easy to say things they shouldn't say in their sleep. Walls have ears, and these words can be enough to kill you.

Just staring like this, the eyes that were originally as beautiful as a woman were now filled with deep fatigue, and the eyeballs were full of red bloodshot eyes.

As soon as sleepiness comes over him, the gigolo will bite the tip of his tongue fiercely, using such painful stimulation to eliminate the sleepiness.

In the past few days, nothing good has happened to the skin on the tip of my tongue.

The door of the solitary room was opened from the outside, and two heavily armed mercenaries walked in. Without saying a word, they held up his arms and walked outside.

The gigolo knew another wave of torture was coming.

It wasn't that he didn't want to leave on his own, but he didn't eat anything for several days and only had a life-sustaining water supply.

Anyway, his body can no longer use any strength.

It is not an exaggeration to say that people are like swordsmen and fish are like meat. Now, even asking the gigolos to resist is probably a luxury. People are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat for one meal, you will be hungry, let alone if you don't have any food for a few days. food intake.

All the gigolo can do now is to keep his mind clear enough to cope with the torture!

It was a dark room with all the windows closed, no sunlight coming in, only a dim light overhead.

The walls of the room are all dark red, the color of dried blood. The room was not just damp;

There was a strong smell of blood, which showed how many people had shed a lot of blood in this small room.

The gigolo looks like Jesus and is tied to a dark red wooden cross.

His flat arms were tied with iron chains as thick as a child's wrist, and his head hung limply on his shoulders.

He opened his eyes hard and looked at the man sitting in front of him.

The man was sitting on the chair, his body thin and curled up, like an old dog, but this dog was more ferocious than a wolf.

The left half of his face didn't have any flesh and was covered entirely with scars. It was hideous and terrifying! It should be that his face was completely shaved off by shrapnel, his nose was completely cut off, his two nostrils were exposed to the sky, and a small hole was exposed in the scar, which was his eye.

The gigolo struggled to raise his head, forced out an extremely ugly smile, and grinned: "Brother, I want to see now, what other tricks can you play? Kill me? It's best like this! Mader , I have no choice but to be a shit mercenary, so I’m looking for trouble for myself.”

"Life, age, nationality, unit!" The man didn't seem to hear the gigolo's words. His voice was like torn metal, which was not a sound that humans could make. Combined with the dark and bloody environment, it gave people a creepy feeling. Feel.

This is not the first time he has asked this seemingly simple question, but as long as your answer is slightly different from the previous one, it will arouse the other party's alert and determine that you want to join the mercenary group for an ulterior purpose. That is bound to happen It's life at stake.

As 01's intelligence agent in Japan, Gigolo is very familiar with torture and counter-torture. Even when 01 is undergoing training, you have to undergo more severe torture training than this to pass, to prevent you from being captured during the operation and betraying under the torture of the enemy.

So at this moment, although his body was scarred, he was still able to maintain a high degree of clarity of mind and answer the previous answers intact without any mistakes.

After a long silence, the man finally said: "Welcome to join the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group!"

The door of the torture room opened from the outside, and the men standing at the door walked in one after another. Their faces that were originally full of frost were now smiling.