The Surgeon’s Studio

Chapter 34: 0033 Purchase system equipment


Director Lao Pan made several calls in a row and after arranging everything, he said to Zheng Ren with a serious expression: "Go to the endoscopy room to find Director Shi and see if there is any missing equipment. If you can, arrange it. If it is really not enough, There's nothing you can do about it. If surgery is possible, call me right away and I'll be waiting for you at the door of the institution."

Soldiers do things vigorously and resolutely. Zheng Ren understood what Old Director Pan meant. In order to save time, he would rather stand at the door of the agency and wait for the letter.

Like a soldier ambushing the enemy's front line, Old Director Pan was waiting for the charge horn to sound.

Zheng Ren nodded and said nothing.

It's all pretentious to say anything at this time, all I can do is to complete this operation properly.

Walking quickly to Sanzhu (the third inpatient department), Zheng Ren walked faster and faster, and finally trotted to the endoscopy room.

Director Shi was very cooperative, suppressing his surprise, and asked Zheng Ren what equipment he needed.

Because the endoscopic department of the First City Hospital plans to hire Professor Didu to perform ESD surgery in the near future, the preliminary preparations have basically been completed.

Basic equipment such as hook knife, intracavitary syringe, intracavitary separation forceps, and intracavitary electrosurgery are available. However, the key equipment required for appendectomy is the endoscopic intraluminal closure device.

Because Director Shi only wanted to perform mucosal dissection surgery, there was no need for a closure device at all.

Zheng Ren gritted his teeth, said he wanted to go to the bathroom, and found a secluded place to enter the system space.

Open the system mall and start searching for esd related equipment.

Zheng Ren's heart was broken when he saw the 16,000 experience points marked on the back of the complete set of ESD equipment. It was too expensive and he couldn't afford it.

In desperation, Zheng Ren had an idea and tried buying them separately.

Clicking on the endoluminal closer, I didn’t expect it to work.

Looking at the 2200 experience value marked on the endoluminal closure device, Zheng Ren felt very complicated.

He was a little happy, because if the closure device was replaced, the gap in the instrument would be filled, and the operation should be able to continue.

He was a little disappointed because he had not had much money since he was a child. Spending some money was a big deal for Zheng Ren. Zheng Ren almost saved his heart attack after spending almost all his "deposits" to buy some surgical equipment.

But for the sake of Director Pan's trust, this money should be spent.

Enduring the stabbing pain in his heart, Zheng Ren clicked to buy. The 2332 experience points instantly turned into 132 points, which made him extremely poor.

After purchasing, the closer appeared directly in Zheng Ren's hand. The texture of titanium-nickel metal gave him an expensive illusion.

How to take it out? Zheng Ren was a little confused and asked the system loudly. Sure enough, the system remained as cold as ever and did not respond.

Then get out first. Zheng Ren held the closer tightly, like a drowning man holding the last straw, and left the system space.

The moment he opened his eyes, Zheng Ren felt that the hardness in his hand was still there.

It's great that the equipment can bring out the system space.

When he returned to Director Shi with the closure device, Director Shi was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Xiao Zheng, do you have a classmate who is making consumables? At Johnson & Johnson or Philips?"

This kind of device, which is rarely used in China, has not been produced by domestic manufacturers due to profit concerns. Only large international companies, led by Johnson & Johnson, will produce it and import it into the country.

At Zheng Ren's age, the clinical clerks would never talk to him, a young doctor. Even the chief resident does not have this qualification.

Developing new technologies and using new equipment is the exclusive domain of the director. At the very least, he must be the deputy director leading the team.

Zheng Ren turned around and took back the closer. Logically speaking, there must be some classmates working as sales clerks in these big companies.

Director Shi's guess was logical, but he would not have thought that Zheng Ren had a system that would turn against Zheng Ren faster than turning over a book, and would obliterate Zheng Ren's system at every turn.

"No, this was the last time I attended a meeting. It looked good, so I bought one myself." Zheng Ren said perfunctorily.

Director Shi didn't believe it. Whoever had nothing to do would buy expensive surgical instruments by himself. And it is just one of many surgical consumables. If you just take a closure device, you can't even perform surgery. Do you want to take it home and ask for it

But since Zheng Ren said this, he obviously didn't want to reveal the truth, and there was nothing he could do about it. I can only look at the exquisite metallic luster of the brand new closer with envy and salivate.

"Director Pan, the equipment is complete, when can the operation begin?" Zheng Ren dialed the old Director Pan's number and reported.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Director Pan waited for news from Zheng Ren and immediately hung up the phone.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zheng Ren's cell phone rang. Director Pan told him to prepare for the operation and had gone to pick up the patient.

Director Shi of the endoscopy room also received a call from the director of the medical department. The hospital attached great importance to this patient and made a phone call first to get the endoscopy room started. The director of the Medical Department told Director Shi that the city's Secretary-General Chen had rushed to the city's No. 1 Hospital, and the director would personally accompany him to watch the operation.

In a flurry of excitement, the endoscopic room turned on its power to the maximum, and everyone started to get ready for the operation quickly.

Director Pan rushed over first. He did not ask Zheng Ren again whether the operation was successful, but stood silently beside Zheng Ren, as firm and steady as an anchor.

As the director of the medical department and the director of the anesthesiology department came to the endoscopy room, the atmosphere in the entire endoscopy room gradually became heavy.

The general surgeon arrived at the scene and pushed the cart. The girl on the cart was hanging on the outside of the cart from her ankles down. The girl was simply too tall.

Director Liu's face was gloomy. He already had a bad feeling that Zheng Ren could really do it, and he was very skilled at it.

But the arrow was on the string, and he could not raise objections.

The patient lies on the operating bed, and the signing and other matters have to wait for the director and Secretary-General Chen to complete, so there is no point in rushing.

Zheng Ren looked at the countdown in the upper right corner of his vision, there were still 4 hours and 15 minutes left.

Ten minutes later, Dean Xiao and Secretary-General Chen rushed to the operating room.

In the office, Zheng Ren was sitting in the corner with no sense of presence, even though he was a magician.

On the left hand side of the long table are Dean Xiao Keming, Executive Vice Dean in charge of clinical work Fu Guangshi, Director Lao Pan, and directors of general surgery, endoscopic surgery, anesthesiology and other related departments. On the right are Secretary-General Chen, the office director, the patient's agent, assistants, etc.

Dean Xiao was the first to speak.

"The city attaches great importance to this patient. Now Director Liu of the General Surgery Department will introduce the condition."

He doesn't speak much but is extremely powerful.

"The patient was diagnosed with simple appendicitis. After three days of anti-inflammatory treatment, the effect was not good. There was obvious tenderness in the right lower abdomen, and rebound pain occurred this morning. It is considered that the inflammation of the appendix is getting worse and there is a possibility of perforation." Director Liu's eyes were red and his eyes were dark. Huhu, extremely down and out.

Only a few people knew that this was the result of a night of fighting with Zheng Ren. Those who didn't know thought that he had devoted his whole life to the patients whose medical records were being discussed.

Director Liu paused for a moment, becoming more dramatic, and his tone was full of regret: "The general surgery department discussed it many times, and finally concluded that the patient cannot be treated conservatively and needs surgery as soon as possible."

"Director Liu, what are the methods of surgery?" asked a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses on the right.

"The surgical procedures include ordinary surgical appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy." Director Liu did not mention the surgical method Zheng Ren mentioned at all: "I recommend ordinary surgical appendectomy because the patient's conditions are suitable, the subcutaneous fat layer is very thin, and the surgical incision is It can be controlled at 3-4cm, you can go to the ground one day after the operation, and you can recover in 5-6 days."

"This..." In terms of time period, it has exceeded the requirements of the New Ideas Competition Organizing Committee. But this is professional advice and must be listened to.

Most people know the severity, and getting angry at this time will not help the patient's condition.

But it was a pity to miss the finals. Both the patient's agent and the city's Secretary-General Chen felt this way.

"We can perform non-invasive appendectomy, which will not delay the finals in three days." Director Lao Pan suddenly interrupted Director Liu's introduction, his voice was like a bell, and his momentum overwhelmed everyone.

Like a tiger descending a mountain.


Only then did I notice that the Double Eleven update to purchase system equipment was really appropriate for the occasion. At two o'clock this afternoon, I started to push the edge. In other words, this book is finally going to be the stage where a mule or a horse is led out for a walk. I urge book friends to vote for recommendations in the past few days. Maybe some people, like me, started reading after watching some recommendations.

I still want to thank everyone. There are more than 400 collections in the collection, and 30 to 50 people vote for recommendations every day. This ratio is a bit scary. I bow again and thank you. The update time has been changed today, three updates, the time is 6, 14, and 22 o'clock, please pay attention.

First of all, I am more respectful and I sincerely ask for your support.