The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 623: Massacred completely


Chapter 623 Massacre


Who knows what crazy actions the soldiers of the Hei Wuchang Special Forces will do when they lose their minds.

If they were still the original indigenous people, Zhang Feng would not be worried. After all, they had the most primitive weapons and their destructive power was limited.

But things are different now, so Zhang Feng is also a little uncomfortable standing.

After hanging up the phone call to Goshawk, he still felt uneasy, so he dialed Johnson's number.

After the call was connected, he said, "Johnson, how is the situation over there?"

"Brother Feng, the situation is not good, very bad!" Johnson said in a suppressed voice. His emotions were filled with deep anger. Zhang Feng could feel it even through his mobile phone.

"What's going on? Tell me in detail." Zhang Feng asked in a deep voice, with a vague premonition in his heart.

"Brother Feng! This tribe is a cannibal tribe!"

"What?" Zhang Feng exclaimed!

The cannibal tribe can be said to be the most cruel among primitive tribes!

Primitive tribes would resort to cannibalism in order to survive when there was food shortage or severe natural disasters.

However, such situations are rare and occur during special periods.

But this is not the case with cannibal tribes. They are called cannibal tribes because they eat people for fun, not for survival!

This is completely different from the first situation. One is done as a last resort for survival, and the other is done purely for bad taste.

Not only do they not feel disgust when they eat humans, but they feel excitement instead. They would even make the bones of the eaten people into jewelry and wear them on their bodies to show off their power!

Zhang Feng took a deep breath. He had heard of such a tribe for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to hear it with his own ears.

"Johnson, are you sure? You can't joke about this!"

"I'm sure, Brother Feng!" Johnson said in a deep voice: "Following this tribe along the way, I saw them eating people with my own eyes. And human skeletons were found in the places where they were stationed."

Since he said this, it is definitely a cannibal tribe!

After a slight hesitation, Zhang Feng said: "Johnson, Goshawk just talked to me on the phone. You will meet in the evening. You can call me before taking action. Do you remember?"

He didn't immediately give Johnson an order, just to think carefully about what to do about this matter.

"I understand, Brother Feng."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng paced back and forth in the room, thinking about what to do about this matter.

Kill all the indigenous people of the cannibal tribe? But there are many women, old and young among them, should they all be killed

Just kill all the men in the cannibal tribe? The remaining people, without food sources and protection, cannot continue to survive in the dangerous jungle. The end of destruction is still destined, it will just be postponed for a while.

Let them go

Zhang Feng shook his head bitterly, it was impossible to let them go.

Although Johnson and the women, children, and children of the Tooth Skull Tribe do not have any combat effectiveness, from the day he accepted them, these people became members of the Underworld Mercenary Group!

As the leader of the group, now that one of my own has been hurt so much, how can I not take revenge!

The sky was getting dark, and the call Zhang Feng was waiting for came in.

The call was connected, and before he could speak, Johnson's voice came from the phone, "Brother Feng, I want to kill them."

"Besides, the soldiers of the Hei Wuchang Special Forces may not be able to suppress them! I'll let Goshawk talk to you."

Goshawk took the phone from Johnson's hand and said: "Brother Feng, I'm afraid things are not going well. The soldiers under my command are a little uncontrollable. If I hadn't tried my best to stop them, they would have already rushed forward. ”

Zhang Feng's brows knitted together tightly, expecting such a situation to happen.

Not to mention the aborigines who have no moral sense, even if they are themselves, I am afraid that if their loved ones are harmed, they will become crazy.

Having already thought about how to issue this order, he said to Goshawk: "Goshawk, from now on, the Black Wuchang Special Forces can move freely! This matter is a conflict between primitive tribes, so you should not participate! "

Goshawk was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Zhang Feng's order meant, and said: "I understand, Captain, I will convey your order to Johnson immediately."

Zhang Feng hung up the phone silently. He said that his Underworld Mercenary Group would not be involved in this matter, but in his heart he still preferred his Hei Wuchang Special Forces Team, because they all had modern weapons in their hands!

Johnson gave the order decisively!

The soldiers of the Hei Wuchang Special Forces, who had been suppressed for a long time, rushed into the jungle crazily. Violent gunshots and screaming screams suddenly rang out in the jungle.

The fireworks ejected from the muzzle were dazzling and brilliant, and the blood splattered from the wound shimmered even more dazzlingly.

Killing, one-sided killing. Not just killing, it was massacre!

One side was a mercenary who had received professional militarized training and mastered modern weapons, and they took action in anger.

On the other side are the indigenous people of the cannibal tribe, holding the most primitive weapons in their hands.

When the two directions meet, the outcome is doomed from the beginning.

The goshawk stood outside and put down the telescope in his hand. He understood why Zhang Feng asked him not to participate in this battle.

Although the other party is a cannibal tribe, they are also indigenous people of primitive African tribes and are not mercenaries.

Killing such indigenous people will put a huge psychological burden on oneself.

The soldiers of the Hei Wuchang Special Forces will not have such a psychological burden at all, because in their opinion, this is the law of nature. The weak and the strong, fighting to the death!

The battle did not last long. A dozen soldiers of the Black Wuchang Special Forces massacred two hundred indigenous people from the cannibal tribe!

Regardless of men and women, young or old, everyone fell in a pool of blood and turned into cold and heatless corpses!

The killing was over and Tooth Skull was rescued, but his current condition is not good.

Large pieces of flesh were cut off from the shoulders and chest, and the wounds were just covered casually with herbs.

His mental state was even more depressed and he needed help from others. He couldn't stand at all.

In addition, the number of people who were solved was only more than thirty!

You must know that when Ya Gu left, there were a hundred women, children, old and young people brought out, but now there are only more than thirty people left!

The other people were either brutally killed by the cannibal tribe, or entered into their stomachs!

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