The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 48: Fell out of favor and overturned


He looked at Tangtang in shock, and after a short three seconds, he broke out the biggest temper he had ever had in his life!

"I hate you-"

This little nentuanzi not only robbed his uncle, but also robbed the show that should have belonged to him.

He also robbed his chocolate bar, and robbed his mother and grandmother!

Now—how dare you laugh at him like a girl!

... Only a girl can be the wife of a dragon! (¬_¬)

This is the secret pain in Huo Zekai's heart!

The last time I got into a fight with a child in the kindergarten, it was because the kid dared to call him "little sister" and praised him for being beautiful!

He is a handsome boy, and he has been extremely humiliated.

For the sake of face, Huo Zekai refused to tell the truth even if he was reprimanded by the kindergarten teacher and Mo Yun.

Who knew, she was easily exposed by Tangtang.

Huo Zekai was really angry this time!

He yelled at Tangtang like a beast, pushed Tangtang to the ground violently, ran upstairs angrily, locked himself in the room, and never wanted to go out again.

Poor little Tangtang fell three times in a row, and her buttocks were about to be broken into four.

The three adults scrambled to hug them, but in the end they were snatched away by Mrs. Mo, who hugged her in her arms, coaxing her in all kinds of distress...

Out of guilt, Mo Yun brought Huo Zekai's favorite snacks and favorite toys to Tangtang...

And Mo Heng...

He just wanted to catch Huo Zekai, the devil incarnation, and spank his ass!

How dare you bully Tangtang!

This brat really doesn't want to live anymore!

Surrounded by a lot of snacks and toys, Tangtang simply healed her butt and forgot about the pain.

Not only did she not remember Huo Zekai's grudge, but she also felt guilty.

While biting the sweet candied fruit, she thought: Is it because the big evil dragon is too scary to frighten the little brother

If I knew it earlier, I would have replaced it with a big shark!

The big shark is not scary at all, she often rides the big shark in the sea with her father!

When the queen mother finds out, she will spank her little butt! But the big shark is really docile, even if Tangtang is leaning against its mouth, it will only spray Tangtang's saliva...

Thinking of this, Tangtang quickly slapped her nose: the big shark's saliva stinks.

After Huo Zekai rushed into the room, he rolled back and forth on his little bed and cried loudly...

Crying and crying... Suddenly something is wrong—

Usually when someone makes him angry, or doesn't like what he wants, if he cries for two minutes, an adult will come in to comfort him.

No matter what request he made, they would all agree and agree with each other.

Today—his voice is hoarse from crying, his eyes are swollen into small walnuts, and no one cares about him

Huo Zekai rubbed his eyes and sat up, pricked up his ears and listened for a while, but he didn't hear any movement outside the door!

Huo Zekai is angry again!


He lay on the bed, hammered out of bed a few times angrily, grabbed his favorite teddy bear at the head of the bed, hugged him in his arms, jumped out of bed lightly, walked to the door, stood on tiptoe, and unlocked the door opened a crack, and peeked out—

Seeing this, Huo Zekai almost exploded with anger.

In the hall downstairs, grandmother, mother, uncle...all surrounded that little girl, and piled his toys and snacks around her!

Those are all his most, most, most... favorites!

He was the one who dragged his Iron Man suitcase from Jiangcheng to Yuncheng!

In the end, they actually carried him behind their backs and gave it all to that little brat

No fragrance of flowers, no height of trees, I am a grass that no one knows~~~

——Listen to who is singing?

Oh, it turned out to be the little devil Huo Zekai!

(end of this chapter)