The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 49: The forty-ninth day is sweet


Lu Li and Chi Chen feasted home.

After the recording, I spent some time outside the TV station, and it was not early when I returned to Suhe Bay.

Chi Chenyan has been leading Lu Li from the elevator to home.

Lu Li felt the temperature of the man's palm, her face turned red, and she couldn't help thinking about the kiss.


Well, it has been confirmed.

Lu Li came to the TV station in the afternoon. The box lunch on the TV station was not tasty. She hadn't eaten anything since the recording started. Now she relaxes and feels her stomach is empty.

When entering the door and changing shoes, she said, "I'm hungry."

Chi Chen paused for a while and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Lu Li thought for a while: "I don't know either."

"But be lighter, I don't want to gain weight."

Chi Chenyan laughed: "Okay."

... ...

The gurgling is the sound of cooking noodles.

A thick white gas came out of the pot, and it was immediately sucked away by the range hood and disappeared.

Lu Li sat at the dining table obediently, watching the man busy behind the Zhongdao platform.

Both eyebrows and eyes are smiling.

Who would have thought that there would be a large boss with hundreds of millions of orders at random, and he would make supper at home at night.

Chi Chenyan was washing vegetables, looked up at the people waiting at the table, and asked, "Do you want tomatoes?"

Lu Li tilted her head and said, "Of course."

She had a glass of lemonade at hand, Lu Li drank her sip, smiled contentedly, and waited patiently.

The phone on the table buzzed at this moment.

Who is calling her so late

Lu Li picked up the phone, glanced around, and saw the caller ID: Mom.

Lu Li was still a little puzzled at first, until she suddenly remembered how she was creating a seat tonight, raising her hands swag and real with the idol teenagers.

Why did she forget this.

Lu Li was so frightened that her hands shook, and she almost didn't hold her mobile phone. Then, grabbing the ringing phone, she got up and ran directly to Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chenyan heard Lu Li's phone call and was about to ask her why she didn't answer, so Lu Li directly handed the phone to him.

"You take it."

Seeing the caller ID, Chi Chenyan glanced at Lu Li, who was anxious because of the call.

This point is the same as before, it hasn't changed at all.

Even if they are married, they still retain the habit of being controlled at home.

It's not like an adult who has been married for three years, but like a girl who skipped class with her parents on her back and was afraid of being caught.

Chi Chenyan suddenly wondered how Lu Li grew up so big.

The phone was still ringing, and Lu Li stomped anxiously: "Hurry up and pick it up."

Chi Chenyan turned off the fire, wiped the water on his hands, took the phone, and answered, "Mom."

Chi Chenyan was quite familiar with his mother-in-law, and Lu Li was temporarily relieved.

She didn't listen to what they were saying, and ran to the farthest end of Zhongdao Station, and watched Chi Chenyan talking on the phone seriously.

Chi Chenyan was talking on the phone and looked at her from time to time.

Lu Li's small heart grabbed.

Five minutes later, Chi Chenyan hung up.

Lu Li just walked over and hugged her head: "How do you say it, will you come and grab my ears?"

Chi Chenyan returned her mobile phone: "Yes."

Lu Li: "???"

Is this what he should say? She asked him to answer the phone, and the final result was that her mother was going to hit her to pull her ears

She didn't pick up her mobile phone, but she stubbornly covered her two white and soft ears, with an unbelievable look: "Aren't you talking to me? Isn't your relationship with your mother-in-law very good? You just bear to look at me. Ears cuffed?"

Chi Chenyan smiled, put her arms around her, and took off her hand covering her ears: "It's okay, it's funny."

He turned on the phone and turned to two photos: "Your mother saw this."

Lu Li looked over.

It was myself and Chi Chenyan who were kissing outside the TV station. Seeing the quality of this picture, it should have been taken by a certain idol’s sister.

It’s not sweet to eat pears and couple CP fans like ghosts, and sister Zhan was so annoyed that she threw the picture over and told them to shut up.

Keep your eyes open and take a good look. What happened to Lu Li's cheering on the idol teenagers? Who stipulated that your cp can only cheer for each other? Add some oil to the show, and then the jealous husband hugged him. Isn’t this sweet? Take a good look at how hard your dear is. What does it mean to be greasy every day? Isn’t it sweet to be jealous? Quickly take it and knock, don't bother us!

Eating pear couple cp fan holding the photo first looked dumbfounded.

Then I didn't expect to sigh till the end, waiting for the kiss.jpg.

Is there a happier CP fan in the world? there is none left.

So I immediately learned about the fun and closed the wheat, and ran back to Super Talk and went crazy.

There are two huge lines on the photo:

Eat pear couple szd! The jealous boss × the star chasing wife isreal!

Lu Li: "... ... ... ... ... .."


"Don't hug, hug, and kiss outside in the future." She brought her phone back uncomfortably with her red ears. "It's not good to be seen."

Chi Chenyan chuckled and asked, "Where is it at home?"

Lu Li's face became even redder, and she pushed him around his waist: "Go cook the noodles."

Chi Chenyan continued to return to Liulitai.

Lu Li sat back at the table.

Qiao Jiayi also sent her WeChat:

[Fuck, I thought you were still fighting ccy tonight]

[As a result, you let me see this? 】

[Eating pear couple szd kissing picture.jpg]

[Still sweet? ? ? 】

[So I have been going around these days, the last thing I am waiting for is a handful of dog food? 】

[Still insulting me passionately two days ago, I kissed it today, alas, will you have to make love later? 】

[Why don't you return to me? Is it already done? 】

Lu Li hurried back: [No! 】

Qiao Jiayi: [I haven't waited for a while now, isn't it necessary to have it? 】

She sent the picture again.

[Everyone is like this, the adult is going to go home next time, do you want to sort the garbage together]

Lu Li grunted: [Then you are also yellow garbage]

Qiao Jiayi: [Not as good as your ghs]

Chi Chenyan brought the cooked noodles over, not knowing who Dao Li was chatting with, and chatting so vigorously.

Lu Li didn't put down her phone until Chi Chenyan put the noodles in front of her.

Thanks to Qiao Jiayi, she is now full of thoughts.

Chi Chenyan found that Lu Li's expression was unnatural: "What's the matter?"

Lu Li: "Nothing!"

She pulled the noodles in front of her, held the chopsticks, and took a bite.

The noodles were also covered with minced meat and green onion sauce. Chi Chenyan immediately ate the pears when he saw it, and couldn't help saying, "You mix it."

"Huh?" Lu Li reacted, "Oh, good."

At the end of the late night supper carefully prepared by Chichen Banquet, Lu Li found that she had eaten it all, and didn't pay attention to the taste.

Chi Chenyan puts the dishes in the dishwasher.

Lu Li went upstairs first, weighed in the two rooms, and returned to her "women's bed".

She figured it out in her heart, and found that since she recovered, the two of them seemed to have lost that.

I didn't even sleep with my arms around.

Lu Li was originally shy thinking about whether there would be tonight, but suddenly remembered the scene where she was rubbing on Chi Chenyan before and was stared back at him, and immediately sat up from the bed.

Thinking carefully.

I haven't been rubbing around, who said that if I kissed tonight and made a midnight snack, I would have it

Is his self-control too good? Or is she unattractive

She didn't know Chi Chenyan's self-control, but the problem of her unattractiveness was very serious.

Lu Li ran to the fitness room and went on a scale first, and the figures showed that it was a pound heavier than usual.

She didn't believe that, from the scale up and down, and then scaled, it was the same number just now.

Lu Li hurried to the cloakroom.

She took off her clothes, leaving only her underwear, and looked around in the mirror.

Arms, lower abdomen, legs.

It's only a pound, can't you see it anymore? Can’t see the unattractive anymore

But in my own eyes, I can't tell whether it is attractive or not.

Lu Li didn't know who to ask.

Ask Chi Chenyan

But this serious question was originally aimed at him.

Ask Qiao Jiayi

The woman who was full of thoughts couldn't ask anything.

Lu Li dragged her chest, reached out her hand and touched herself in the mirror, her expression frustrated.

What went wrong.

Straight guys won’t be gay suddenly one day, right.

Lu Li shook her head, shaking off this absurd idea.

She took a short shower and touched herself from head to toe.

She feels that the skin is also very good, and she has always applied body lotion carefully, which is smooth and tender.

Chi Chenyan hasn't arrived yet, so I don't know what I'm up to.

Lu Li fell into a depression, found a pajama casually, and went back to her room.

She thinks the designer of this house is simply a genius.

It’s just that when the designer was designing, it was estimated that the couple did not need to live in the middle of life. It would definitely not be possible for couples in their twenties to use it.

Just over 20 has become a middle-aged or even menopausal mode of getting along. The relationship between husband and wife is true, and it is true that they are not interested in each other.

Lu Li grabbed her hair, and then reached out to touch her body.

Ugh. She sighed, didn't wait any longer, fell asleep.


There was something wrong with the business in Australia. Because of the jet lag, the branch manager called at night.

Chi Chenyan had to hold a simple conference call, but said it was simple, and it took nearly half an hour.

The meeting finally ended, and Chi Chen went upstairs for a banquet.

His bed is empty, Lu Li should go back to her room.

But it doesn't matter, because the door is not locked.

Chi Chenyan opened the door, thinking that Lu Li should know what to do tonight, but was still waiting for him, but found that the room was dark and Lu Li had already fallen asleep by herself.

The man frowned.

He approached, and the small floor lamp by the bed turned on.

Lu Li fell asleep, feeling a sinking next to her.

She rubbed her eyes, narrowed her eyes, and saw Chi Chenyan sitting next to her bed.

Lu Li looked tired and calm when she saw Chi Chenyan.

Chi Chenyan found that Lu Li's expression was too calm, and it could also be said that she was of Buddhist style, or even hopeless.

At this time, shouldn't you be shy, or... be gentle and small

Lu Li yawned, moved aside, and came out with a pillow.

"Go to sleep."

Chi Chenyan looked at the pillow that Lu Li had let out.

"...… …"

He pressed it over.

Lu Li was awakened by the close kiss between her eyebrows.

She twisted her eyebrows, opened her eyes, and faced the man's dark eyes with a certain mysterious color.

Lu Li was a little confused.

How come this look suddenly appeared again.

Chi Chenyan then kissed.

"Wait." Lu Li panted slightly, and stretched her arms to separate them a little bit, "Wait."

Chi Chenyan: "Huh?"

Lu Li swallowed her saliva: "Why are you doing better today?"

Chi Chenyan: "Alright?"

Lu Li nodded: "You didn't feel it before, didn't you?"

She re-demonstrated what she had done before: "This way, it doesn't feel like this."

Lu Li rubbed with confidence and boldly, until she rubbed, she was suddenly caught, and twisted in the palm of her hand.

Lu Li was shocked.

Chi Chenyan didn't tell her much, and then kissed her.

The last moment Lu Li actually touched, she suddenly remembered what it might be that she has been bullying her in a strange dream, and can't escape or hide.

Lu Li looked down, looked at her hand, and then at her thighs close together.

She was in a daze, and she understood something.

Chi Chenyan chuckled in her ear and said: "Itchy boots."

Lu Li's surprise was something her pure little head had never thought of.

She still had a dull expression, facing Chi Chenyan's culprit's consciously innocent face.

Suddenly realized.

Then it fluttered like a little loach.

"Ah, ah, Chi Chenyan is a pervert!"

"I want the police uncle to arrest you!