The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 657: The jackal was injured


Chapter 657 The jackal is injured


Zhang Feng's finger is already on the hard trigger. As long as he flicks his finger slightly, the bullet will eject from the muzzle of the gun, pass through the bullet hole, and hit the head of the Rwandan Army soldier who is doing something complacent. burst.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, Zhang Feng's finger slowly left the trigger.

He put down the gun, turned around and left, shook his head with a wry smile, and got into the night.

Why didn't Zhang Feng kill this Rwandan Army soldier

Afraid that the sound of gunfire will reveal your location? After all, this place is about to enter the military control zone of the Rwandan Army

Of course it's not the reason. If he really wants to kill him and doesn't want the gunfire to reveal his position, he can install a silencer and silently kill the Rwandan Army soldiers in the room, and then sneak into the night. , no one will know that he has appeared here again.

The reason why he didn't shoot was simple: he simply felt that he shouldn't meddle in other people's business.

To put it bluntly, when the Rwandan army has a relationship with a refugee woman, it’s completely Zhou Yu’s fault. One is willing to beat the other and the other is willing to suffer. It’s a trivial relationship with him!

Besides, they are also dealing in money and goods.

If it were his own soldiers from the Huangquan Mercenary Regiment, Zhang Fengfeng would pull the trigger without hesitation, but the Rwandan Army soldiers belonged to Alfonso, and he had no reason to care about them.

He turned around and dived into the night, gradually approaching the military-controlled area controlled by the Rwandan Army.

Zhang Feng was very careful and approached slowly.

Not long after, Zhang Feng smiled bitterly again, he was too careful.

The military control zone in Rwanda is so loosely controlled that a few pretentious sentries are like telegraph poles stuck there and are of no use at all.

Zhang Feng even suspected that he wouldn't notice someone walking right under his nose.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Feng secretly thought that the other members of the Huangquan Special Operations Team had set off before him. They should have passed through the military control zone of the Rwandan Army and approached the territory of the reactionary army, right

In fact, it was just as Zhang Feng expected, and Chai Chong was injured and was joining the monkey who arrived later. The situation of the two of them was not good!

They huddled and hid in a private house, which was already under the control of the reactionary army, and a team of reactionary troops were searching them vigorously.

There was a look of pain on Chai Chong's face, and there was a stab wound in his lower abdomen, which was caused by a sharp knife!

Although it was bandaged briefly, blood had seeped out and stained the gauze red.

"Jackal, if this continues, we will definitely be found by the reactionary army! I must contact the madman now!" the monkey whispered.

Although Jackal Chai Chong didn't want to drag down the team, he wasn't someone who insisted on saving face and suffering, so he nodded.

The monkey connected to the communication device and whispered: "Madman, madman, I am the monkey. Please answer if you hear me."

"Madman, I am a monkey. Please answer if you hear me."

On the other side, a monkey's voice came from the headset, and Zhang Feng's brows knitted together.

According to the agreement in the plan, do not contact us easily before meeting up, unless there are special circumstances.

Now that the reactionary army has the support of the United States, it is very likely that they will monitor radio signals. If the other party does this, they will be able to steal the content of the communication through the frequency of the radio signal, and even be able to locate the location of the radio signal.

Now that the monkey is getting in touch with itself, something special must have happened.

"Copy that, I'm crazy! What's going on?" Zhang Feng said.

"Madman, the jackal is injured. He was stabbed in the lower abdomen. The internal organs were not injured, but he lost too much blood, and the incision is very long and needs to be sutured immediately! We are now on the territory of the reactionary army, and we are being hunted. There is no surgery. Time." The monkey quickly told the situation he was facing. As for how the jackal was injured, there is no need to report it now, because the matter has passed and talking more will only be a waste of time.

Zhang Feng's brows furrowed tightly together. The jackal was injured and was still in enemy-occupied territory and was being hunted. Things were a bit serious!

Now it seems that the plan I made must be changed! Otherwise, the injured jackal would have no chance of escaping from the territory of the reactionary army while being injured.

"Everyone in the Huangquan Special Operations Team is listening to the order! Please answer when you receive it," Zhang Feng said.

"Tyrannosaurus received."

"Monkey got it!"

"Jackal got it!"

"Students received it!

"Report your respective positions!" Zhang Feng said.

"The Tyrannosaurus has now lurked into the territory of the reactionary army." Hidden in the dark, Li Jian, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, had noticed the reactionary army's movements, but he didn't expect that they were searching for jackals and monkeys.

"The students are in the middle zone between the reactionary army and the Rwandan military control zone!" Wen Keqi said. He was the second to last one to set off and is now not far in front of Zhang Feng!

"Monkey and jackal are now in the territory of the reactionary army." Monkey also said.

Zhang Feng frowned tightly and said: "Gigolo, gigolo, I heard the answer!"

"Madman, got it." The gigolo's voice reached Zhang Feng's ears.

"Where is your Blood Slaughter Brigade now?" Zhang Feng asked.

"It still takes me three hours to get to the scheduled location!" the gigolo said bluntly.

Zhang Feng lowered his head and looked at his watch. It was already around one o'clock in the morning. The Blood Slaughter Brigade entered the designated position at about four o'clock.

Three hours? The Jackal's condition may last for three hours no matter what. It seems that the Blood Slaughter Brigade is out of reach.

The situation is urgent now, and Zhang Feng does not have much time to think. He must make an immediate decision on how to deal with this emergency situation and issue a combat order!

The Blood Slaughter Brigade has not yet entered the predetermined position, and the two special forces of Black and White are deeply lurking. They are the back-ups left by themselves. They cannot be used easily, otherwise all their trump cards will be revealed.

Now the only ones who can be used are members of the Huangquan Special Operations Team!

"Huang Quan Special Operations Team, everyone obeys the order!"

Zhang Feng sneered twice and said: "Tyrannosaurus Li Jian listened to the order and immediately caused chaos near your area to attract the attention of the reactionary army. Student, please stay still at your original position, and I will immediately contact you. You join us and we enter the territory of the reactionary army. Do you understand, Monkey, take the opportunity to find a safe area and suture his wounds?"

"Understood!" The rest of the Huangquan special operations team roared in unison.

Zhang Feng no longer hesitated and quickly passed through the military control zone of the Rwandan Army. Ten minutes later, he met the students.

At this moment, in the territory of the reactionary army, Li Jian, who put on tattered civilian clothes, walked out of the house. He looked around and saw no one, and left quickly.

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