The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 203: 0199 Teaching upside down (1/5)


"Hurry up and put them on and take off my clothes." Su Yun glanced at the clothes that Xie Yiren had delivered to Zheng Ren. He was not impressed by the famous brand at all and was a little impatient. He said, "I have to deliver them tomorrow." I’m going to do the dry cleaning. By the way, Manager Feng, can you send it to me?”

"Uh... OK." Feng Xuhui responded subconsciously.

Mr. Zheng's assistant should be able to increase his favorability by helping him.

However, the relationship between Mr. Zheng and his assistant can sometimes be quite cold. His assistant is particularly arrogant and is always sarcastic and sarcastic towards Mr. Zheng.

I shouldn't have done anything wrong.

While Feng Xuhui was thinking about it, Zheng Ren didn't go to change clothes, but stood in a daze holding the clothes.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Yun asked: "Even if the Xie Yi people buy you clothes, you won't miss them when you see them. Hey, are you a nymphomaniac? Wake up!"

"I'm thinking about the patient's film," Zheng Ren replied.

"Go get some sleep. You're not a beautiful woman. If you have anything to think about, you might as well think more about the little beauty." Su Yun had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

Zheng Ren was holding the clothes in his hand, and there seemed to be a fog in front of his eyes. Under the influence of some kind of power, the fog became lighter and lighter. As long as he found a certain key point, he could dispel the fog like breaking a piece of paper.

But what’s the key point…

The closer he gets to the truth, the more confused Zheng Ren becomes. It's obvious that I can do it with just a little more strength, but I don't know where to use my strength.

Seeing Zheng Ren in a daze, Su Yun patted his right shoulder and said, "You..."

"Ah" Zheng Ren suddenly shouted.

"What's the ghost's name? It scared me." Su Yun subconsciously hid back, his reaction was shockingly fast. He looked carefully for a moment and made sure that he had not touched Zheng Ren's shoulder on the affected side. Then he felt relieved, and then became angry, and the black hair on his forehead was tense.

"I know what to do. I'm going to the CT room! Su Yun, help me contact Dr. Liang. Then you go to the interventional ward and get the MRI enhanced films from beds 7-22." Zheng Ren arranged.

"It's already very late, okay." Su Yun was a little impatient, but as for Zheng Ren, he usually just sprayed him out of habit. When it was time to obey, he would always do his duty as a "perfect" assistant.

"You go change clothes first, and I'll contact Xiaoliang." After Su Yun finished spraying, he picked up the phone and walked out.

Zheng Ren changed his clothes, and Su Yun also finished contacting Dr. Liang. Feng Xuhui didn't dare to be careless and followed Zheng Ren like a follower.

He made up his mind that as long as Zheng Ren didn't ask him to leave, he would never leave until Zheng Ren went back to sleep. He kept summarizing experiences and lessons, but could never keep up with Zheng Ren and Su Yun.

Zheng Ren walked briskly and rushed to the CT room in row 64. Just now, I had a flash of inspiration, and the fog that had been in front of my eyes seemed to be shattered with a snap of my finger.

But Zheng Ren was not sure and needed to compare the patient's 64-slice CT scan with enhanced MRI.

Su Yun left halfway and went to the interventional ward to take the patient's MRI enhanced film.

When Zheng Ren arrived, Dr. Liang had been waiting for a few minutes. When he saw Zheng Ren coming, he took two quick steps with a look of admiration on his face.

"Boss Zheng, thanks to you today." Dr. Liang's gratitude came from the bottom of his heart and was full of sincerity.

"Ah?" Zheng Ren was stunned for a moment. Is Dr. Liang talking to him

Zheng Ren looked back and saw no one else except Feng Xuhui following him.

"Fang Lin and I are from the same class. We usually have a good relationship and always play together. Today I heard that he was injured. I feel bad and don't know how to help him. If Brother Yun hadn't told me that it was you Saved Fang Lin... Please forgive me if I was negligent before." Dr. Liang's face was sincere, and his attitude was better than that of PM... PM was also very good, after all, he was the person Su Yun was looking for. However, it cannot be compared with the fearful enthusiasm now.

"Yes, you're too polite." Zheng Ren waved his hand.

"The machine has been turned on for you. You are busy with your work. If you need anything, just call me." Dr. Liang was not too polite. After speaking, he let Zheng Ren into the operation room, and then sat down with Feng Xuhui. On the chair behind Zheng Ren, he waited quietly.

Zheng Ren was not polite either. They were all technical people, and if they talked too much, they would be offended.

I skillfully entered the patient's medical record number on the machine, found the 64-slice CT enhanced film that I had been studying, and looked at it carefully again.

Feng Xuhui couldn't understand and thought Zheng Ren was seeing someone. However, he looks very professional and has a very reassuring feeling that is inconsistent with his age.

"The movies you want." Not long after, Su Yun came back with a lot of movies in his hands, and threw them on the table in front of the reading lamp with a "snap".

Zheng Ren ignored Su Yun's actions. In his eyes, there were only MRI-enhanced films. As for Su Yun... he doesn't exist at all.

He took out the MRI enhanced film and hung it on the reader.

Comparing it with the 64-slice CT on the machine, it is extremely focused.

Su Yun lowered his head, fiddled with his phone, secretly took a photo, and sent it to the group.

Feng Xuhui didn't know what Zheng Ren was studying and it was boring, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

I can't leave at all this time. This is my most important job.

After Zheng Ren compared the double-enhanced images of CT and MRI, the two master-level skills were compared with each other, and his hazy understanding gradually became clear.

That layer of fog is like a piece of window paper, which can be broken when you poke it.

After pondering for half an hour, Zheng Ren already had a clue.

Start operating the machine and perform retrograde 64-row three-dimensional reconstruction.

The patient had more than a hundred liver nodules, but Zheng Ren did not do all of them. If he did, the huge workload would probably be impossible to finish tomorrow morning.

Zheng Ren spent nearly two hours selecting nine of the nodules for three-dimensional reconstruction. One was eliminated, leaving eight that he confirmed were malignant tumors.

It should be like this. After Zheng Ren finished everything and pressed the print button, he felt exhausted.

"Boss Zheng, you're done." Dr. Liang said from behind.

"Well, it's done."

"How did you select these cirrhosis nodules as target targets? From the CT point of view, they are all the same." Dr. Liang has been observing Zheng Ren.

While Zheng Ren was reading the films and doing reconstruction, Dr. Liang asked several friends and learned about the situation during Fang Lin's rescue.

If it weren't for this boss Zheng, I'd probably have to go to the funeral home to see Fang Lin now.

After knowing all this, Dr. Liang sincerely wanted to do something to help Zheng Ren.


He didn't even know what Zheng Ren was doing, so how could he help

Even so, he had some foundation after all, and he could see that Zheng Ren's selection of several lesion points between tumors and liver cirrhosis nodules for three-dimensional reconstruction was on target.

"Do you understand?" Zheng Ren asked.

Su Yun curled his lips. Only Zheng Ren could speak so directly. It was not easy to live so long without being beaten to death.

"I don't understand something. Here, why did you decide to do retrograde three-dimensional reconstruction after comparing the MRI?" Dr. Liang didn't have as many ideas as Su Yun. He had wanted to ask for a long time, but was afraid of disturbing Zheng Ren.

"Oh, that's it." Zheng Ren walked under the reader, pointed at a lesion with his finger, and started talking.

Starting from the MRI-enhanced arterial phase, each stage was compared with 64-slice CT. Zheng Ren clearly explained the subtle differences. Where you need to pay attention, where there is abnormal enhancement, where you need to see CT, where you need to see MRI.

Dr. Liang nodded sometimes, sometimes confused.

But Zheng Ren explained it more clearly, and some difficulties were solved immediately.

Dr. Liang nodded frequently, and finally realized something with a look of joy on his face.

Su Yun raised his head from behind and looked at the film Zheng Ren was talking about with rare serious eyes.

Feng Xuhui gradually became confused again.

You know, this is the imperial capital, not Haicheng.

How could Zheng Ren, the chief resident from Haicheng City No. 1 Hospital, act like a professor and give lectures to doctors from the Imperial Capital

Shouldn't it be the doctor from the imperial capital who talks eloquently, while the little hospitalist from Haicheng always nods his head? Isn't this right

Why is it the other way around today

Could it be that I was too nervous today, which led to misunderstandings

Under this loving scene, Feng Xuhui remained in a daze until Zheng Ren and Dr. Liang said goodbye.

With admiration on his face, Dr. Liang walked all the way to the gate, only to be rudely kicked back by Su Yun.