The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 666: So die


Chapter 666 So die

"It seems that you are anxious to say, okay, I'll give you a chance to say it!" As he spoke, Zhang Feng lifted the military boots that were on his face.

The reactionary soldier's cheek had been rubbed against the ground, leaving bloody gashes. Coupled with the wound on his forehead that was hit by the rifle butt, the blood had been mixed with the soil on the ground and stuck to his face, which looked very... of terror.

With the previous lesson learned, even though Zhang Feng raised his feet at this moment, he still did not dare to raise his head. He was just nervous and said in a trembling voice: "Our leader is called Horsley. His residence was originally in the tallest building in the middle of the city. , but he is extremely cautious and has other hiding places that even the people closest to him don’t know.”

Hearing this, Zhang Feng's brows knitted together tightly.

"Hmph! Is what you said useful? It's all nonsense! What's the use of keeping your life alive!"

With a crash, the gun bolt was pulled, and the muzzle of the gun was fixed on the head of the reactionary soldier.

With a cold snort, the frightened reactionary soldier continued to collapse on the ground. When the gun was fixed on his head, he shivered directly between his legs, and a stream of heat was sprayed out.

The warm and fishy liquid seeped out, and Zhang Feng frowned when he heard it. He really didn't expect that this reactionary soldier was actually scared to the point of peeing.

The soldier didn't care about the warm smell in his crotch. He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing with a bloody forehead. He said in a pleading and trembling voice: "Don't kill me, I know~~I know Horsley's Where are the weapons hidden? Don’t kill me, please don’t kill me.”

At this moment, he had already given up his dignity, and the only thing he wanted to do was to survive. Not to mention where Horsley hid his weapons, even if Zhang Feng wanted him to lick his toes, he would do it without hesitation, although Zhang Feng would not make such a perverted and disgusting request.

After hearing his words, Zhang Feng's frown relaxed. Where Horsley hid his weapons, wasn't that what he wanted to know? But he is just an ordinary soldier in the reactionary army. How can he know such important and confidential information

"You don't want to lie to me, do you? The place where Hollis hides his weapons must be extremely secret. How did you know?" Zhang Feng's brows that had just been relaxed were frowned together again, and he asked with a cold voice. .

"I know, one of my brothers is his bodyguard. I heard him say it when we were drinking. Horsley's arms are hidden in the basement of a hospital, and there are many people guarding them!" A soldier from the reactionary army led the way. Said with a cry.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng nodded, and he could tell from his words that he was not lying.

He sneered twice and said, "Congratulations, you won the chance to live from me. I said before that your answer will satisfy me, so I will let you live from my gun!"

Zhang Feng's eyes turned to the other two reactionary soldiers. Both of them were frightened. They had anticipated what was going to happen. Their bodies kneeling on the ground were trembling, and their eyes were dull but pleading.

"I really want to let you go, but you don't have an answer that satisfies me! So~~~die!"

The automatic rifle in Zhang Feng's hand rang out twice continuously, and the bullets accurately penetrated into their heads.

The two reactionary soldiers who were shot had almost half of their heads blown off by the bullets. Blood and brains were mixed together, splattering everywhere, covering the remaining reactionary soldiers who were still alive.

At this moment, he didn't feel any disgust, because it meant that he was not dead yet and could continue to live.


Zhang Feng said coldly, turned around and walked into the dark alley. Just when he was about to enter the dark night, he slowly raised his right hand, gestured like a pistol, pointed it at his temple, and made a mocking sound in his mouth The sound of gunfire.


"Da." At the same time, the student Wen Kaiqi who was hiding in the dark also pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed the barrel of the gun and ejected from the muzzle, hitting the surviving reactionary soldier directly from behind!

His body fell limply to the ground, until he was completely dead. His eyes were wide open, as if they were about to pop out of his eye sockets, and his dead gray eyes were full of disbelief.

Why did he still shoot himself when he had already promised to let him go? This was his last question before he died.

When the gunfire rang out, Zhang Feng did not look back because he was sure it was the student Wen Kaiqi who fired the gun, and he had enough faith in the student! Now that we know what the result will be, there is no need to look back!

Zhang Feng did not break his promise. He said that he spared the reactionary soldiers from his own gun. In the end, he also died under Wen Kaiqi's gun. It had nothing to do with him!

Why must we kill them all

The reason is very simple. When conducting special operations in occupied areas or behind enemy lines, except for your comrades, they are all enemies.

If you let him go and wait for him to reveal the contents of the interrogation, the purpose of this trip will be directly exposed, and the other party will be on guard! So we must silence ourselves!

Student Wen Kaiqi, who killed the last reactionary soldier, quickly ran out of his hiding place and chased Zhang Feng in the direction where he left.

Two minutes later, the two men met.

"Madman, are we really going to attack the place where Horsley hides his arms? Horsley will definitely send a large number of manpower to guard and attack rashly. I'm afraid we will also suffer very heavy casualties!" Student Wen Kaiqi did not continue. Go down, but his meaning is already very clear. There are only five people in the enemy's hinterland now. Among them, Jackal Chai Chong is injured and cannot participate in the battle, so there are only four people left.

Zhang Feng didn't know what he meant, but since he had obtained such confidential information about the location of the hidden munitions, it would be completely out of character for him not to take action, and he already had a plan in mind.

"If we can destroy Horsley's arms, we will definitely have a huge blow to the reactionary army, so action is necessary!" Zhang Feng said in a low voice.

"Then how can we ensure that our action will be successful?" student Wen Kaiqi asked.

What he asked was exactly what Zhang Feng wanted to say.

Looking down at his watch, he saw that there was still one hour before the time he had determined to launch an attack on the reactionary army.

"In one hour, the Rwandan army and our bloody massacre brigade will launch an attack on the reactionary army. We can take advantage of this time. In addition, we can also let another group of people attract the opponent's attention to us!"

After hearing Zhang Feng's words, student Wen Kaiqi carefully calculated that if this was really the case, it would really be possible to successfully take away Horsley's arsenal!

"Okay then, lunatic, just do as you say!"

Nodding, Zhang Feng said through the wireless microphone: "Tyrannosaurus, monkey, please answer if you hear it!"

"I am a tyrannosaurus, and now I am with the monkey!" The voice of Li Jian, the tyrannosaurus, came from the wireless microphone.

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