The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 187: )


From pathology to physiology to anatomy, Professor Gu described in detail his considerations at the time and subsequent reflections across disciplines.

Seeing the old professor's hair as white as snow, Zheng Ren sighed inwardly.

Professor Gu did not have a system, but he still broke through the master level and reached the level of grandmaster or master. He relied on accumulation over time and hard study.

Although I have a system to support me, I still have to work harder.

Fang Lin kept paying attention to the time. It was still five minutes before eight o'clock, so he moved closer to Professor Gu and whispered to Professor Gu that it was time for the consultation.

"That's it, Xiao Zheng, please pay attention to the contact information. You can come to me when you have time to come to the imperial capital." Professor Gu finally said.

Only technology is close to technology. If Zheng Ren had not made a clear diagnosis, Professor Gu would not have said this.

Zheng Ren bowed repeatedly, feeling a little ashamed.

This is achieved by relying on the system. I don’t know when I will be able to do it without relying on the system.

Fang Lin opened the door of the consulting room, and Zheng Ren and Su Yun said goodbye and left.

Before they could go out, a short man holding a big black umbrella appeared at the door of the clinic.

Zheng Ren felt very strange. It was winter. Although it was not cold in early winter, it was still winter anyway. Why was this man using a big black umbrella

Fang Lin was alert and felt something was wrong. He blocked the man with his body and asked, "Where is your registration ticket?"

The black umbrella fell, and a half-meter sharp knife appeared.


murderous intent,


The long knife waved, drawing a gloomy trajectory in mid-air.

Zheng Ren relied on Fang Lin's recent strength, which he didn't know where to come from, and knocked Fang Lin away with his shoulder.

The bright long knife fell on Zheng Ren's shoulder, and blood splashed!

The man was startled for a moment, stared at Professor Gu fiercely, took out the knife from Zheng Ren's shoulder, and took a step forward.

Su Yun frowned, quickly picked up the white square stool the patient was sitting on, and smashed it down.

At this time, Fang Lin reacted and saw the murderer running towards Professor Gu, and stepped forward to hug his arm.

The short murderer was not a tough person either. Su Yun hit him on the head with a stool and made a "bang" sound.

His forward steps were held back by Fang Lin, and he felt angry and even more angry.

He turned his hand and stabbed Fang Lin, who was holding his left arm.

Zheng Ren felt pain in his shoulder and blood boiled in his heart. His view was blocked by the murderer's back, and he couldn't see where the long knife was.

But when he gets angry, who can care about it

Zheng Ren had nothing in his hand to use as a weapon, and he was wearing thick clothes in winter, so he could not cause enough fatal damage to the murderer, so he simply hit the murderer in the back of the head.


Countless Venuses were flying and circling in front of my eyes. In Venus, Zheng Ren saw the murderer slowly falling, and Fang Lin fell with him.

"Ding dong~~~" the system task sound sounded.

Zheng Ren's eyes were already red, and his eyes were full of blood. He didn't know whether it was the blood on his forehead or the blood on the back of the murderer's head. He didn't hear the system task prompt at all.

Urgent mission: Be in the same robe as your son.

Mission content: Successfully rescued Fang Lin.

Mission reward: 1 master-level auxiliary skill book, optional range of X-rays, B-ultrasound, and MRI.

Task time: 1 day.

Zheng Ren was a little dizzy, and his body was suddenly pulled aside.

Su Yun rushed forward and kicked the murderer on the neck. The movement is not big and the strength is not great, but it is very skillful.

That's where the carotid sinus is, Zheng Ren knows.

The carotid sinus is located at the beginning of the internal carotid artery. The wall of the blood vessel is slightly thin and the lumen is slightly enlarged. It is called the carotid sinus. There are baroreceptive nerve ending devices in the deep adventitial layer of the sinus wall, which are carotid sinus baroreceptors; there are chemoreceptive nerve ending devices on the ventral surface of the sinus cavity, which are carotid artery chemoreceptors.

Once hit here, symptoms such as dizziness and vomiting will occur.

Although Su Yun's force was not very strong, it was enough to make the murderer faint to a critical part like the carotid sinus.

The situation was under control, and Zheng Ren suddenly saw Professor Gu covering his chest with his hands and slowly lowering himself to the ground.


Zheng Ren cursed in his heart, not to curse Professor Gu, but to vent his impatience.

On one side is Fang Lin, who does not know whether he is alive or dead, and on the other side is Professor Gu, who suffered a heart attack due to emotional stress.

In just a moment, Zheng Ren made his decision.

Because Su Yun had worked in the ICU of Haicheng City No. 1 Hospital, he was more professional in handling acute myocardial infarction than himself. This choice was not difficult. What was difficult was making a clear judgment in a split second.

"Su Yun, go to Professor Gu." Zheng Ren pushed Su Yun over and came to Fang Lin's side.

The 50cm long knife held by the murderer stabbed into Fang Lin's body and was then pulled out by the murderer. Blood spurted out, and the smell of blood spread all around.

Zheng Ren glanced at the murder weapon and looked at the blood marks on the knife. He estimated that the penetration depth should be about 20-25cm.

The system panel on the upper right side of the field of view clearly gave the diagnosis of liver rupture, diaphragm rupture, lung rupture, tension pneumothorax, and hemorrhagic shock.

Although the incident occurred less than a minute ago, the wound was huge and Fang Lin was already in a coma.

The most troublesome thing is that Fang Lin was not injured in just one place, but several conditions that could be fatal in a short time appeared at the same time.

"Rescue! Nurse!" Zheng Ren shouted loudly as he laid Fang Lin down and roughly untied or tore his clothes.

When the noise spread out, someone came to see what was going on. After hearing Zheng Ren's shouting, several doctors arrived immediately.

"50ml syringe, iodophor, cut the bag, quick!" Zheng Ren yelled and told them what he needed and what he could get as quickly as possible.

A younger doctor was startled for a moment, then realized what had happened, responded immediately, and quickly ran to the changing pharmacy.

After all, it was the well-trained Imperial Capital Hospital. The young doctor rushed over directly pushing the ambulance with a blue disposable furoshiki incision bag on it.

Zheng Ren did not take the incision bag, but took the 50ml syringe, threw the syringe aside, and inserted the thick needle along the second intercostal space along the midclavicular line on Fang Lin's right side.

"Hiss~~~" Huge pressure spurted out from the syringe.

Several doctors nearby realized immediately that this was a tension pneumothorax!

Tension pneumothorax refers to a large pulmonary air bubble rupture or a large and deep lung laceration or bronchial rupture. The tear is connected to the pleural cavity and forms a one-way valve. It is also called high-pressure pneumothorax.

The more you breathe, the worse your condition becomes.

Bleeding and other things are less important in the face of tension pneumothorax. In addition to aortic rupture, tension pneumothorax is one of the most fatal emergencies.

"Prepare for emergency surgery!" Zheng Ren's voice was hoarse. Although he shouted, his voice was extremely low and a bit sharp.


This paragraph is a combination of the Wuhan incident a few days ago and the incident where a professor in Shandong was stabbed by a ticket dealer a few years ago. It is a real case. But as I write this, I can’t bear to let an old professor be hurt in this way and wear a red stethoscope.

This paragraph is more than 2,000 words but less than 2,500 words, no money, bow ~ Although I have to add another chapter when the update is released, and I still have the debt of 17 chapters, I feel like I am committing suicide, but no I always feel like I can't express my warm gratitude to my book friends by doing this. If you want to die, just try to die. We will continue tomorrow. The update times are 2, 7, 12, 17, and 22 o'clock. It is said that regular updates can increase subscriptions, give it a try.