The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 595: 'Sheep herding' plan



Zhang Feng feels a little headache. The headache is Hu Xinting. What should I do

When the time comes, everyone in the Underworld Mercenary Group will be involved in the battle against the Death Scythe Mercenary Group, and she cannot leave herself in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group's station.

He found Hu Xinting and said, "At eight o'clock tonight, the operation will begin. Everyone will be dispatched. There will be no one in the station by then. What will you do?"

"Me? Of course I am acting together with you?" Hu Xinting said without thinking.

Zhang Feng's eyelids twitched twice. He really regretted it now. He should have left Hu Xinting in Rwanda and had not allowed her to come here to join in the fun.

"War is no joke. You are acting with us, do I have to send someone to protect your safety?"

Hu Xinting also stared, "I don't need you to send someone to protect me! I have received professional training, okay? I won't hold you back!"

Zhang Feng scratched his head in distress. Hu Xinting had a special status. Not to mention her importance in the country, just saying that she was the leader sent by the country to be responsible for the development of the gold mine, she could not be harmed in any way, otherwise she would not be harmed at all. There is no way to explain.

"Otherwise, I will send someone to send you back to Rwanda right now. You can't appear on the battlefield!" Zhang Feng said without refusal.

"No! Give me a set of weapons and equipment!" Hu Xinting also insisted.

Zhang Feng's mouth twitched twice, his eyes narrowed, and he strode towards Hu Xinting.

Hu Xinting looked at him and said, "Zhang Feng, what are you going to do? I tell you, I must stay."

"What the hell, this is not your decision."

Zhang Feng muttered and walked over, slashing at Hu Xinting with his knife.

Hu Xinting's eyes widened. She never thought that Zhang Fengfeng would attack her directly. It was too late to dodge.

The knife struck the base of her neck. Hu Xinting's eyes rolled back and her body fell softly.

Zhang Feng lifted her up with the help of her body and whispered to the wireless microphone: "Goshawk, send someone over to find me."

"Yes, Captain."

Five minutes later, Zhang Feng handed the unconscious Hu Xinting into the hands of the members of the Hei Wuchang Special Forces Team and said: "Send him to Rwanda and give him to Yun Qian! Remember, no matter what she says on the way, treat it as nothing." You know? If you can't, tie it up for me! If you lose it, I'll ask you."

"Yes, leader!"

Zhang Feng had a headache, Ma De, he really made a mistake. Hu Xinting threatened him with the King of Hell and others, but he actually gave up!

Otherwise, if she were not allowed to come here, there would be such a drama.

After solving Hu Xinting's trouble, Zhang Feng found the King of Hell and others.

The King of Hell, the monkey, the tyrannosaurus, the jackal, and the students all said nothing and silently inspected the weapons and equipment.

Seeing Zhang Feng coming, the King of Hell said: "Madman, what is your plan this time?"

"That's right, madman, please tell us so that we can have peace of mind." Jackal Chai Chong also asked in agreement.

Zhang Feng chuckled twice before saying: "I gave this operation a name myself, it's called sheep herding! Now the 1,700 people in the Death Scythe Mercenary Group are like a huge flock of sheep! And our Huangquan mercenary group now has a total of four teams, the Bai Wuchang Special Forces Team, the Black Wuchang Special Forces Team, the Blood Slaughter Brigade, and our Huangquan Special Forces Team, they are like four hungry wolves, we have to drive this huge sheep! If they enter the quagmire, they will be unable to run away and will have no choice but to wait for death! "

The King of Hell said with a serious face, "Are you all ready?"

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian also intervened at this time and said: "I'm afraid that these sheep will not escape according to the route you expected, and they will not get into the quagmire, but will run to the vast pasture, and then you will want to kill them." , I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

Zhang Feng nodded. The question raised by Tyrannosaurus Li Jian was also the difficulty and focus of this plan!

"Then it depends on how good our driving skills are!"

Eight o'clock.

There was a solemn and solemn atmosphere in the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group.

Zhang Feng whispered to the wireless microphone: "Goshawk, take your Black Impermanence Special Forces team to move around the 8 o'clock direction of the target Death Scythe Mercenary Group! After arriving at the designated location, lurk and wait for orders!"

"Yes, leader!" Goshawk said.

"Hound Dog, lead your Bai Wuchang Special Forces team to move towards the 4 o'clock direction of the target! Likewise, after arriving at the designated location, lurk down and wait for orders!" Zhang Feng continued!

"Yes, leader!" The hunting dog said solemnly.

Zhang Feng said: "Gigolo, lead your blood-slaying brigade and move towards the 6 o'clock direction of the target!"

"Okay!" The gigolo said solemnly.

Zhang Feng ambushed the quagmire at the 12 o'clock direction of the Death Scythe Mercenary Group! Therefore, the two special forces of Black and White and the Blood Slaughter Brigade lurked at the target at 4 o'clock, 6 o'clock, and 8 o'clock, and launched attacks in reverse directions, forcing the opponent to retreat in the 12 o'clock direction, thus falling into a quagmire.

Student Wen Kaiqi asked: "Madman, what is the mission of our Huangquan special operations team?"

"We? Mobile troops, emergency forces! Correct the direction of the target's movement at any time, and at the same time kill the core members of the target in the chaos." Zhang Feng said in a deep voice. It will not be easy for the three special operations teams with a combined number of less than fifty people to force the Death Scythe mercenary group to retreat. Therefore, they must first get into chaos and be unable to organize an effective defense. Start retreating!

An hour later, Hound was the first to arrive at the designated location and reported via Wireless Maihui: "Captain, the Bai Wuchang Special Forces Team has arrived at the designated location."

"Okay, wait for the order!" Zhang Feng said,

Looking back at the King of Hell and others behind him, he smiled and said, "Now it's time for us to set off!"

The old rule is that the monkey, as a scout, is at the front of the line. Behind them are two commandos, King of Hell and Jackal Chai Chong!

Because there is no judge, the sniper of the team is taken by Tyrannosaurus Li Jian, who is active on the flank of the team.

Student Wen Kaiqi was behind the King of Hell and the Jackal. He was carrying a huge backpack on his back, but it was not filled with food and water! But the "good stuff" I got from Mike.

As for Zhang Feng, he stayed at the back of the team, cutting off and sweeping up the rear. Once it was necessary to retreat, he and Monkey immediately switched behind.

As the front of the team, he is responsible for scouting and opening the way. And the monkey becomes a tail-swept after cutting off!

The monkey was still the same as before, mumbling incessantly. The angry King of Hell cursed in a low voice: "Monkey, shut up for me! Move to the three o'clock direction quickly, if you lose it to me, Man, let’s see if I don’t peel off your skin.”