The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 15: The fifteenth day is sweet


Chi Chenyan didn't know when Daoli Li had even paid attention to the use of family planning supplies at home.

The man lowered his head and saw her delicate face and slightly pouted mouth.

His Adam's apple moved.

Then the long arm reached the bedside table, took out what she was saying, and coaxed softly: "Use another one."



Chi Chenyan returned to normal work after returning from a business trip in city b.

Lu Li finally stopped holding her fingers and hoping for the stars and the moon and hoping for her husband every day, and lived a life of being able to hug and hug her husband every day.

Qiaojia's family is engaged in tourism business, and recently opened a new hot spring resort hotel, specially invited Luli to experience it.

In the private bath, the water temperature is constant at 40 degrees, and the stones on the side of the pool are carefully arranged.

Qiao Jiayi fiddled with the orange juice in the cup with a straw, and glanced at Lu Li, who couldn't help complaining to her just now that her husband needs too much.

The two of them played well, and they could talk a lot with each other and were not embarrassed.

Qiao Jia knew that Lu Li and Chi Chenyan had been living as a couple since their marriage, but she didn't know that this kind of behavior to increase the frequency of the couple's life when Lu Li's cognition had a problem was not counted as Chi Chenyan took the opportunity to cheat. Gun, and then can you remind Lu Li to pay attention, and morally contempt and condemn the man.

"So you, um," Qiao Jia paused for a while, "it should be called the death due to drought and flood due to waterlogging."

"Since you like your husband so much now and don't listen to what you say, then die from the flood, and when you recover later, you will naturally die from the drought."

Lu Li: "...… …"

Qiao Jia leaned on the edge of the pool, snorted comfortably, and said: "By the way, did your husband react after seeing your millions of pen-hold shots?"

Lu Li thought of her sudden millions of pen-hold shots, her face turned black, and then said unconvincedly: "My husband agreed, and whoever puts the video wrong in the future will send him to Africa."

Qiao Jiayi: "..."

"And then?" she couldn't help asking.

Lu Li: "What then?"

Qiao Jiayi: "What about after sending it to Africa? Anything else?"

Lu Li thought of the kiss that Chi Chenyan had fallen on her knee bruise, and smiled, and said, "He told me not to jump anymore."

Qiao Jiayi:? ?

… Grass.

Seeing so many otaku wanting to steal his wife's confession dance, in the eyes of Chi Chenyan, there is only one sentence, don't dance

What a shit man.

She faced Lu Li: "I didn't tell you that he was so cute that he liked it so much?"

Lu Li shook her head, but she didn't care about it: "My husband is shy, I can't say these things."

Qiao Jia helped her forehead.

Only she knew that Chi Chenyan did not say that it was because he was still the sincere husband of plastic in the rich plastic couple, and he had not changed. However, Lu Li, who bumped his head, understood that it was because of the introverted and introverted character of the husband who loved her. shy.

Qiao Jiayi sipped Chi Chen's banquet from the bottom of her heart, and then said to Lu Li, "Don't let him touch you all the time."

Lu Li didn't speak, she drank a drink through a straw, but in the bottom of her heart she thought how she could not touch her husband if she wanted to touch her, she liked to have sex with her husband very much.

The two of them finished soaking, took a shower, put on bathrobes and went to the spa.

Passing by the lounge outside, Qiao Jia glanced inside, followed Lu Li for a short distance, and suddenly remembered the person she saw in the lounge just now in her mind.

Qiao Jia stopped and turned back again.

Lu Li had to follow her back: "What's the matter?"

As soon as Qiao Jia walked to the entrance of the lounge, she couldn't hide her surprise when she saw the person inside, and patted Lu Li's arm.

"Hey, look, is the one inside Bai Qianying?"

Lu Li followed Qiao Jiayi's gaze. The young woman was sitting elegantly, and the waiter was presenting her a glass of red wine respectfully.

Lu Li recognized it and nodded: "It should be."

Most celebrity circles pay more attention to fashion. Bai Qianying is a Chinese designer who has emerged in the fashion circle in the past two years. He first worked for the American version of "vogue". America.

Qiao Jiayi likes YING's style very much, and also paid attention to this beautiful Chinese designer by the way.

"Isn't she always in America, why did she meet here." Lu Li was puzzled.

"Is it okay if I want to go back to China," Qiao Jia stabbed Luli with his arm, "Go and ask for a group photo."

Lu Li shook her head and followed.

Qiao Jiayi greeted Bai Qianying generously, with a decent smile on Bai Qianying's face, first made a polite sentence with Qiao Jia and took a group photo. Finally, her eyes suddenly fell on Lu Li, and she stretched out her hand:

"Miss Lu, hello."

Lu Liben was just waiting for Qiao Jiayi. He didn't expect that Bai Qianying would take the initiative to say hello to her. He recovered, laughed, and shook her hand: "Hello."

She was a little puzzled: "Do you know me?"

Bai Qianying seemed to pause for a while, then smiled and said, "I have seen Miss Lu's millions of pen-hold shots."

Lu Li: "...… …"

Qiao Jia told Bai Qianying about her love for YING, and then asked her why she would return to China when she was not in the United States.

Bai Qianying put her hair behind her ears and smiled: "Because this year's YING show will be held in S city."

"It's nice to meet Miss Lu, Miss Qiao, and I will submit an invitation letter for both of you."

Lu Li nodded, Qiao Jia agreed.

When doing the spa, Qiao Jia posted a photo with Bai Qianying to the ins, and then asked Luli why not also take a photo.

Lu Li smelled the incense: "I don't like her brand much, so what to do with the photo."

Qiao Jiayi said while enjoying the spa: "Do you know that she is amazing? She is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage."

Lu Li said with an "um": "What about then."

Qiao Jiayi: "It is said that she has liked fashion design since she was a child, and went to school desperately. The money to study in the United States is all on her own part-time job and scholarship. Moreover, she has very good grades. "Vogue" was fancy signing, oh, yes, it is said that Bishe who became so popular is still to commemorate her ex-boyfriend."

Lu Li closed her eyes: "That's very inspirational."

Compared to their celebrity daughters whose lives seem to be in the easy mode.


On weekends, Lu Li followed Chi Chen back to Chi Mansion with a feast.

The last time I saw Grandma Chi brought a brooch, this time Lu Li brought small biscuits baked by herself. Starting

Grandma Chi saw the biscuits and tasted them immediately. First, she took Lu Li's hand and praised her cleverness, and then said that she also saw [Man's Novel Network] her millions of pen-hold shots, and she was really jumping. good.

Lu Li's smile began to stiffen after hearing this.

Why does she now have a feeling that people all over the world have seen.

The two had lunch with Grandma Chi. Grandma Chi has a habit of taking a nap. After eating, she was pushed back to the bedroom by the servant to rest.

In the afternoon, the whole Chi Mansion was very quiet, except for the sounds of birds and insects in the garden outside, and the little Golden Retriever Ball was also snoozing in the nest.

Lu Li and Chi Chenyan returned to his bedroom to rest.

This bedroom was used by Chi Chenyan when he was a child, and there are still many traces of his life.

Lu Li was not sleepy, and found that she hadn't taken a good look at her husband's bedroom before, so she rummaged in the bedroom as soon as she came in.

Chi Chenyan: "What are you looking for?"

Lu Li: "Husband, don't you have photos in your room?"

Chi Chenyan lay on the bed and read the documents: "Photos?"

Lu Li nodded: "Yes."

There are many photos in her former bedroom, and she has a desk hung on the wall to testify that she grew up beautiful.

Lu Li threw herself on the bed, raised her head next to Chi Chenyan, and said with a smile: "Is there a picture of your husband when you were a kid? I want to see."

Chi Chenyan took a breath into Lu Li's eyes, and finally got out of bed and went to the study.

When I came back, I had an extra photo album in my hand.

Lu Li immediately sat up from the bed with excitement, and took the photo album from Chi Chenyan: "Hehehehe."

She sat cross-legged on the bed, spreading the album in front of her.

The first one was so cute that she wanted to scream.

"Husband!!!" Lu Li covered her mouth to prevent herself from calling out, and patted Chi Chenyan's arm with the other hand.

Chi Chenyan glanced at the album.

It is a photo of him when he was a baby.

Lu Li looked at the chubby photos of Chi Chenyan when she was a baby, and it was almost adorable. She picked up the album and put her arms on her chest: "Husband is too cute, too."

Chi Chenyan laughed, noncommittal.

Lu Li put down the album, and then turned down.

The albums are arranged in chronological order.

It is recorded that a baby grows into a boy and then grows into a teenager.

Lu Li felt excited every time she saw a few pictures, patted Chi Chenyan's arm with excitement.


"Husband, you were so cute when you were young!"


"Husband, you looked good when you were young!"


"Oh husband, how can you be so handsome!"

Lu Li looked at the fifteen-year-old in a school uniform in the photo. Although her eyebrows hadn't been opened yet, she was definitely a teenager with first love on campus. She looked like a young girl in love.

Then he raised his head and compared it to the adult Chi Chenyan's face.

Although Chi Chenyan now looks better, but when he was fifteen or sixteen years old, his face was so green that it was life-threatening.

Lu Li regretted and beat the pillow: "My husband, I regret not knowing you earlier!"

Chi Chenyan glanced at the photo that made Lu Li excited. He didn't think it was anything special, but in Lu Li's eyes, it looked very different.

When Lu Li watched the entire album, her heart thumped so hard that she felt like she was in first love.

Then he threw himself on Chi Chenyan and looked up at his face.

Coincident with the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy in the album.

Lu Li said in annoyance: "I really want to see my sixteen-year-old husband."

Chi Chenyan smiled, not knowing what to say, raised his hand and touched Luli's head.

Lu Li took out her cell phone again.

"Husband, I will show you my photos too."

Chi Chenyan nodded: "Yeah."

Lu Li turned to her sixteen-year-old photo and brought it to Chi Chenyan.

There are some photos of Lu Li when she was a child on the Internet, but this is the first time I saw this Chichen Banquet.

She wears a British school uniform, her eyebrows and her eyes have begun to assume the posture of being aggressive with beauty. When she looks at the camera, she raises her chin slightly, very arrogant, the girl is too beautiful, and she is an undisputed school flower wherever she is placed.

Lu Li put her pictures with Chi Chenyan together, Qinggui school grass × daughter-in-law school flowers, how to look at how to match her face, think if this is put in the super talk of the couple who eat pears, just rely on brain to supplement If you make up how many youthful campus essays are made, the Super Talk Square must be blown up, and the number of fans will definitely increase sharply.

I'm afraid that no one will knock them to eat the cp of the pear couple

But Lu Li immediately dispelled the thought of putting it on.

Because she is very stingy, the 16-year-old husband, only she can hide and appreciate silently, can not share with others.

Chi Chenyan looked at the photos Lu Li put together. Originally, he wanted to say that she was only 13 when he was sixteen. You can’t compare two sixteen-year-olds at the same time as she is now, but see that Lu Li is very devoted. He swallowed the words again.

"Husband." Lu Li lay on Chi Chenyan's chest, quiet for a while, and suddenly said, "I finally know why I didn't agree with so many boys chasing me back then."

Chi Chenyan: "Why?"

Although I know Yiluli's family background, it is unrealistic to have no boys of the same age when I was studying, but I just heard her say it, and it still feels different.

Lu Li raised her head and looked at Chi Chenyan's face with serious and firm eyes.

"Because I am destined to be waiting for you."

"My husband and I crossed the Naihe Bridge, the Meng Po soup that I must drink hand-in-hand in the last life. Only in this life is the relationship so deep as the sea, the sea and the stone. The fate is so wonderful."

"Look at us since we were sixteen years old."

"I only now understand what a natural couple is, what is a destined couple and CP feeling."

"Sure enough, the fortune teller didn't lie to us!"