The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 678: The smell of blood


Chapter 678 The smell of blood


"So... you have no right to command me!"

"You!..." Qifang was stunned by the gigolo again and was speechless.

He finally understood what the gigolo meant, that is, the other party would no longer cooperate with his Rwandan Army operations unless the other party was voluntary.

But is it possible to do so voluntarily

He had just deceived the other party not long ago.

The gigolo hung up the phone, sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said secretly in his heart: "Chefang, you don't think that this is the end of things between us, do you? Humph, it's so early."

After the call was hung up, Chefang looked a little embarrassed. The adjutant standing beside him suggested in a low voice: "Commander, should we retreat first?"

"Retreat? Impossible!"

Qie Fang said coldly that it is impossible for his troops to withdraw now, and he must persist now no matter what.

On the one hand, there is no order in the retreat, and the opponent will surely catch the opportunity and pursue and fight fiercely, resulting in many casualties.

On the other hand, the position of the reactionary army has not yet been completely stabilized. Although it is constantly adding troops, it does not mean that there is no chance of victory. If it succeeds, it will inevitably severely damage the reactionary army. There will not be many such opportunities, so Never give up!

"Command the people in front of me to step up the attack. No matter what, we must break the reactionary army's position before dawn!"


… … …

Zhang Feng, who was in the center of the city, also realized at this moment that he was being targeted.

More than once, the feeling of being followed suddenly arose in his heart. Such a feeling could only arise after escaping from death again and again, so he believed it.

Because of this feeling, Zhang Feng tried many times but could not figure out where the other party was hiding.

There is only one explanation that makes sense for this situation, and that is that the opponent is a very powerful special forces soldier who has received professional tracking training!

Zhang Feng didn't believe that the reactionary army could cultivate such a person. The only thing that made sense was that the person following him was not from the reactionary army.

Who could it be

The answer is already obvious, that is, the special forces of the US army are the same people he saw where Horsley hid the arms.

But how did they find out where they were

Zhang Feng thought that he was very careful. His every move was planned by him. There were no rules at all. How could the other party target him

If you don't understand some problems, you don't need to think about them.

But this matter must be clarified, otherwise the other party will always follow you and bite you, and sooner or later something will happen.

As Zhang Feng expected, the dance team led by Mi Jun Waltz was hanging far behind Zhang Feng at the moment.

The reason why they were not discovered by Zhang Feng was because they kept a distance of two kilometers from Zhang Feng.

The leader of the team, holding a GPS positioning system in his hand, had a red dot flashing continuously, which was Zhang Feng's position.

They did not close the distance anymore because of its existence, so they were not afraid of losing it.

"Report, Mr. Waltz, shall we take action against the target?" the squad leader requested.

"No need. The real identity of the target is being retrieved from the database right now. No action is needed for the time being. We still need him to help us find more targets!" Waltz said.

Zhang Feng didn't know that he was now being used as fishing bait to catch bigger fish.

After testing again and constantly changing directions, the feeling of being followed continued.

They originally wanted to cross back and join the dancers' Blood Slaughter Brigade, but now they have given up this idea. Not knowing what is going on behind them, leading the target rashly will only bring trouble to the Blood Slaughter Brigade.

He lowered his voice through the wireless microphone and said: "Gigolo, I am now targeted by unknown forces. I must change my direction now and not join you for the time being."

The gigolo who heard his voice through the wireless microphone frowned slightly and said in surprise: "Unknown forces?"

He was a little surprised. Zhang Feng came out of the Huangquan Special Forces Team and was the best special forces soldier. Now he was forced to change direction, which meant that there was no way to get rid of the stalker in a short time. Who is this unknown force

"Is it dangerous? Madman, or else I will send someone to pick you up?"

"It's not necessary for the time being. I'm afraid the other party has some plans for me, so he hasn't taken action against me yet. I also want to see what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd. In this way, gigolo, you should take the Blood Slaughter Brigade with you. Cooperating with the Rwandan army to attack the reactionary army's positions, as long as the reactionary army can be defeated, the other side will not even think about creating any waves in Rwanda's three-acre land," Zhang Feng said solemnly.

"Okay, I understand." The gigolo agreed.

After Zhang Feng ended the call with the gigolo, he continued to speak through the wireless microphone: "The Bai Wuchang Special Operations Team, the Hei Wuchang Special Operations Team, and the Huangquan Special Operations Team obey the order. From now on, they can move freely and target the middle-level leaders of the reactionary army." Character, kill!”

As long as the middle-level leaders can be killed, the orders from the top of the reactionary army cannot or cannot be transmitted to the ears of the soldiers below in time.

This can not only achieve strategic effects, but also avoid the danger of assassinating high-level figures. It can be said to be the most cost-effective.

The original action of the three special operations teams was to behead Horsley, the leader of the reactionary army, but the military action was not fixed because the situation was constantly changing, and the action plan had to change with the changes.

Upon hearing Zhang Feng's order, the goshawk, hunting dog, and tyrannosaurus Li Jian all responded in unison and started taking action.

… … … …

On the battlefield, the Rwandan army's shelling has disappeared. After all, the value of a shell is even more than the life of a soldier.

Without fire suppression, the Rwandan Army soldiers fell down in rows like wheat under the fire of heavy machine guns, and the blood spewed out dyed the ground bright red.

But under Cheerfang's order to attack desperately, every Rwandan Army soldier charged crazily, killing reactionary soldiers one after another while constantly approaching the front line.

In a battlefield that lacks sophisticated weapons and large-scale weapons, death becomes the main theme.

In front of the first line of defense, it became a huge meat grinder, with blood and flesh splattered, bones broken, tendons broken, arms and limbs broken, and lives lost.

Under such stimulation, all the soldiers seemed to be in a state of madness, roaring and shouting, pulling the trigger crazily, the eggshells jumped out like peeling peanuts, and the bullets were shot out along with the smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

After hitting the human body, bright red blood flowers bloomed in the dark night. There was no fragrance, but the smell of blood filled the night wind.

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