The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 474: Just keep your breath



"Blood Wolf Mercenary Group? What benefits did they give you to send them so many arms?" Manfred asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"I was cheated! I was cheated!" Kurt was shocked when he thought about the bank card with a zero balance and the forged identity. He felt like crying without tears. Now that he was asked, he was even more shocked. I was so ashamed that I didn't know how to answer, so I could only keep repeating the words "I was cheated".

Not getting the answer he wanted, Manfred's expression became even more angry, and he pulled out the whip soaked in the bucket.

"Bah bang bang!"

The whip dipped in cold water hit Kurt's body, tearing open holes in his clothes.

The whip fell on his flesh, leaving bloody marks. The wound was as thick as a finger, and the skin and flesh were torn.

The screams, like those of a slaughtered pig, were heartbreaking and roared from Kurt's mouth.

He twisted his fat body wildly, trying to break free. But how could he break an iron chain that was as thick as a child's arm? The more he struggled, the fiercer the whip in Manfred's hand became, raining down on Kurt's body without interruption.

"I said...I said, stop fighting!" Kurt hissed.

Manfred also put down the whip in his hand and said coldly: "Tell me everything! If you don't satisfy me, I promise to pull off your skin and make it into a lampshade!"

There was no good spot anywhere on Kurt's body, and everything was covered in bloody gashes.

Gasping in pain, he told Manfred intermittently what happened before and after, as well as the details of the transaction.

After hearing the end, Manfred laughed ferociously and said fiercely: "You said that the bank card and identity certificate they gave you are fake? Are you a pig-headed person? It's like a pig playing tricks on you. Turn?”

Kurt had a death wish at this moment and didn't care about his taunts at all. He gasped and said: "I know you are definitely going to kill me. So I just held them in my hands as life-saving straws, but I didn't expect that this would happen from beginning to end. It’s just a trap.”

"I must have you! Because you Kurt know that I

There are too many things, and I want to ensure that these things will never be known secrets, so I want to kill you, because only the dead can ensure that the secrets rot in the stomach! But Kurt I won't lay a hand on your family or your children! But now, Kurt has thrown away one-third of the government's arms because of you and me. How do you think you can calm my anger? So your wife and your children studying abroad, I will kill them one by one and let them be buried with you! "Manfred said viciously.

Being able to secure the position of mayor in the warlord-challenged Ludawang, Manfred felt that he was not a bodhisattva-hearted person. On the contrary, his methods were extremely ruthless.

He didn't know how many people died in Manfred's hands, so he didn't mind how many people there were.

Kurt heard that Manfred not only wanted to kill himself, but also his relatives, especially the children he deliberately sent to the United States.

He was frightened, twisted his fat and scarred body crazily, and roared: "Manfred, you can't hurt my children! I have followed you all these years without any credit or hard work, you can't hurt them!"

"Hmph!" Manfred snorted coldly and said in a dark voice: "If it weren't for me, Manfred, you Kurt would still be a big-headed soldier, nothing like bullshit! Your current life and status are all given to you by me. Yes, now you betray me? If you kill all your family members, wouldn’t everyone dare to betray me? "

The more Manfred thought about it, the angrier he became. He walked to the stove, held the red-hot iron in his hand and walked towards Kurt.

Kurt's big mung bean eyes were staring at the red soldering iron, and the flesh all over his body was trembling, and he kept mumbling: "No... no... no!"

"Ah!" The red iron was stamped on his body!

The scalding temperature instantly roasted his flesh, and oil even dripped from his fat body. The air was filled with the disgusting aroma of grilled human flesh.

Kurt's fat body was shaking like chaff, and finally his head fell limply on his chest, and he passed out from the pain.

Manfred's mouth twitched, and he picked up a bucket filled with cold water and poured it on his head.

Under the stimulation of the cold water, Kurt, who had passed out in pain, woke up again and begged: "Manfred, I beg you, please kill me."

Got me! Please let my children go, this matter has nothing to do with them. "

"Huh! You won't die for the time being! Your child won't die for the time being! But it all depends on whether I can recover this batch of arms!" Manfred said: "If I can get my own Arms, I will spare you and your children from death. If not, then just wait for your children to be buried with you on the way to death!"

After saying that, Manfred turned around and walked out of the dungeon, facing the soldier standing at the door, and said in a deep voice: "Serve him well and just take a breath!"

Serve? Everyone can understand what it means. Serve with severe punishment.

As soon as Manfred reached the door of the dungeon, he heard Kurt's terrifying roar.

Sitting in the office in the station, Manfred's anger had not subsided and his face was ashen.

The secretary brought a cup of coffee and handed it to him and said, "Mayor, there is something I want to confess to you." As he said that, he took out a gold nugget as big as a fingernail from his pocket and put it on his desk.

Manfred frowned, looked at the gold, and said, "What does this mean?"

"Mayor. This was given to me by Zhai, the owner of the club." The secretary said carefully. She got three small yellow croaker-like gold bars from Zhai Qiang's hands today alone, plus this piece that was only the size of a fingertip.

Handing over the youngest now is naturally used to gain Manfred's trust.

Manfred picked up the gold nugget and threw it into the secretary's hand, and said solemnly: "This is nothing, just take it if he gives it to you. Just remember who you are!" Manfred did not There was no suspicion because Zhai Qiang was very generous. Not to mention that she was his secretary, even the soldiers standing guard at the door gave him hundreds of dollars in bills.

It would be really weird if his secretary didn't benefit from Zhai Qiang's hands. Now that she took the initiative to say it, it actually made Manfred trust him even more.

He raised his head and looked at his secretary and said, "We went to Zhai's club this morning. What were you doing at that time?"

The secretary had already prepared his words and said: "Zhai's club has a SPA that is designed to serve women. He came to me to experience it."