The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 47: The forty-seventh day is sweet


Chi Chenyan didn't expect Lu Liguan to be so thorough, and said inwardly that he was not good, and began to knock on the door: "Lu Li, A Li, Li Li?"

"Open the door, OK?"

No one responded.

Chi Chenyan took out his cell phone again.

Lu Li had just finished insulting Qiao Jiayi on WeChat, lying on the bed, the phone buzzed.

She glanced at the caller ID, and then clicked directly to reject it.

It just rang again within two seconds after the rejection, persevering.

Lu Li looked at the words "Kiss Husband" on the caller ID blankly.

She changed the WeChat back, and the phone book has not been changed, and it has been kept until now.

Lu Li snorted coldly.

Who wants to kiss her husband like this.

Even if it is stingy and stingy, there is still an ex-girlfriend who responds to her, as if no one can do without him.

The big deal is that she won't go whoring in the future, the plastic is plastic.

She thought about it, and changed the word "loving husband" to "a person who is not very important".

After changing the remarks, Lu Li directly chose to shut down the phone that kept ringing.

Cleaned up.

There was a knock on the door outside, and she covered her head with a pillow.

Tell yourself that you can fall asleep without Chichen Banquet. She is already a mature person. A mature Luli must do mature things, not like a child, who can't sleep without anyone.

The night darkened.

Although I didn't sleep well this night, I could barely fall asleep and didn't have the strange dream I had been having recently.

This is good.

Lu Li woke up not early the next day.

She was very pleased that she was able to take the first step to a banquet without Chichen. When she got out of bed and opened the door, she was startled by the person standing at the door.

Lu Li took a step back: "You..."

She originally wanted to say that you wouldn't just wait outside all night, but she saw that Chi Chenyan's face was neat and tidy. She should have gotten up early, and then waited outside the door.

Lu Li frowned and asked calmly, "What are you doing here?"

Chi Chenyan grabbed her hand: "Don't be angry."

Lu Li glanced at her grasped hand and pulled it out: "Who said I was angry?"

She lifted her chin and said, "I'm not angry. After a whole night of careful consideration, I have decided that I will not take advantage of you in the future. Meatballs, so from now on you don’t have to care about rainbow farts, let alone always force me to say something to you."

"I think we just recovered, I said that the state before my cognitive confusion was good."

Chi Chenyan was stunned.

Lu Li finished a long list and walked around him, ready to wash.

Then suddenly he was picked up from behind.

Someone calmly said behind her, "I don't allow it."

Lu Li suddenly lifted her feet off the ground, making Huarong pale with fright: "Chi Chenyan, let me go! Let me go down!"

She kicked her leg and hit him with her elbow, but it was a pity that she usually controlled her weight too well. That amount of weight was insignificant to Chi Chenyan, and the action was more like a cat scratching.

Lu Li now only hates herself for not changing her yoga class to boxing: "What are you doing, perverted! Chi Chenyan, let me down!"

Men are nasty ghosts, and given him a chance to hug him, he has to do it. Now he just hugs him and doesn't let go.

Chi Chenyan heard her calling her name constantly, and said, "Call her husband."

"Huh?" Lu Li stopped struggling for a moment.

Chi Chenyan repeated: "Call your husband."

Lu Li suddenly remembered that the night he was drunk, she was so fiercely called her husband.

That's how he treats his little wife who has worked so hard to help him from the sofa to the bed and take care of him to sleep well and sober him up.

Lu Li then continued to punch and kick: "Whoever wants to call your husband, I don't want to, you quickly let me down!"

Chi Chenyan embroidered her legs next to Lu Li's flower fist, hugged her to the desk and put her down, her body stuck between her legs, making her unable to get off.

Sitting on the desk, Lu Li gave another two punches in the chest of Chi Chenyan: "You let me down, and if you don't let go, I will sue you. I will also tell the media to tell my dad and tell them that you are violating me! "

Chi Chenyan: "…… …"

There may be domestic violence, but the target of the violence is obviously someone else.

He stuck Lu Li's arm and asked, "Whose domestic violence?"

Lu Li raised her head: "You violent me."

"Not only did you domestic violence me, you also hypocritical crematorium me, you also got an ex-girlfriend to answer me."

"I don't like you anymore." Although I didn't say it before, I really liked it in my heart.

"You, a watery man who loves prematurely is not worthy of a pure and innocent fairy like me."

"I want to re-plasticize it with you."

Chi Chenyan heard her temples jump suddenly: "I don't allow it."

Lu Li: "A man who loves a puppy has no right to speak in front of the pure fairy, let alone hypocritical."

"What you say is useless."

"I'm sorry." Chi Chenyan knew that he was a bit shorter than Luli here: "I won't be hypocritical again."

Don't overdo Lu Li.

Chi Chenyan: "As you know, I haven't contacted her for a long time."

"Ten years ago, half a semester, I didn't hold hands or kiss."

Lu Li's expression eased a little, but she continued to say, "So what, it's also an ex-girlfriend," she suddenly felt sore, "People's graduation works still commemorate you, and I won an award."

"I will also go public tomorrow to commemorate my ex-kindergarten boyfriend, huh."

Speaking of Bai Qianying, Chi Chenyan was also speechless, and he lowered his head again to look at Lu Li, who had a sour face and didn't even know it.

He sighed slightly, held Lu Li's hand, and squeezed it in his palm.

Lu Li wanted to pull her hand out, sulking: "You are not allowed to touch my hand."

"She is an ex-girlfriend," Chi Chenyan said.

When Lu Li heard it, he dared to say, even more irritated, yin and yang furious: "Yes, she is an ex-girlfriend. It doesn’t matter if some people have a first-love girlfriend. Some people can’t say a rainbow fart to others, so they have to apologize without dignity. I want a bite of who I love, and chase my husband in the crematorium, huh."

Chi Chenyan looked at Lu Li's yin and yang strange appearance, he was dumb, shook his head, and said, "What's the use of it? Even if I do, I haven't only held one person, only hugged one person, and only kissed one person. People, only..."

He leaned closer, his thin lips were about to touch her cheeks, and he whispered, "Only one life is fat."

The restless man who had been twisting around suddenly quieted down.

Listening to those words, she felt the man's breath hit her face, itchy.

Little by little, his face gradually turned red.

Lu Li felt her heart pounding.

Chi Chen feasted a dog man, where did he learn this.

A warm kiss landed on her earlobe: "Just go for a prostitute, hug and hug it high, and eat it if you want to eat small meatballs."

Lu Li shuddered all over, still very hard on her mouth: "No."

After finishing the kiss, Chi Chen lifted the person up with his hips: "Okay."

Lu Li found herself being picked up again, and punched him twice on the shoulder: "What's better, I haven't forgiven you yet."

Chi Chenyan looked at Lu Li who looked like a cat grinding claws on him.

If he didn't have to go to work, he really wanted to be here now, pressing her down, and doing some fat unspeakable things with her.

The first two times were just like scratching each other's boots, which is really not addictive.

Lu Li didn't know what Chi Chenyan was thinking, but being held by him like this, she suddenly remembered something and frowned again.

She said, "I told you a strange thing."

Chi Chenyan: "What's the matter?"

Lu Li: "I have been having strange dreams lately. That is, um, that kind of dream, I don't know how to say it, something has been bullying me, I can't hide, and finally I was bullied, and then in the morning It still feels weird."

The expression on Chi Chenyan's face was a little embarrassed.

Lu Li looked at him: "What do you think is going on?"

Chi Chenyan coughed slightly and looked away, "I don't know much either."

"But it may not be there in the future," he added.

Lu Li looked suspicious, as if she felt something hidden, but she didn't ask any more.


Although Bai Qianying shook her eyes for the third time, she said that she hadn't done anything. If she really troubled her, the reason was still not enough.

So Lu Li scolded Chi Chenyan again in her heart and wrote down a note in her small notebook.

"Idol Boy" has recently performed for the third time.

The two previous performances of the show are in the form of recording and broadcasting. The live broadcast will start from the third performance. If there is an error on the stage during recording, it can be saved by editing. The live broadcast is nowhere to hide, which is guaranteed to the greatest extent. The fairness of the game.

In Lu Li’s previous two performances, the first shot was less than one minute, and she didn’t say a word. The second shot was also very few. What she said was just to praise the players. If it weren’t for her beautiful appearance, her presence would be less than the expression behind her. Rich variety show cafe Gao.

Today is the third performance of "Idol Boy", and Lu Li arrived at the scene in the afternoon.

The contestants were rehearsing on stage, the music was very noisy, and Lu Li saw a message from "a person who is not very important" on the phone.

Let her go home early in the evening.

Lu Li shrugged her nose at the information.

She hasn't thought about whether to continue with this petty man, what to do with such a closeness.

I want to buy her off with a nice sentence or two, as if there is not only one.

He could do that, and the steps could not be lowered, let her chase her husband in the crematorium, not because of her failure to covet his flesh\'s body, wanting him to hug him and hold him high.

She wants him to know that he is no big deal, and she can be very happy without him.

Lu Li does her makeup and hair and sits on the seat of her own creator representative.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the third stage of "Idol Boys" officially and the first live performance began.

Chi Chenyan was at home and opened the live broadcast of the video website.

He found that he still couldn't get the point of this kind of show. He watched the opening performance for ten minutes with a solemn expression, and finally waited for the first shot of Lu Li.

Chi Chenyan felt that Lu Li's high-cold ladies had performed very well, and occasionally said two words to praise the players, as long as they did not coincide with what he had said, he also convinced himself to accept.

The above contestants were performing a blast of singing and dancing that ignited the audience. The fans screamed, the other contestants under the stage exaggerated expressions, and the instructor creators all followed.

The camera cuts to Lu Pear.

Chi Chenyan took a glass of water and smiled slightly. Originally wanted to see how Xiaojiao's wife calmed down in a high field, but in the camera, the female Yan Yi of this show acted as a noble lady, and raised her hand following the lyrics—

"Rock! swag! real! skr~ bang!"

Chi Chenyan's water spilled on the keyboard.