The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 544: Plan against Manfred



The neural control chip in the back of the head is like an unstable bomb that can explode at any time.

Zhang Feng also wanted to remove it from his head as soon as possible, but now the gold mine in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group's camp has become a target of public criticism, but it is extremely important to his Huangquan Mercenary Group.

After all, if a mercenary group wants to develop, it must have a lot of wealth to purchase large quantities of arms and recruit mercenaries.

Therefore, the gold mine must be firmly in hand no matter what, but now the Death Scythe mercenary group has come to the door.

Consulates abroad also learned about the existence of the gold mine from Beveridge. Fortunately, they did not know the specific location of the gold mine.

However, he and the consulate abroad had a conflict over Beveridge's ownership, and they would not let him go.

There is no sign yet, but it is only a matter of time. After all, the US government's hegemony in acting internationally is obvious to all.

Surgery is necessary, but we have to wait until the incident with the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group is over, otherwise it will be impossible to lie down on the operating table relaxedly.

In a narrow and cramped room, the dark room was only lit by a dim light. Zhai Qiang was sitting on the bed, holding a cigarette in his hand and smoking continuously.

He is waiting!

The cell phone on the bedside finally rang. He threw away the cigarette butt and quickly answered the call. The call was from Zhao Qiang.

"How's it going? Brother Erqiang?"

"My people saw Manfred coming out of the government army station. He was still the same, with bodyguards following him. How are you preparing over there?" Zhao Qiang's voice came from the receiver.

"I'm all ready! Manfred's secretary will personally take the people there, Manfred won't doubt it." Zhai Qiang said in a deep voice.

In order to prevent Manfred from becoming suspicious, Zhai Qiang used Manfred's secretary to carry out this operation.

In order to let the secretary who had only promised to pass the rest to do this, Zhai Qiang paid a huge price, a full one million US dollars, and obtained the identity of the Huaxia Kingdom for the secretary. As long as she completes this matter smoothly, Zhai Qiang will send her to Huaxia as an international student through Huaxia's businessmen.

"That's good! You

Be careful over there. " Zhao Qiang said.

"Don't worry, Brother Erqiang, I've been hiding. Even Manfred can't find me." Zhai Qiang said. Before Manfred's government troops entered the city, Zhai Qiang hid according to Zhang Feng's order.

Not only him, but also Zhao Qiang.

Manfred suffered a loss at the hands of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, especially Zhang Feng. The two sides were originally at odds with each other. After this incident, the fig leaf between the two sides was torn off, and they reached a point where they were incompatible with each other.

Even if he couldn't take action against Zhang Feng, Manfred would not easily let go of Zhang Feng's business in the city, so the situation of Zhai Qiang and Zhao Qiang became precarious.

The decoration of the club has also stopped, and people are temporarily tearing it off. Employees at the freight company are also temporarily laid off.

As for Zhao Qiang, it's even easier. His subordinates are all bad guys anyway, so just tell them that the limelight is tight and they can all hide.

Even though Manfred is the mayor and has absolute power in Rwandawan, it is impossible to dig out everyone in a short time.

Manfred's motorcade drove quickly towards the government building. The cell phone in the pocket of the secretary waiting at the door of the government building vibrated twice.

He took out his cell phone and saw a text message sent by Zhai Qiang.

"Manfred will be here soon! You have to move as fast as possible."

The secretary looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he quickly deleted the text message.

He took a few deep breaths to make himself look no different from usual, and then continued to wait.

It's not that she wants to betray Manfred, it's just that the conditions Zhai Qiang offered her are something she simply can't refuse!

Not to mention the one million US dollars, it was simply an opportunity to study in China, which she couldn't even imagine!

For secretaries from the third world and war-torn areas, China is like paradise, with a peaceful environment and a stable life.

You can even have the opportunity to settle down permanently in China while studying abroad, and then you can say goodbye to the war completely.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Manfred's motorcade driving over.

He quickly gathered his emotions and went forward.


After the car parked, he quickly ran over, opened the door for Manfred, and said respectfully: "Mayor Manfred, you are back."

"Yeah." Manfred's face was extremely gloomy. He just snorted through his nose as an answer and walked quickly towards the government building.

It would be strange if Manfred could be happy. I originally thought that the arms I lost were in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group's station, so it would not be a loss even if I paid the price to retrieve the arms.

However, not even a single hair was found in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group's camp.

What's even more disgusting is that Zhang Feng didn't allow himself to take away more than a dozen rapid-fire artillery pieces from the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group! damn it!

Striding into the office, Manfred waved: "Secretary, please stay, and everyone else can get out."

The bodyguards all filed out of the room without any hesitation.

The secretary secretly thought, what is supposed to happen has come.

"Are all the people I asked you to prepare ready?" Manfred asked in a deep voice. He had to vent his anger immediately, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

The secretary nodded quickly and said: "Everything is ready! Mayor, everything is clean! It has been delivered to your villa!"

"Well, that's good!" Manfred stood up and greeted the bodyguards to prepare to return to the villa.

The secretary sent Manfred off respectfully. When he completely disappeared from sight, he quickly took out his cell phone from his pocket and sent a text message to the debtor: Manfred is back. "

After receiving the text message, Zhai Qiang immediately replied to her: "Very good! Thank you for your hard work! You can withdraw now." There was an address at the end of the text message, asking her to find someone named Zhao Qiang there. The address is naturally the address where Zhao Qiang is hiding.

Zhai Qiang, who was sitting on the bed, made a phone call after sending a text message to his secretary.

After being connected, he said in a deep voice: "Alfonso, your people will be ready to take action in an hour."

"Yes! Mr. Zhai Qiang, thank you very much for your help. Alfonso will never forget it!"

"Remember what you said! If Ludawang can knock down a Manfred, he might knock down an Alfonso! We can find ways to send you up, or we can easily pull you down. Do you understand what I say? "Zhai Qiang was not polite, and could even be said to be threatening.