The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 685: Play the long game


Chapter 685 Take the long term


"There are definitely risks! What can be done without risks? You may choke when drinking water, sneezing may trigger an asthma attack, and your esophagus may be blocked when eating. Shouldn't we just stop eating and drinking?"

When the team leader mentioned the risks, Waltz was obviously very displeased and choked in a deep voice.

Faced with Waltz's argument, the team leader couldn't accept it in his heart, and he cursed. However, he was overwhelmed by the seniority of the official, so he could only say in a deep voice: "Yes, Mr. Waltz, I know what to do."

After cutting off the communication with Waltz, the team leader issued an order: "Now I will lead three people to go around the front of the target. The rest of the people will continue to track the target and maintain communication at all times, so that we can encircle the target."


… … … …

The team leader's judgment and Waltz's inference were correct. Zhang Feng deliberately allowed them to continue to follow him.

In such a vast jungle, it is not too difficult if he wants to escape completely. He only needs to be careful to erase the traces left behind as much as possible, so that the American pursuers behind him can become headless. The flies can only bump around aimlessly in the jungle.

But he didn't do this, so he naturally had his own plans.

Climbing in the weeds, wearing a ghillie suit made of weeds, although it looks very simple, it can make him blend in with the surrounding environment.

Through the telescope, he saw the pursuing troops of the American army splitting up in his sight, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer.

He had already calculated that the pursuers would have to divide their forces, and the enemy was even advancing much faster than he expected.

"Are you seeking your own death? You can't blame me." Zhang Feng stuffed the telescope into his backpack, picked up a wooden stick from the ground, and tapped the trunk of the tree several times in a rhythmic manner, making a banging sound. Banging sound.

From a distance of several hundred meters, the sound of knocking reached Mi Jun's ears. It had become vague and mixed with the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves.

But such a sound is the simplest signal, similar to Morse code, only simpler.

This method is not Zhang Feng's original invention, but is the primitive tribe in Africa. They use such percussion sounds to transmit information. Although the transmission distance is not far, it is more labor-saving and more effective than shouting with the voice. Concealment.

Zhang Feng saw this method from Johnson and Tooth Skull's tribe, and then contacted Morse Code. He immediately thought of using this method as a means for special forces to communicate in jungle operations and special environments.

Different tapping frequencies represent commands to stay still!

So, who is Zhang Feng making such a sound for

Naturally, it’s the Huangquan Special Operations Team!

Two special forces, the Black and White Wuchang, have been sent by Zhang Feng to the hinterland originally occupied by the reactionary army.

Since the American army chose to support Horsley's reactionary army and even secretly supported its establishment of a political power, it must have some agenda.

But Zhang Feng doesn’t know what the specific plot is, but he wants to know!

Therefore, these two special forces were dispatched, dressed in civilian clothes, to see if they could find anything in the hinterland of the reactionary army.

As for the Underworld Special Operations Team, Zhang Feng sent the coordinate points to everyone in the Underworld Team after talking to the gigolo before discarding the communication equipment.

Chai Chong, the jackal, was injured and had already withdrawn with the dancers' blood-slaying brigade. Several other people, including Tyrannosaurus Li Jian, Monkey, and student Wen Kaiqi, all rushed to the designated coordinate point quickly.

The US Army special forces behind Zhang Feng thought that he was changing routes left and right just to get rid of them.

In fact, Zhang Feng initially wanted to rush to the meeting point to join Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and others. After the meeting, he made corresponding arrangements and continued to turn left and right, just to cover up his intentions.

After Zhang Feng finished knocking on the tree trunk, around him, in the trees about a hundred meters apart, groups of weeds kept swaying and quickly got into the jungle.

Another bush of weeds quickly moved to Zhang Feng's side, raised its head, and its face was covered with paint. It was a monkey.

"Madman, what's going on?"

Zhang Feng lowered his voice and said, "Monkey, we are the most similar in size. From now on, you will take my place and lead the people behind you in circles."

"What do you want to do? Mad, the tyrannosaurus and the students have all gone to deal with people. What's the point of asking me to go around in circles with such a few bastards? If you ask me, wouldn't it be over if we just kill them? "The monkey said in surprise.

Zhang Feng slapped him on the head and laughed and cursed in a low voice: "Why do you talk so much nonsense? Did you see that every time they stopped, the leader would mumble something? I suspect that there must be someone behind them, and it must be a big fish. Let the tyrannosaurus and the students handle the small fish and shrimps. How about the two of us? Do you want to do it? "

Upon hearing what he said, Monkey pursed his lips and nodded, "What you said makes sense, but what a madman, why do I always feel like you are going to sell me?"

"Go away, you are such a bear. Killing and selling meat is not as expensive as pork. Can I do it?" Zhang Feng cursed with a smile, then lowered his body and got into the hay.

The monkey's eyelids twitched twice, and he muttered to himself: "Damn it, why is it the same price as beef? It's several dollars more expensive than pork, stupid."

Although Monkey and Zhang Feng spoke in nonsensical ways and even joked with each other, it was actually just their way of communicating with each other.

Facing the upcoming action, both of them did not slack off at all.

Any negligence may lead to the failure of the mission. This is what the instructor said when he became a special forces soldier on the first day.

For special forces, negligence brings failure, and failure means loss of life.

After the team tracked by the US army moved into groups, after a brief stop for correction, the original eight-person team now became four people, and they began to continue their actions along the traces left by Zhang Feng.

The squad leader had explained the situation clearly, so they were not in a hurry to act now. They expected that Zhang Feng would definitely leave traces for them, so they became more vigilant and slowed down a little.

This also made the monkeys in front feel more relaxed, leading them to circle in the jungle leisurely.

Zhang Feng, wearing a homemade ghillie suit, huddled in the weeds and remained motionless. His whole body seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment.

When the American soldiers were far away, he stepped out.

If he wanted to kill the four American soldiers, he would have simply pulled the trigger and attacked from behind.

But he didn't. Just as he said to Monkey, he always felt that there must be a big fish behind this team!

Only by putting a long line can you catch big fish!

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