The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 188: 0184 Fatal injury


Several doctors, young and old, came to help at this time.

Zheng Ren didn't pay attention to what they were doing, took the cut bag and tore it open. He opened the iodophor bottle on the rescue vehicle and put it directly on Fang Lin's knife wound.

The iodophor flows out of the bottle and makes a gurgling sound, which disappears after ten seconds.

Zheng Ren threw the iodophor bottle aside, put on sterile gloves, took out a sharp knife from the cutting bag, and cut without even wasting time pressing the handle of the knife.

Zheng Ren moved very quickly. Before the old professor next to him could say anything, Zheng Ren had already cut it with his knife.

Is this to stop bleeding with bare hands? ! The old professor was shocked.

How many years has it been since I saw someone stop bleeding with bare hands? How can this ordinary person be more professional than the average doctor? !

Zheng Ren came to see Professor Gu, wearing casual clothes and looking like ordinary people.

A middle-aged doctor came to stop him, but before he could say anything, Zheng Ren slashed along the wound where the murderer's long knife had penetrated, to the right side of Fang Lin's rectus abdominis, and made a direct incision of about 10cm.

Black and red blood spurted out like a fountain.

Zheng Ren relied on master-level general surgery skills, master-level interventional skills, and 300 cases of liver anatomy experience. He did it blindly and pinched the arteries and veins in the porta hepatis area without using his eyes.

"Notify the blood bank! Prepare the cart! Go to the operating room!" Zheng Ren shouted with red eyes.

A doctor had already gone to push the cart. Because it was an outpatient clinic, it was delayed for a few minutes. In addition, someone called to contact the operating room and general surgery, thoracic surgery and other related departments.

Zheng Ren pinched Fang Lin's portal area with his right hand, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, he was in a hospital, a large tertiary hospital in the imperial capital.

If it were a different place, Fang Lin would probably be in trouble.

The flat car was quickly pushed over, and others helped to lift Fang Lin onto the car. Zheng Ren's posture was particularly awkward, and he carefully moved with Fang Lin's body.

He didn't dare to be careless. If he really tore Fang Lin's portal artery and vein... the consequences would be disastrous!

Kneeling on the cart, several doctors pushed the cart and rushed all the way to the operating room.

A gray-haired old professor couldn't run, so he had to stand down and told the operating room in an asthmatic voice that the injured doctor would be here soon.

No matter who it is, they are all using their own way to save their colleagues, their friends, and a living life.

The young doctor was in the front, pulling the car hard and controlling the direction while driving away the patients on the road and the patient's family members who were watching.

Seeing the person lying on the flat car wearing a white coat, the doctors and nurses passing by put down their work and came to help.

No one knew what was happening, but everyone knew they had to do something.

Some helped push the cart, some helped clear the way, and some hurried to the elevator and asked for the elevator first to avoid waiting for the elevator and wasting time.

Someone wanted to replace Zheng Ren, but Zheng Ren rudely refused. Zheng Ren pinched Fang Lin's liver. He didn't trust anyone but himself at the moment!

It's a long way, it takes five minutes to walk from the outpatient clinic to the operating room.

The doctor in the anesthesiology department received a call, and several doctors and nurses had already arrived at the gate of the operating room.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw a flat car being pushed down from the elevator. Blood was dripping down, drawing a road full of blood.

No one spoke. Anesthesiologists in dark blue isolation suits replaced doctors and nurses in white suits. They were silent all the way as the flat car was pushed into the operating room.

Emergency surgery, ready to begin!

Seeing Zheng Ren kneeling on the flat car with his hand in the injured man's stomach, this strange scene scared many people, even the medical staff.

Stopping bleeding with bare hands is only introduced in books, but in reality, few people have seen it.

"Stop the bleeding? Which blood vessel?" an anesthesiologist asked.

"Don't dare to let go of the liver gate." Zheng Ren tried his best to squeeze out a hoarse word.

The anesthesiologist instantly understood what Zheng Ren was doing.

Deep vein puncture is performed, the fluid is hung, and the blood sample is sent to the transfusion department for matching. Once the ECG monitoring was started, the blood pressure could no longer be measured.

Countless emergency medicines began to be injected into Fang Lin's blood vessels from the intravenous channel.

Zheng Ren was kneeling on the operating table. The light from the shadowless lamp was a bit dazzling, making disinfection very troublesome.

But, he can't move!

Can't move at all!

The director of the general surgery department rushed over and asked about the situation.

After learning about the condition, they directly brushed and disinfected their hands and prepared for surgery.

The director of the thoracic surgery department rushed over and they placed a chest wall drainage bottle before the anesthetist gave me general anesthesia. As soon as the tube was inserted, the sound of bubbles came from the closed drainage bottle.

At the same time, the anesthesiologist connected the ventilator and entered anesthesia.

In the case of tension pneumothorax, without closed chest drainage, no matter how urgent it is, the patient will not be put on a ventilator.

The air blown in goes directly into the chest cavity and cannot be discharged, which will compress the lungs. The more you blow, the greater the pressure in your chest, until you can no longer blow in any oxygen.

That's killing, not saving.

Before the anesthesia was complete, the general surgery department had simply laid out a sterile drape and opened the abdominal cavity along Zheng Ren's incision.

Anyway, Fang Lin was already dying at this time, so there was no need to wait for anesthesia. Rescue and anesthesia at the same time, it's too late.

Looking directly at the wound is shocking.

The liver was penetrated, leaving a neat wound on the side of the liver and the diaphragm.

The director of general surgery glanced at Zheng Ren. He knew that if Zheng Ren hadn't pinched the portal artery and vein within the golden 300 seconds, Fang Lin would not have been able to reach the operating room.

"Young man, go down and leave this place to me." He said in a deep voice.

Reason told Zheng Ren that there was nothing wrong with him now. His emotions told him to brush his hands, change clothes, go to surgery, and suture the liver wound.

In the end reason triumphed over emotion.

A clean white sterile glove appeared in view and was placed next to the liver porta.

After exchanging glances, Zheng Ren nodded and let go. The liver hilus was immediately pinched by the other hand, not tight but not loose, with just the right amount of force.

This is the imperial capital, not the First Hospital of Haicheng City, Zheng Ren told himself repeatedly.

After getting off the operating table, Zheng Ren's vision suddenly darkened.

Zheng Ren knew that this was caused by retinal discomfort caused by looking directly at the shadowless lamp for a long time.

Close your eyes, trying to relax.

But when Zheng Ren closed his eyes, the scene in the outpatient clinic appeared vividly before his eyes.

So cruel!


human nature.

Zheng Ren staggered twice, his feet felt weak, and he didn't have the strength to walk out of the operating room.

He barely touched the corner of the wall and sat down along the corner.

A nurse noticed Zheng Ren's actions, opened a bottle of glucose and handed it to Zheng Ren. She also used sterile gauze dipped in saline to wipe the blood on Zheng Ren's body.

No one spoke, and the entire operating room fell into the most terrifying silence.

Dead silence!

Deathly silence!

"Ah?!" Suddenly, an exclamation interrupted the silence, "Let the hand surgery department and orthopedics department take the stage!"

Their eyes converged, and blood continued to seep from the wound on Zheng Ren's left shoulder.

Several pieces of sterile gauze were put on it, and it was instantly soaked with blood.


Stop bleeding with your bare hands when you're injured? !