The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 572: A strong ally



This is a very good way to find a strong ally for the Zhuo family. This is just a matter of being in such a hurry to find this ally!

His eyes suddenly fell on Chen Wanru who was opposite him, and he said with a smile: "Wanru, do you, the Chen family, have any interest in this gold mine?"

"Not interested!" Chen Wanru shook her head. Then she talked about the current situation of the Chen family.

It turns out that the older generation of the Chen family has already retired, and the middle generation has no outstanding tasks, that is, it has withdrawn from the core area of power.

In her generation, Chen Wanru is the only one who is still struggling in the country's system.

So the situation is unclear now, and the Chen family has no confidence to get involved in this matter.

Chen Wanru didn't want to get involved, but she said to Zhang Feng, "I can recommend someone for you."

"Recommend someone? Well, let's hear it." Zhang Feng said.

"The Hu family!"

Hu family? Zhang Feng frowned slightly. He really didn't expect Chen Wanru to tell the Hu family.

To this day, he does not know the specific details of the Hu family. Even though he has a past with Hu Xinting, he only knows that the Hu family is an absolutely powerful family in Kyoto. He can bring such a family to Zhuo Zhaoyun and the Zhuo family. As an ally, it is naturally the best choice, but can Hu Xinting agree

"let me try!"

Zhang Feng decided to give it a try and dialed Hu Xinting's number.

After the call was connected, before she could speak, Hu Xinting's voice came over the phone.

"The body belongs to Huangquan Team! Zhang Feng, do you have anything else to do?"

Hearing her words, Zhang Feng felt happy. It seemed that Hu Xinting helped with this matter.

"There are other things!" Zhang Feng said bluntly: "Are you, the Hu family, interested in the gold mine in Ludawang?"

"Okay!" Hu Xinting agreed directly without any hesitation.

Now that she is so happy, Zhang Feng no longer has any hesitation, "Then I won't care about the rest. You and Zhuo Zhaoyun can discuss the distribution of benefits."

"Okay! I should go to Ludawang soon. See you then!" Hu Xinting said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't expect that Zhuo Zhaoyun would find Hu Xinting so quickly after just talking about his allies.

And Hu Xinting helped the Huangquan team.

Putting down the phone, she looked at Chen Wanru and said, "Book me a flight ticket to Rwanda, the sooner the better!"

Since Hu Xinting is involved in the matter here, the Wang family should not get involved. As for the interests, Zhuo Zhaoyun will naturally not suffer. There is no need for him to stay in Kyoto, not to mention Lu Dawang, Johnson's The situation may not be too good either.

"Okay." Chen Wanru agreed.

… … …

Chen Wanru was extremely efficient, and Zhang Feng had already boarded the plane at midnight that day.

No one was notified, and those who wanted to know could find out through various channels that Zhang Feng was leaving Kyoto. If you don't want to know, there is no need to notify you.

Before the plane took off, Zhang Feng sent a text message to the gigolo and asked him how the situation was over there.

The gigolo's reply was simple: "Get ready!"

Zhang Feng frowned slightly. The gigolo's action came earlier than he thought.

It seems that Alfonso's contact with consulates abroad has become more and more frequent, and it has reached a point where he has to take action!

The gigolo was about to take action, but Zhang Feng didn't have any worries. He knew that the gigolo was not an impulsive person. Since he decided to take action, he must be fully prepared.

At the same time, Zhang Feng was also a little complacent at this moment, and that was because of the Huangquan Team!

Zhang Feng knows his comrades-in-arms! You know how valuable a special operations team like this is!

Having such a team is equivalent to having an extra sniper rifle in your hand! Being in a state of agitation at any time, no matter who the gun is pointed at, means an absolute threat of death!

… … … …

Government building, mayor's office.

Alfonso couldn't hide his excitement because he was about to reach an agreement with the government.

By then he will be able to get rid of the control of the Huangquan mercenary group, and the government will also provide diplomatic assistance to Rwanda!

Not only that, the chief consul of the consulate abroad also promised that he would

Wang provided military help.

That means that the military's intervention will then eliminate the anti-government forces and help them rebuild Rwanda!

He looked down at his watch and urged the secretary standing in front of his desk: "How are things arranged?"

"Don't worry, mayor, everything has been arranged! The cars from the consulates abroad will drive directly to the government building. All security measures will be jointly taken care of by our government troops and the troops of the consulates abroad. There will definitely be no mistakes. !” the secretary said affirmatively.

Alfonso nodded, that's fine.

The previous contacts with consulates abroad were all in secret, but now they are in the open, and we must beware of sabotage by all forces.

There should be many people who don't want to have a relationship with the US government. The Underworld Mercenary Group and the anti-government armed forces are one of them, so they have to be on guard.

"By the way, have the media been notified?"

The secretary affirmed: "Mayor, everyone has been notified, and now all the media are waiting in front of the government building!"

"Yeah!" Alfonso agreed. Since the talks between the two sides are on the table, they must be announced through the power of the media. Only in this way can international public opinion be formed to deter other forces.

Looking at his watch again to confirm the time, there was still half an hour before the agreed meeting time. Alfonso was on pins and needles, wishing that the time would come quickly.

The government building at this moment is in front of layers of 'surrounding' by government soldiers.

To describe the situation as strictly guarded is not an exaggeration. All streets leading to government buildings and nearby are under complete martial law.

Pedestrians and vehicles were all avoided and were not allowed to pass, which shows how much Alfonso paid attention to security measures!

But on the roof of the government building, there was a man wearing a camouflage combat uniform and his face painted with oil paint, lying on the rooftop with a sniper rifle in front of him.

Around him, there were four corpses lying upside down, all in suits and ties! These people are all Alfonso's security personnel responsible for this security!

The cause of death was that they were killed by cutting their throats with a knife, without even having time to call for help.

The wound on his throat was still bleeding out. It was obvious that he had not been dead for a long time and the blood had not yet solidified.