The Super Special Forces King

Chapter 92: Captured


"Since they are not from Xue Biao, they can only be from white-skinned people!"

Zhang Feng thought in his mind that he could count the number of people he had offended in Southwest City on his fingers, and Xue Biao was one of them, but it seemed that he had settled all the previous grudges.

Mao Xiaorui is one of them, but he should be a rich and wealthy second-generation dandy, so he poses no threat to him.

Another person who can use such professional people to follow up will only have white skin left in Southwest City!

It's just that Zhang Feng didn't expect that Baipi would dare to attack him after he had obviously taken refuge with Xue Biao!

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng came up with a plan. If Xue Biao and Bai Pi collide, Bai Pi will definitely not be his opponent. Will he bring out the boss behind Bai Pi

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, dialed Xuebiao's number, and said, "Brother, I'm on my way home now, but someone is following me. I don't know who it is!"

"What? Don't worry, just send me your home address and I'll send someone there. I want to see who dared to touch my brother after eating the Bear Heart Leopard!"

"Okay, brother, I'll send you the address!" After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng sent the address where he currently lives to Xuebiao.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Xue Biao already knew his address, but Xue Biao didn't reveal it, so he couldn't point it out.

Parking the car downstairs in the community, Zhang Feng got on the elevator and went straight to his home.

There is nothing to do now, just watch Xue Biao and Bai Pi bite each other! Zhang Feng didn't believe that the boss behind Baipi could still sit still when Baipi couldn't bear it anymore.

The key was inserted into the keyhole, but before it could be turned, Zhang Feng's face changed color.

Because she heard a woman's struggling sound in the room!

Quickly opening the door, the muzzle of a black gun was pressed against Zhang Feng's head!

Zhang Feng reacted very quickly, turned his body slightly to let the gun open, and punched the gunman in front of him directly on the cheek.

The gunman threw his head back and flew backwards, with red blood pouring out of his nostrils.

"Hey, our Zhang Laoer is really good at fighting. He is worthy of being a special soldier of the Southwest Military Region! Hahaha!" Baipi's harsh laughter sounded in the living room, "But if you move, the beautiful face in my arms will But

It’s going to cost! "

Zhang Feng looked and saw that Hu Xinting's hands were tied behind her back and her mouth was covered with black tape.

In Baipi's hand, he held a foot-long boning knife, and the tip of the knife moved over Hu Xinting's delicate face.

"Baipi, what do you want to do? The rules of the road will not harm your wife and children. Are you going to violate the moral principles of the world?" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Looking at the lunch boxes placed on the coffee table, Zhang Feng felt a pinching pain in his heart. He had obviously called her in the morning and told her that he had to go out to do some errands and that he didn't have to clean breakfast and come over. Why did this stupid woman come over to deliver food.

"The morality of the world? Not harming my wife and children? Zhang Laoer, Zhang Feng, are you kidding me? Hahaha, as long as you dare to move, I will slash her face. Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a beautiful face , What a pity!" Baipi said with a smile!

Ma Zai, who fell to the ground, wiped the blood spurting out of his nostrils with his sleeves and walked ferociously to Zhang Feng.

He kicked Zhang Feng hard in the heart and cursed: "Made, how dare you hit me!"

He rounded the butt of the gun, rushed towards Zhang Feng again, and landed firmly on his temple.

Zhang Feng didn't resist, let alone dodge. He knew that a crazy beast like Bai Pi could do whatever he said. If Hu Xinting's face gets scratched because of her, she will feel guilty for the rest of her life!

A gash was ripped open in his temple by the hard gun butt, and blood flowed gurglingly from the wound.

Zhang Feng's vision became increasingly blurry, and his vision went black. He fell to the ground on his back and passed out.

"take away!"

Baipi said coldly. Ma Zai, who knocked Zhang Feng unconscious, picked him up and walked quickly outside.

Bai Pi put away the bone-picking knife in his hand, placed his finger on Hu Xinting's cheek, and said greedily: "What a charming beauty! Don't worry, when I take care of Zhang Feng, I will use all my strength to make people happy! Gaga! !”

Under Hu Xinting's angry gaze, Bai Pi directly carried her on his shoulders and strode out of the room.

The elevator led directly to the underground parking lot. Ma Zai tied the unconscious Zhang Feng's hands and feet together, and injected a highly effective anesthetic into the vein on the side of his neck. Don’t say it’s a human being, even if it’s Elephant Yaojin

Don’t even think about waking up if you don’t pass!

Asking Zhang Feng to throw it into the trunk, Ma Zai drove out of the community quickly.

The white-skinned slut sitting in the back seat smiled and tore off the black tape on Hu Xinting's mouth and said, "Beauty, from today on, you belong to me!"

If an ordinary girl encountered such a situation, she would have screamed or become paralyzed with fear.

But Hu Xinting didn't. With anger in her eyes, she said in a very calm voice: "You will pay for what you have done!"


Bai Pi didn't take Hu Xinting's words to heart at all. He chuckled and said in a mean voice: "I will definitely pay the price, but the price is... I will become the father of your child! Hahahaha... "

Hu Xinting closed her mouth and eyes, and fell silently on the seat.

Xue Biao's people rushed to where Zhang Feng lived. The car might still be listening at the bottom of the community, but the person was already gone. There were still a few drops of blood on the floor of the living room!

Reporting the situation to Xue Biao, Xue Biao became furious and cursed: "Are you all just losers? You can't handle such a thing! If you can't find Zhang Laoer before noon, don't come back at all!" "

Hanging up the phone with a bang, Xue Biao pondered for a while, then picked up the phone again, dialed another number, and said: "Zhang Laoer was probably taken away by the white-skinned people! We must find him as soon as possible. ! And you should finish the matter at hand as soon as possible. Whether you can survive or not depends on this time! "

After saying that, Xue Biao hung up the phone, walked to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine and poured two sips down his throat.

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhang Feng opened his eyes with a splitting headache.

He shook his head to wake himself up a little and see the surrounding environment clearly.

The dilapidated factory building was gloomy, and the nose was filled with the smell of chemicals.

His body was tied to a concrete pillar with ropes.

Hu Xinting was tied to a chair in front of her. Seeing that her clothes were not intact and her face looked calm, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that while he was still unconscious, Bai Pi would show his bestiality and insult Hu Xinting.