The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 35: The thirty-fifth day is sweet


Lu Li didn't think that the guarantee was a big deal. After all, three years ago, when she got married, she and her husband solemnly swore an oath to the priest. That was the most formal and important thing.

With her husband's support, Lu Li packed up and went on a business trip for the first time in her life.

The itinerary along the way was relatively low-key, without much fanfare, so that when Lu Li first came to the set, many people did not recognize her.

After all, in the stereotype, the president's wife and the investor's father always wear sunglasses and are surrounded by more than a dozen black bodyguards.

Lu Li watched how they filmed on the set and was very satisfied with the effect.

She knew that she was a layman about making movies, so she didn't point fingers at her, she just sat silently behind the monitor and watched it.

The director is accustomed to seeing a lot of Party A who gives advice to the country. It was the first time to see this kind of professional work being done by professional people, and was very moved. Every shot was polished very seriously.

Qiao Jiayi finally met the coveted male protagonist Lin Jiyu brother. The boy is really a good seed. The real person is more beautiful than the photo. He is not slick in the entertainment circle. It is the first time to see the investor's father. I was timid, but was poked by the director before reacting to say hello.

The seven days were not too slow, but Lu Li still felt it was long.

Although she talks with her husband on the phone every day, Lu Li is still eager to feel what is meant by "lovesickness."

On the last day, as soon as Lu Li embarked on the way back, she couldn't wait to send WeChat to her relatives and husband.

[Husband, I am coming back! 】

[Uuuuuu can finally see my husband, my husband, I miss you so much]

[Thank you husband for supporting me this time! 】

The news of my dear husband came back:

【I miss you too. 】

【I pick you up at the airport. 】

Lu Li knew that today was not a day off, and her husband was going to work, so she hurried back:

【no thanks. 】

[Where does the old husband and wife need anything else to pick up? My husband should make money in the company to support the family]

[Mua~.jpg (Lu Li version)]

Chi Chenyan smiled at Lu Li's emoji, no longer reluctantly.

He couldn't wait to get home from get off work, and hugged and raised the little things he hadn't seen for a week.


After getting off the plane, Lu Li found that today's airport is more lively than ever.

There are many standing sisters carrying long guns and short cannons, and fans carrying gifts.

What kind of traffic star fans should pick up the plane.

But she was not very interested now, got in the car and went home.

Qiao Jiayi sat next to Lu Li, propped her head, and looked at Lu Li, who was smiling at her aunt on her mobile phone.

If it was this expression before, she should have started the new wall head again, but now that this expression is showing, it is related to Chi Chenyan.

Qiao Jiayi said suddenly: "I think it's fine for you to feast with Chi Chen now."

"Huh?" Lu Li was admiring her husband's beautiful photo on the phone, and when she heard Qiao Jiayi suddenly talking to her, she raised her head with an expression of why you suddenly said this.

Qiao Jiayi: "You like Chi Chen Yan very much now, and Chi Chen Yan is also very good to you. If you like you very much, it is very good for you to maintain your current state."

"And it's not a plastic couple anymore, now they even have a cp fan and cp super chat."

Lu Li knew that Qiao Jiayi would always say something strange to her, and she was used to it. Hearing her talk about CP fan, she hid her fame or not: "The results of the annual plastic couples contest yesterday have come out. Up."

"Finally it's not me and my husband anymore, huh."

"I'm now waiting for the selection of the sweetest couple at the end of the year."

"My husband and I will definitely fight the siege and win first place!"

Qiao Jiayi: "..."

She didn't seem to know what to say about it, glanced at the driver's rearview mirror, frowned suddenly, and changed the subject: "Look at the cars behind."

"What's the matter?" Lu Li looked back.

There are two vans and a Mercedes-Benz business-type nanny car.

The van has been closely following Mercedes-Benz, and Mercedes-Benz seems to speed up and change lanes several times to get rid of the van, but without success.

In relation to the situation at the airport today, Lu Li probably guessed something.

The Mercedes-Benz nanny car should be the traffic that was picked up today. As for the two vans in the back, it is estimated that they are all his illegitimate powder.

Most of the fans have already returned after picking up the phone. Only some illegitimate fans who like to spy on idols crazily follow behind their idols' cars.

There are even a lot of scalpers in the rice circle, who specialize in selling the privacy of idols, and then drove the car that organized illegitimate fans to chase idols.

Lu Li is physiologically averse to both scalpers and illegitimate fans. Fastest update

The scalpers can do anything for money, collect money and organize fans to chase cars. The two vans in the back are obviously the most commonly used cars by the scalpers.

As for those illegitimate fans, Lu Li doesn't know why some people like to pry into the privacy of idols so much. Isn't it the sense of distance between idols and the biggest pleasure of star chasing

Moreover, chasing a car is a dangerous behavior. It is a joke about life, but no matter how many times it is said, it is still repeated forbidden. Idol can't do anything with these people. If it is crazy, it may be posted online, and then let it go. People slandered and scolded fans.

Even if there is a saying that being illegitimate is not a fan at all, because fans who really love idols can't do this kind of trouble to idols.

The driver seemed to notice the cars behind and changed lanes.

Lu Li told the driver: "Drive slowly."

Qiao Jiayi was already angry: "Neurotic fuck, don't they know how dangerous the airport road is?"

"Chasing chasing chasing your mother, chasing you idols, besides disgusting you, will you look at you more?"

Lu Li nodded in agreement.

Although it is a working day, there are not many cars on the airport road.

The chase of the three cars behind seemed to be intensifying.

Lu Li was anxious and beat a drum.

Holding her phone, she suddenly remembered the car accident a few months ago.

She had lingering palpitations and regretted not letting her husband come to pick her up today. Suddenly, there was a "bang" in her ear.

Lu Li's eyes were black.


Sheng Jing and Chi Chenyan were thinking about Lu Li's coming home today. When the two of them were going to eat something tonight, Secretary Zhou walked in solemnly.

Five minutes later, the man slammed the door and ran out of the office in stride, and he could see how anxious he was from the pace.

On the way to the hospital, Chi Chenyan closed his eyes and listened to the traffic police report on the phone, which made him relieved.

In the rear-end collision caused by the star chasing, someone in the van was slightly injured. Ms. Bentley Lane and Ms. Qiao were not affected by the inspection, but were slightly frightened.

Chi Chenyan didn't know if it was because of Lu Li's birth year. In less than half a year, it was already the second car accident.

Although people are fine, but who wants to be frightened.

He couldn't help but return to a few months ago when he heard that Lu Li was in a coma in a car accident and rushed to the hospital.

Lu Li is his wife in the legal sense. He regards her as his own responsibility, so he will be impatient and worried.

But this time, for the first time, he realized that everything was burnt.

There is no reason, because Lu Li is his woman.

Hearing that Lu Li was okay, Chi Chenyan called her.


Chi Chenyan immediately asked: "How is it? Are there any injuries?"

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be silent for a while before repliing: "I... uh, nothing is wrong."

Chi Chenyan was slightly relieved when she heard her voice. He said, "I'll be here right away."

The people over there hesitated, "Oh... OK."

Chi Chenyan put down her cell phone, thinking about the pause in her conversation, thinking that she should be frightened.

... ...

At the hospital, Lu Li put down her phone and looked back at Qiao Jiayi.

Qiao Jia had just undergone a complete physical examination. She twisted her neck. Now she wears a fixator on her neck. She can't twist her head. She is passionately insulting the illegitimate children who caused her car accident with her boyfriend.

Qiao Jia cursed, and found that Lu Li looked at her strangely and strangely: "What are you doing with me?"

She thought it might be because she was too funny wearing the fixator: "Why do you laugh at me now, I will break your relationship with you Believe it or not?"

In the end, Lu Li didn't laugh, but suddenly walked over and gave her a hug: "Thank you."

Qiao Jia heard goose bumps: "I rely on you not to be so numb! I am not your husband!"

Lu Li suddenly felt uncomfortable when she heard the words "husband" spit out from Qiao Jia's mouth.

She should really thank Qiao Jiayi, at least Qiao Jiayi was very resolute in preventing her from wanting to have a baby with Chi Chen on a whim.

Qiao Jiayi: "Chi Chenyan called you? Is he coming right away?"

Lu Li gave a soft "um".

Qiao Jiayi wanted to say something again, but listening to Lu Li's reaction, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

She carefully observed Lu Li's expression.

Very calm and calm, she looks different from the previous woman who was star-eyed when she mentioned her husband.

Qiao Jia looked at it, and suddenly opened her mouth: "Fuck you, you wouldn't be..."

Lu Li pressed her lips to Qiao Jia's shocked expression, and confirmed her guess with her eyes.

... ...

Chi Chenyan rushed to the hospital.

Secretary Zhou handled the traffic police's affairs, and Chi Chenyan strode directly to Luli's ward.

Although I knew she was okay on the phone, I had to see it with my own eyes to feel at ease.

Chi Chenyan suddenly remembered the last time when the nurse said that Miss Lu was crying and clamoring to see her husband when she woke up.

He didn't believe it at that time, until Lu Li stretched out her hand to hug him. Seeing that he didn't hug, she threw her bare feet to hug him.

Now Lu Li certainly doesn't know how much she wants to see him, and she wants to hug him.

Thinking of this, Chi Chenyan couldn't help speeding up his steps.

After arriving, he opened the door of the ward directly.

In the ward, Qiao Jiayi and Lu Li were both sitting.

The two heard the sound of opening the door and looked back at the same time.

Chi Chenyan saw that Qiao Jiayi had a fixator on her neck, and Lu Li's whole body was safe and sound, and she looked fine.

The two eyes met.

Chi Chenyan waited for a while.

He originally thought that Lu Li would rush over to act coquettishly when he saw him, saying that she was so afraid of being frightened, and begged for a kiss and hug for comfort, but Lu Li had been sitting there all the time and seemed to have no intention of rushing over.

However, Chi Chenyan was not annoyed, and felt that he might be scared, so he took the initiative to take two steps: "How is it, are there any injuries?"

Lu Li couldn't help but shrank back, grinning reluctantly at him: "No, no."

Chi Chenyan didn't know why Daoli drew back. He smiled, trying to make himself look friendly and gentle, and then opened his arms at her: "Come and hug."

Lu Li looked at Chi Chenyan's open arms.

She glanced at Qiao Jiayi next to her again.

Qiao Jia once said to her with an expression of "I don't know I can't help but find me".

So Lu Li clenched his fist, then stood up, step by step, biting his scalp and walking in the direction of Chi Chenyan.

When there was still a step away from him, the whole person was pulled into his arms.

Chi Chenyan hugged Lu Li, feeling that she was truly in her arms, and said in her ear: "I was scared to death."

Lu Li listened to the man's heartbeat and didn't know how to react.

The man hugged enough, lowered his head, and wanted to kiss her.

Lu Li reflexively hid.

Chi Chenyan's kiss fell through.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong with the person in his arms.

Lu Li looked up and looked at him.

Shy, embarrassed, and apologetic, looked at him.

I have everything, but I don’t have the kind of light when I see my lover.

Lu Li cleared Chi Chenyan's eyes and cleared her throat: "Ah, well, these days... I am embarrassed."

Chi Chenyan seemed to understand something suddenly, facing Lu Li like this, her pupils suddenly shrank.

He couldn't help taking a step back.

He heard a voice in his head saying:


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