The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 43: The forty-third day is sweet


As a wealthy lady, Gao Leng's socialite, Lu Li's reservedness only lasted until the next day. She got up early in the morning and was busy asking Qian Yong to talk to the program team about signing the contract.

She was afraid that if it dragged on for too long, the program team thought that she didn't want to come and re-invite other people, it would be difficult to do.

Then by the way, he showed off his invitation letter to Qiao Jiayi, who had been in a relationship for two days.

Seeing Qiao Jia coming over with a jealous word "Kao", Lu Li felt comfortable.

Chi Chenyan came out of the cloakroom, holding the tie he was going to wear today. Seeing Lu Li didn't know what he was thinking, he smiled so blessed to the soul.

Lu Li was holding the phone, and when he passed by Chi Chenyan, he handed her the tie in his hand.

So Lu Li put the phone in her pocket, took the tie naturally, went around Chi Chenyan's neck, and began to call him.

She reacted quickly when she reached Chi Chenyan's chest and raised her head.

She had become accustomed to even tying a tie a few months ago.

Chi Chenyan watched her as if waiting silently.

Lu Li was bulging, and continued to tie his tie.

Chi Chenyan looked at his little wife who was carefully tying him on his chest, and said, "Bring a lawyer when signing the contract. I have already arranged it for you."

After hearing this, Lu Li looked up at him again, nodded, and looked very well-behaved: "Oh."

After checking with the lawyer and confirming that there was no problem, Lu Li signed the contract.

The preliminary preparations for the show have basically been in place, and the player mentors and creator representatives have all been determined. The program official microblog will first release the lineup of mentors and contestants. The choice of the mentor alone has been on several hot searches. As for the 20 creators Who is the representative is probably from all walks of life and the number of people is mixed, and not many people follow.

Soon came the day when "Idol Boy" was recorded for the first time.

The first recording was the first stage of 101 contestants with a management company as the unit. Some contestants had a certain number of fans before they even debuted, holding a variety of hands, and supporting them.

Because she was going to be on the mirror, Lu Li was doing makeup and hair in the background. The makeup artist took a small brush and drew on her face carefully. She wore a dark burgundy knee-length dress, stepped on 8 cm stiletto heels, and every curl of her hair. The children have been carefully designed and taken care of, and the whole person seems to pass a word from head to toe-I am a lady, I want to be dignified and elegant.

It's as if the woman who wore a jk uniform and danced the girls' group dance in the millions of pen-hold shots before was someone else.

Hearing the rehearsal on the stage outside, Lu Li took a breath and told herself not to be nervous, she was just going to watch the show.

The director has already checked the process with her just now. Her main task is to watch the show and vote with the public judges. If the tutor or trainee cue to her, just say a few words.

Lu Li did her makeup and hair, got up and went to the recording scene.

The position of the twenty creator representatives is next to the mentor seat, but it is a little lower than the mentor seat, and there is no table in front of him. Lu Li found her position. In the middle of the first row, the program group gave her a "c". Bit.

Lu Lichong nodded politely and sat down.

The rest of the creator representatives are almost there. Some of them are the boss of the player agency, some are the editor in chief of the media industry, and there are also some variety show artists. When they saw Lu Li appear on the creator's representative seat, they were all a little surprised.

Then it became clear again, the undercover program group chicken thief.

In terms of popularity, Lu Li is no worse than some second- and third-tier celebrities. Recently, her husband Chi Chenyan and her husband have changed their relationship with each other. Not to mention the rumours that they broke the rumors of rich plastic couples. She sits in the position of the creator, which is simply the heat given to the program group.

Furthermore, the representatives looked at Lu Li sitting on the chair, still standing tall and beautiful.

Although this show is a selection of men's groups, any show will feel tired just by watching handsome guys. The only female tutor among the four tutors is Chen Yafeng, who is capable of singing and does not follow the line of beauty. Beauty, it's okay to scan the camera, even if you don't say a word, let her be the mascot of the program group.

The fans in the audience below seemed to have spotted Lu Li. Compared to the tutors who had been officially announced that there was no novelty, they were all looking in her direction and whispering.

Lu Li felt the eyes gathered on her body, her scalp was stretched, and she sat straighter.

Fortunately, the protagonist of the show is not her. After a while, a large idol boy group competed and developed a reality show "Idol Boy", and the first episode was officially opened.

Everyone's attention shifted to the show players.

The trainees' initial stage was good and bad, but most of them were good. Some of them performed extremely well, which caused fans to scream again and again.

In order to compete for a seat in Class A, the two trainees on the stage perform a dance battle.

The music is full of vibrancy. Both trainees have excellent dancing skills. The on-site fire. The smell of medicine is very strong. The dance competition between the two is very good. You can grab a baseball cap to follow the dance rhythm and quickly push the atmosphere. To the first climax since recording.

Not only did the fans scream higher and higher, Lu Li heard the representatives of other creators beside him yelling for the two trainees, and even a tutor in the tutor seat stood up directly and followed the rhythm of the music. Rhythm, immersed in the dance competition between the two trainees.

Lu Li couldn't help but glanced at the camera facing the creator representative all the time.

Unlike other creator representatives and mentors on the scene, this is her first time recording a variety show. She originally thought that she had come to sit happily in the VIP audience to watch a show, but when she sat down, she found a black hole camera on the opposite side. The camera is aimed at her.

As if back when she was a child, she was walking around on the road. When her mother saw the paparazzi, she immediately asked her to stand up and asked her how her etiquette teacher taught her to walk.

The previous high-cold lady's setting has almost collapsed. Thanks to Chi Chenyan's good negotiations with the mother-in-law, there is no big consequence. If the attributes of the star-chaser girl are exposed again, then she really doesn't have to go back to her natal house in the future.

So Lu Li straightened her back and told herself that she must be calm and not to be too exaggerated.

So now she watched the two trainees shake their heads, and she wanted to applaud, but after showing it, she just clenched her hands a little bit, but her body didn't move at all.

Lu Li took a breath and asked herself to give some actionable response—

She showed a standardized smile that was most commonly used by celebrities for more than 20 years.

The first stage was recorded for nearly four hours.

Lu Li was immersed in the performance until the end of the recording, when she suddenly found that she hadn't said a word in the audience, or even touched the microphone. Starting

Because she didn't know why no one cue her from beginning to end, and she didn't take the initiative to ask questions like a few variety show media people, so she didn't speak.

But she didn't care too much, anyway, she was watching the show.

From the overall effect, the level of trainees is very good, not inferior to the batch of trainees abroad last year.

After recording the show, Lu Li was very excited, got her mobile phone, and began to repo the first stage of "Idol Boy" with Qiao Jiayi. Which company’s trainees performed very well, and which trainees just watched it. Have the potential to make a debut.

Qiao Jiayi: [How is your performance? 】

Her performance? Lu Li was a little confused for a while, and began to recall her first variety show.

The first half was a bit nervous, and then there was no word in the audience. Other than that, it should be good.

Lu Li: [It's okay. 】

Qiao Jia sent an expression of "I'm waiting".

Lu Li went home in a good mood.

On the night when the recording of the show ended, Chi Chenyan came back before her, and I really felt that Lu Li was in a very good mood.

"How is it?" he asked.

Lu Li nodded hurriedly: "It looks good."

She originally wanted to tell Chi Chenyan about her impressive stage and players, but then realized that Chi Chenyan would definitely not be interested in these, so she swallowed the words.

Chi Chenyan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Before Lu Li signed the contract, he asked Secretary Zhou to communicate with the program team in advance.

Lu Li just wants to watch a show, please don't dig too much hype on her, if she doesn't have the desire to actively want to comment, don't cue her too much.

Let her be an audience sitting in the vvvip seat quietly, chase a star on the spot, and be a mascot for your show by the way.

The program team was busy and agreed.

The content of the initial stage recording is scheduled to be broadcast next Saturday.

After the recording, there were many repo from the live audience, not only talking about the players, but also mentioned that the rich and famous lady Lu Li appeared on the recording site of "Idol Boy" today as one of the twenty creator representatives.

Many people were puzzled by the behavior of the noblewoman in recording the idol audition show, and then they thought that the noblewoman was also a woman who skipped the girl group dance and used millions of pen-hold shots, and they immediately understood that they all expressed their expectations.

Soon it was Saturday.

"Idol Boys" started broadcasting very hotly, and the first episode of the show directly climbed to the top of the list. There were several stages out of the circle that night, and the amount of forwarding was amazing.

Lu Li watched the scene and watched the edited "Idol Boy" again.

Because she didn't speak during the whole show, there were very few shots, and she only showed her close-ups during several stage performances.

Lu Li looked at herself in the close-up. In the picture, her expression was dignified and elegant, with a decent smile on her face.

Lu Li expressed satisfaction.

Chi Chenyan watched all the clips of Lu Li's shots, and they added up to less than a minute.

He also felt that there was no problem. He had specifically asked the program team to not edit maliciously.

Most of the topics discussed on the night of the broadcast were on the players. Lu Li was happy that she didn't receive much attention. She could sit in the VIP seat and watch the performance of the younger brothers quietly until the end.

However, some things cannot be ignored. In the first night, everyone’s focus was basically on those out-of-circle stages. It was not until the next day that more and more small details in the show began to be paid attention to.

All the netizens suddenly discovered that they seemed to miss someone last night.

Why is no one discussing Luli

Didn't she also become the representative of the creator

Only then did someone cut off all the footage of Lu Li last night. In less than a minute, without saying a word, the sense of existence seemed very low.

However, this shot of less than one minute runs through the entire program, and for almost every stage performance, the director team will cut Lu Li a shot to capture her reaction.

Someone soon discovered the clues.

Prosperity Beauty is Prosperity Beauty, but why does Lu Li have an expression throughout the whole process

No matter how bursting up the performance on stage, the venue is about to be overturned. The camera shows Lu Li, the lady always has a decent smile, and the whole person reveals the dignity and elegance of the rich and generous. I thought she would watch another popular and dedicated Wen Gong troupe performance.

It's not in the same dimension as the variety cafe behind her with exaggerated and screaming expressions.

If it weren't for the reaction of the variety cafe behind her, some people even suspected that the show crew used only one shot to edit fakes.

Especially in the most burning dance in the audience, the fans below are almost screaming to the lack of oxygen. The camera shows the lady, still smiling dignified and gracefully, the whole person stays still, calm enough to make people suddenly a little bit calm. Distressed the two trainees who worked hard to perform.

After watching all of Lu Li's footage, everyone was suddenly silent for a while, and then they couldn't help but question their souls from deep in their hearts:

Is this really the lady who dances the girl group dance...

Does the lady have no other expressions...

Can’t the shows performed by so many cool and handsome brothers attract ladies...

The lady is obviously only a girl in her twenties, how can she be so cold...

A girl in her twenties, fans of her same age in the audience were all excited, but she was actually not interested in the handsome little brother...

Distressed handsome little brothers.

There are more and more guessing voices, and some of the speeches are very unfriendly, and in the end they have even risen to the question of the orientation of the noblewoman.

Lu Li was at a loss when she saw those questions. She didn't expect her to have a shot in less than sixty seconds. She didn't know how to explain it, but she didn't expect someone to help her'anti-black' first.

Lu Li saw that at this time, a group of users with avatars with "Eating Pear Couples szd!" passed by, facing those questions, sneered, and threw out a photo.

Who says noble ladies are not interested in handsome guys

Come and take a look!

So everyone saw that in the photo, at the press conference of Shengjing a few months ago, the lady with cold facial paralysis in the talent show is now holding her hands high above her head, showing her childish love on the stage.

Smile full, pink cheeks and peach cheeks, eyes full of admiring stars.

The girl in her twenties was obviously too interested in the handsome guy on stage.