The Sweetest ‘Fake’ Couple

Chapter 51: The fifty-first day is sweet


The car didn't start for a while, and the rain fell on the car glass. Qian Yong and the driver held their breath, not daring to ask where they were going now.

Lu Li pumped up for a while, then dried up her tears, and said, "Go home."

"Okay." The driver responded.

Chinaga watched Lu Li's reaction in the rearview mirror secretly, and then started to send messages to the boss with his fingers.

The low air pressure on rainy days helps people sleep well, but it can also make people feel depressed.

Lu Li sat on the sofa, watched her own clips in "Idol Boys", and then remembered what the second brother had said.

She feels like a small animal. She has been carefully raised from birth, and then when she grows up, she is used to exchange benefits and sell to another person.

No matter how beautiful and expensive it is, it is nothing more than to sell it at a good price in the future.

There are footsteps behind him.

Lu Li turned her head and saw Chi Chenyan unexpectedly appear in front of her.

She couldn't help but looked down at the time again, and found that it was not time for him to leave work.

Lu Li looked up at the time and faced Chi Chen Yan.

Her "buyer".

Chi Chenyan wrinkled her eyebrows when she saw that there were signs of crying on Lu Li's face.

Lu Li asked buzzingly: "Aren't you going to work?"

Chi Chenyan: "I got off work early today."

Lu Li looked at him.

The more I look, the more sore my nose.

Suddenly she found her catharsis, as if she was filled with grievances. She couldn't stretch herself anymore. She sat on the sofa and stretched out her hand to him, tears in her eyes bursting into tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuhug."

Chi Chen [Liancheng] Yanxin was so soft that he reached out and hugged Lu Li.

He kept patting Lu Li's back comfortingly.

Lu Li lay on the shoulders of Chi Chenyan and choked for a while.

Chi Chenyan knew that Lu Li had gone to see her brother temporarily.

He probably knows Lu Li's complicated family environment, but he doesn't have much contact with his two brother-in-laws, let alone know Lu Li's previous situation.

Some lace tabloids are very vivid and entangled, but their credibility is really open to question.

Lu Li had done enough, leaning on the shoulders of Chi Chenyan, and asked quietly: "Do you think I am not good?"

"You must have thought you would marry a standard wife before, right?"

"But I'm actually not standard at all. I like acting like a baby, I like to hug each other, I'm not dignified at all. When I was in school, I secretly skipped class to watch idol concerts. I have a lot of star chasers, and I'm still there at night. I quietly watched the little yellow mosquito in the bed." The more she talked, the lower her voice.

Originally, Chi Chenyan was very moved by listening to it, but at the end, he didn't freeze.

"I haven't seen it so much." He couldn't help saying.

Lu Li said it was heart-wrenching, these were all her heart-wrenching words, but she didn't expect that the man's focus was still biased in the end.

She felt that she had found the wrong person to talk to, and immediately struggled to go to the ground: "I won't tell you anymore, you let me go down."

Chi Chenyan immediately hugged her a little tighter: "I'm sorry."

Lu Li don't overdo it: "Humph."

Chi Chenyan sat down on the sofa holding Lu Li, and touched her head.

He vaguely guessed from what she said just now why Lu Li was so depressed after meeting Lu Qian, and said: "You still have me."

Lu Li obviously didn't buy it: "What's the use of you."

Chi Chenyan: "Chi Chenyan's wife doesn't have so many demands. She can do anything, she can skip class to chase the concert, or she can act like a baby and hug her."

"No matter what Chi Chenyan's wife is, Chi Chenyan always likes it."

Lu Li listened to these words, although her back was still facing him, but the curvature of her back softened.

Chi Chenyan followed the long hair on her back: "You are an adult. There is nothing wrong with participating in a show. Everyone thinks you are very cute. There is nothing wrong with this. It is all harmless. It will not be because of you. The family name and surname are wrong."

Lu Li was silent. Although he agreed with Chi Chenyan's point of view, he said: "It's useless for you to tell me this here now.\'

Chi Chenyan laughed: "Should I tell my brother-in-law?"

Lu Li did not respond, and defaulted by action.

It's as if a primary school student was bullied by a senior student who was taller and stronger than her. When she was bullied, she didn't dare to show up, so she turned to find a good friend who was as tall and strong as the senior student to give her an advice.

Chi Chenyan circled Lu Li's waist with his arms from behind, and leaned over her ears: "How about you tell him?"

Lu Li was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chi Chenyan incredulously.

she says

How dare she, she has been scared since she was a child, and when she grows up, she can only cry secretly.

Lu Li shook her head like a rattle, looking at Chi Chenyan angrily.

The fakes are fakes. I only ate her cleanly yesterday. Today, even if she gave her a head start, she was taken a few bites by Wang Wang.

Chi Chenyan wanted to laugh but was helpless.

Acting so unscrupulously in front of him, he was shocked when he met his brother.

Chi Chenyan: "It doesn't matter, I will support you."

"I used to dare not, right? Now that I support you, why are you still afraid?"

After hearing these words, Lu Li still looked at Chi Chenyan with a suspicious expression.

Chi Chenyan nodded and gave her an encouraging look.

Lu Li bit her lip, and then she started to move her heart.

She now has a husband, not a plastic husband, but a husband who should be pretty decent.

Her natal family is her confidence in Chi's family, but conversely, Chi Chenyan seems to be her confidence in facing her natal family.

Chi Chenyan took out Lu Li's phone, turned it on, and turned to Lu Qian's phone.

"Can you dial it?"

Lu Li was so nervous that she squeezed Chi Chenyan's forearm, and was about to say you wait a moment and I will organize the language first, so Chi Chenyan pressed the dial.

The phone was connected without ringing twice.

"Second brother."

Lu Li cried first.

Lu Qian "hmm" said, "Is there anything else?"

Lu Li has been clutching Chi Chenyan tightly: "Um, are you on the plane?"

Lu Qian: "I'll board the plane right away."

"Oh." Lu Li was so nervous that she couldn't speak, but Chi Chenyan took her into her arms again. The moment her back was pressed against the man's chest, she seemed to have courage suddenly.

Lu Li took a deep breath: “It’s nothing big. I just want to say that I decided to accept the recording of the show. I know you may be unhappy. I think it might be a bit bad, but it’s not as good as you said. It's not good."

"I can also have my own ideas, hobbies."

"It's not a good word to show your face. You can't say that about your own sister, a sister with the same surname as you, I will be sad."

"My husband will be upset too." She didn't forget to add.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed stunned.

After Lu Li said these words, she was holding her mobile phone with uncontrollable excitement and excitement all over her body.

She didn't wait for someone over there to reply, and said directly: "Goodbye, brother."

Lu Li ended the conversation, her little heart pounding on her chest.

Obviously soft words and tone cannot be softer, but one day when they say it, the feeling in my heart is so violent that they are like a fatal blow when I quarrel with someone.

Lu Li turned her head and looked at Chi Chenyan, "Are you happy?" "Are you satisfied?" "Now I know it's nice to have my husband?"

She hugged the man's neck.

The excitement is beyond words.

It turns out that this is what it feels like when someone is backing up and arrogantly flying!