The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 79: Angry from shame


"Do it and send that bitch to my villa!"

Mao Xiaorui stared at Hu Xinting's blurry figure fading away, and said in a cold voice: "Huh, women are just playthings. When I play with you, you won't follow me honestly!"

Putting the phone in his pocket, he raised his head and walked towards the Lamborghini.

The servant who was curled up after being kicked and beaten quickly got up from the ground when he saw his master was about to leave, ran towards the car, and shouted pleadingly: "Master Mao, wait for me." He looked like a complete slave!

Zhang Feng, who was hiding in the side, frowned. He didn't expect that this Young Master Mao would not be able to express his love, so he wanted to be strong. He was really lawless.

He wrote down Mr. Mao's license plate number and quickly chased him in the direction where Hu Xinting left.

When they reached the fork in the road, they saw Hu Xinting standing there, waiting to cross the street.

Just as Zhang Feng was about to shout, he saw a van without a license plate roaring and stopped in front of Hu Xinting. The door was quickly opened, and two men rushed down. One covered Hu Xinting's mouth, and the other directly pulled her He picked her up and threw her into the car, then left quickly.

It sounds slow, but in reality it takes the blink of an eye, without even giving Zhang Feng a chance to react.

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and saw a taxi parked not far away. He quickly ran over, got into the car, and said in a cold voice: "Catch up with the van in front."

The driver looked at Zhang Feng and felt that the face was familiar, so he was stunned.

Zhang Feng saw him in a daze and stopped driving for a long time. He was furious and said, "Follow the van in front. My fare will be a penny less than yours. If you can't catch up, huh, you think about the consequences!"

Frightened by his coldness, the driver quickly stepped on the accelerator and quickly chased the van.

"Master Mao? Humph, you'd better pray that Hu Xinting doesn't lose a hair! Even if she gets hurt at all, I will break your bones inch by inch!"

Zhang Feng now has an urge to kill in his heart!

He just wanted to watch and protect the beauty in his heart from a distance, for fear that a sudden appearance would destroy this perfection!

But now someone wants to hurt the beauty in his heart, and Zhang Feng can't bear it at all.

For people who have been struggling in a life of hardship since childhood, a beautiful thing is extremely precious, even if it means giving

No matter the price, we must hold it firmly!

The van stopped in front of a luxurious villa. Two men in black got out of the car. One of them carried the unconscious Hu Xinting on his shoulders and walked towards the villa.

All this was seen in the eyes of Zhang Feng, who was following behind. He took out several red bills from his wallet and threw them to the driver, only a lot more.

When I got out of the car, I saw a Lamborghini parked in the yard of the villa. The model and license plate number proved that this car belonged to Mao Shao.

The taxi driver drove away in panic. He suddenly remembered who this cold young man was.

He took out his phone and reported the situation.

Two burly bodyguards stood in front of the villa, chatting happily.

Lowering the brim of his peaked cap, Zhang Feng walked quickly towards the door of the villa.

"What are you doing? This is a private residence, leave now!" Seeing someone sneaking over, the bodyguard stopped chatting and yelled.

Zhang Feng remained indifferent and continued walking towards the door of the villa.

"What the hell, don't you understand? Get out of here!" The bodyguard's face grew colder, and he cautiously stretched his hand behind his waist, where he had a baton.

Walking three meters away from the door, when the bodyguard was about to take out the baton, Zhang Feng said calmly: "Master Mao asked me to come here!"

Hearing this, the expression on the bodyguard's face softened a lot, and he released his baton, "What's your name? I'll ask Mr. Mao!"

Zhang Feng raised his head slightly, with a sneer on his lips, a cold light in his narrowed eyes, and said coldly: "My name is Cao Nima!"

"Cao Nima?" The bodyguard was startled for a moment, and suddenly realized that the boy was scolding him, and understood that he was coming with bad intentions. The hand that originally let go of the baton reached behind his waist again.

But it's too late, let Zhang Feng get close to this distance!

The friction between the soles of the shoes and the ground made a squeaking sound, and the body was already ejected, and the shoulder hit the bodyguard's chest hard.

The bodyguard was in pain and took two steps back, but Zhang Feng caught up with him, raised his elbow and hit him on the chin from bottom to top. Pieces of his body burst out of the sack and flew out, and he collapsed on the ground motionless!

He secured a bodyguard in a blink of an eye, without even giving him a chance to warn him.


The bodyguard outside was also stunned. When he reacted, Zhang Feng had already taken care of one, turned around and rushed towards him.

He smashed his fist horizontally with a roar, and the bodyguard quickly raised his hand to block.

A sneer appeared on Zhang Feng's lips, he put away his feint and punched, then he lifted up his vaginal leg and hit the bodyguard's lower body with skill and naturalness.

The bodyguard's body rose twenty centimeters, his face flushed and his expression distorted.

The mouth was so big that the screams were about to burst out of his throat.

Zhang Feng would not give him a chance to scream! It doesn't matter if his whereabouts are revealed to Mr. Mao in the villa, I'm just afraid that he will jump over the wall and hurt Hu Xinting!

A punch hit the bodyguard's mouth. The big yellow teeth fell off from the gums with blood under the terrifying force. The screams that rushed into the throat were also suppressed.

Zhang Feng still refused to give up, and whipped him on the head. The bodyguard fell limply to the ground, with half of his life gone.

This is better to be merciful, otherwise the two bodyguards would have died!

The training I received at Huangquan Road means that close combat is all about defeating the enemy with one move and killing with one move!

Dragging the two bodies to the grass of the villa, Zhang Feng locked the courtyard door from the inside and walked quickly towards the villa!

Gently turning the door handle, I found it was locked inside.

This lock is not difficult for Zhang Feng, and it only takes a moment to pry it open.

Not wanting to waste even a moment, he took two steps back, suddenly rushed up, kicked his feet on the wall, jumped up, and grabbed the balcony window on the second floor with his hands.

He jumped into the room through the open window, quickly walked over, opened the door to the room and walked into the corridor.

It was empty without a trace of anyone, only extremely luxurious decorations.

Opening the doors one after another, searching from room to room.

When I pushed the door of the fifth room, it was locked. I put my ear against the door and could hear the man's heavy breathing.

Zhang Feng's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Master Mao had already sent Hu Xinting...

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and his two fists clenched together fiercely. Zhang Feng had an unwavering murderous impulse in his heart!

Lift your legs and kick towards the door with all your strength!