The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 231: May all go well with you


Today is the last day of 2018. I wish you all that all your wishes will come true in the new year.

I have thought about a lot of blessings, but my wishes come true can be summed up in four words, and there are no words to count: smiling face, grinning teeth.

When I’m tired of writing, let’s chat a few words.

Thank you all very much. Although I have been very tired recently, I have taken a very important step in my career which is already in the middle of my career.

Zeng once said that since the beginning of this book, I have basically never played stand-alone. At first, there were few updates every day, and I could still talk nonsense and chat in the book review area. There is basically no time now. I am busy catching up on the plot every day, and I don’t even have time to thank the friends who gave me rewards. This... please bear with me.

This chapter says that I want to read it all. By the way, do you want to be so sharp-eyed that if you don't have surgery for a day or two, you will say that I am a drama? I really don't dare to take the risk, but Zheng Ren will definitely be an academician of both academies in the future, so he still needs to accumulate scientific research information. In addition, whether to win the Nobel Prize or not is another matter. In short, some plots need to be explained, and it is really not a plot.

However, since it was brought up, it must be my fault.


I will work harder and more cleverly to intersperse the plot between small cases one after another, but this requires more advanced skills. As a newbie, it will be difficult for me to do it.

Even if it is difficult, do it and do it well.

I still want to thank everyone for ordering 4,000 each, which completely exceeded my expectations. I won’t go over the word count, but I will ensure that the novels you spend money to read will give you a relaxing and enjoyable feeling.

Working every day was already very hard, but after seeing the abuse, I couldn't get through the day.

Just let Zheng Ren happily pretend and perform the surgery all the way. I hope he and Shea can be happy. As for Su Yun, this perfect surgical assistant and perfect scientific research assistant, how can he find happiness

After it was put on the shelves, 10,000 words were updated every day, which made me exhausted mentally and physically. I originally wanted to take a few days off after New Year's Day, but the editor recommended two more apps. Moreover, there are also 3,000 monthly passes available after launch.

What should I do...

It's better to seize the time and pay off the debt. We must do what we promised before.

Today is the third update, I will outline the next plot.

Starting from January 1st, three updates will be guaranteed, and the debt will be paid off 1-2 chapters every day. Doing the math (why does it feel the same as Zheng Ren in the system space), the leader of the tenth update, uh... When I talk about this, I burst into tears. For the next alliance leader, I may have to update a little less. Ten chapters is too much.

Without plot, it would take a long time to find new and interesting cases every day.

Both orders are 4000, and 8 additional chapters will be added. There are 18 additional chapters in total, which will ensure the quality and quantity of the book.

It’s a new year, and although there are no monthly passes for updates, I still have the shamelessness to ask for monthly passes for a few chapters. To be honest, I didn’t expect that in 10 days after the new book was released, there were 3,000 monthly passes!

Every day is a surprise. I hope that my efforts can bring relaxation and happiness to everyone's every day.

Finally, I sincerely thank you all for your support. I can’t thank you all enough. I will work harder to write stories that satisfy everyone and bring you a relaxing and enjoyable reading experience.

Seriously, bow~~~

I wish everyone all your wishes come true and all the best!

I wish everyone all your wishes come true and all the best!

I wish everyone all your wishes come true and all the best!